Behind the Words

5 months ago

1 min read

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A reader reads what has written here but only few feel those emotions behind these words. There are few who gets into depth for measuring what the person felt while writing it. 

The most attractive piece comes out, when the writer is upset or extremely in love. In these two phases there are deepest of feelings that get justification. But being a reader what you feel and what you understand that's the matter of concern today. I will write 100 of poems and articles but I just want you to connect these pieces for me today. With every line could you just feel what goes inside my heart, with every line could you understand my concern?

Let's keep it as a game 

Two lines are there which will not let you clearly tell what's the emotion but you will just find out when you will read twice thrice or may be 10 times.

It is beautiful to look after it because it makes me complete,

I'm into a boat which has destination and I have my beautiful crown there.

Two lines might sound cool, might sound deep and might sound emotional. What you felt will tell you what kind of a person, you are cool emotional or practical. But whatever you are you are beautiful in your own way💗

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