Astrology and Childbirth: Can Astrology Help?

5 months ago

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Astrology is often used to determine favourable times for pregnancy, conception and childbirth. Certain planetary alignments and positions can influence the energy surrounding these events. Let us see how the best astrology prediction from a reputable astrologer can help us understand the timing and nature of childbirth. 

If you want to explore childbirth astrology through transit analysis and know how the best astrology prediction can help you, here are some essential factors to consider. 

  • Natal charts: analysing the natal charts of both partners to look for aspects related to fertility like a strong fifth house, which is associated with children, and Jupiter, which represents children and is the ruler of the fifth house.

  • Transits to the natal planets: This includes identifying the transits of the outer planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn. Positive aspects indicate a favourable period for pregnancy, conception, and childbirth. 

  • Lunar phases: Lunar phases also play an important role, especially the Full Moon and New Moon, since they are believed to influence fertility. For some people, conceiving during a specific lunar phase aligns with their astrological goals. 

  • Favourable aspects: Look for positive aspects between Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon, as they are often associated with fertility and the potential for positive outcomes during pregnancy and childbirth. 

  • Avoid challenging transits: It is important to identify challenging transits like Rahu or Saturn that have harsh aspects to personal planets like the moon. This is because it indicates periods of difficulty or challenges in the conception and childbirth process. 

  • Astrological timing for conception: You can also determine favourable times for conception according to the alignment of the Moon, Mars and Venus. Kshetra and Beej Sputa is another mathematical concept that can help understand the chances of childbirth.

  • Divisional chart: The Saptamsha should be analysed in detail to understand the intricacies surrounding childbirth. It is believed that specific planetary configurations create an environment conducive to successful conception. 

Important Houses in the Birthchart Related to Childbirth

  • 5th House: The most important house when it comes to childbirth is the 5th house. The positioning and affiliations of the 5th house can affect the child's birth. So if malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Mercury influence the 5th house, it may have negative effects. However, the presence of Venus, Moon, Jupiter, and Sun in the 5th house is considered auspicious for having a healthy child.

  • 1st house: Since a woman's overall health is crucial for conception, a strong first house is important for having a healthy child.

  • 2nd house: The 2nd house represents family assets. For an easy childbirth and healthy child, it is required that the lords of the 2nd and 5th houses are on good terms.

  • 7th house: The 7th house is related to the desires of your spouse and sexual inclinations. Hence, the 7th house must be free from the influence of malefic planets in order to ensure the birth of a healthy child.

  • 8th house: This house is associated with the reproductive organs. Any afflictions in the 8th house caused by planets like Mercury, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu can hinder conception. 

  • 11th house: The 11th house also plays an important role in childbirth since having positive planetary influences in this house is highly favourable for having a child. 

Role of Planets in Childbirth

  • Yearly check: It is important that the horoscopes of both parents are assessed in order to determine their potential for natural childbirth. Saturn and Jupiter play a crucial role in the timing of childbirth and conception. These plans should transit or aspect the 5th or 9th house in both parents' charts around nine months before birth. In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is a symbol of growth, positivity, and good luck and is also associated with fertility and having children. If a birth chart shows Jupiter several times, it indicates that there are higher chances of getting pregnant in the near future.

  • Monthly evaluation: Mars is associated with death, life, and transformation and is vital during childbirth. Transiting Mars around 2.5 months before childbirth should influence the 5th or 9th house or aspect of the lords of the houses in both parent's birth charts.

  • Sun's influence: If you want to narrow down the potential month of childbirth, it is important to evaluate the transiting Sun's aspects, just like those of Mars.

  • Daily timing: Consider the Moon's position in transit approximately three days before labour begins. It should link to both parent's birth charts by being the ascendant sign, either aspecting or placed in the 5th or 9th house. 

Bottom Line

Astrology offers a great lens to understand the intricate dance of celestial bodies and their impact on a person's life. Navigating this path to parenthood involves a holistic approach that includes the consideration of Dasha, yoga, and planetary transits. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult with a professional astrologer to provide personalised insights into your specific situation. The best astrologer will analyse your charts and offer guidance on favourable timing by considering your unique circumstances. 

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