Best Genres You Can Write About To Keep An Audience Engaged.

Jul 4, 2022

2 min read

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Top 3 Story Genres You Can Right About to Keep an Audience Invested and Focused!

Hey everybody!

I’ve been gone for a little while, but I am back with tips, advice, and more that you could even ask for!

To keep it brief, I had a holiday this past weekend, and to pass the time I read, and am still reading a book that I had been wanting to get to for a while. As I flipped through the pages and read each page word for word, I had exceeded the reading time that I had originally planned to commit to.

This occurred because the genre of the book was one that would normally keep me engaged if I was to watch a show of the same kind.

Today, I am going to list the 3 topics that you should write about that are guaranteed to keep your audience engaged and invested.

1. Action

Who doesn't enjoy some action here and there? I know I do. The suspense of a scene in a book or show rising more and more is a feeling that is so very thrilling.

A virtue of action; is that it is mostly fictional or sci-fi, take Marvel movies as an example of this, and they just have you binge and keep your attention focused on them.

2. Comedy

What accommodates an action genre better than comedy does?

Comedy is a very well-received type of genre by fans, more so on a screen than page. That does not however bore comedy when displayed on paper, in fact, I may not be able to speak for myself, but I do enjoy and respect comedy whenever it is put on paper.

The distinguished feeling of laughing at a book rather than a screen is peculiar, yes, but it is something that makes for an enjoyable experience.

3. Knowledgeable

This last type of genre should not come as a surprise to you, since knowledge is a genre that we have been absorbing our entire lives.

Whether it was through conversation, a class, or even a story, knowledge passes through various points in our lives that we always experience.

My commitment when I first began writing on this incredible platform was to inform and enlighten the minds of inspired writers that can use my tips and tricks to create meaningful content.

With that being said, a genre of any type of content is appreciated by a variety of consumers to certain extents.

Any genre that you find yourself infatuated with has my support because any story is a beneficial one for your mind.

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