Art as a Form of Travel | Be Adventurer

Sep 10, 2022

5 min read

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Whether or not you are an art lover, I invite you to read on with this article as I myself, until a few months ago, was one of those who could not appreciate its true value… but then, something happened.

What is art?

The first step that brought me to it (necessary to understand) is that art is not just paintings and sculptures, it goes far beyond that.

Art is a meadow of flowers, a thought form, feelings, the human body, music, books, dance, film, literature… art is everything that stirs emotions.

From the moment I was able to realize that art is much more varied and vast than I thought, I was able to start trying to interpret it in my own way and above all be able to find the one I like best, because I was well taught that everyone has their own form of art that is strictly personal.

How can it make you travel to a “parallel world”?

By “parallel world” I am not exaggerating.

By learning to observe in depth the art form that presents itself before your eyes, you will be able to identify with it and reach a particular, unique and special thought pattern and state of mind, that only certain shapes, certain colors, smells, sounds, lights are able to give you.

I believe its magic lies precisely in its ability to be able to transport you not only visually but also physically within a particular context that can be real or surreal.

So the ability to be able to let you surrender to your emotions, to your sensations, to your thoughts and be able to question yourself by letting your mind wander and letting your soul be transported within a new context.

Why it is important to know how to observe and appreciate it?

Based on these words, I would like to make you reflect on how important it is to be able to observe and appreciate it.

By learning to open yourself up to it, you can begin to expand your horizons and let your thoughts and emotions take on different nuances, just like a watercolor painting that by adding water smudges and creates new shapes.

I believe that we human beings, often trapped and victims of incessant thoughts every day, made up of worries and bombarded with news at every hour, need to “escape” at least for a few moments from the reality around us.

I like to see art in this way, and thus a method of immersing oneself in a new context made up of colors and landscapes that are all new.

Just like when we were children we were told fairy tales that helped us enter the “world of dreams”, making us fall asleep blissfully… Well, why can’t it be the same for art?

We simply untie ourselves from the chains that bind us to everyday “problems” and thus enter a new world painted by us: with our favorite colors, our favorite emotions and simply the state of well-being we have in mind.

Now try to let your mind wander

This article was written in the wake of the wonderful visit I made a couple of weeks ago to the art exhibition at the Venice Biennale — an emotionally charged day that I decided to spend in complete solitude in order to fully immerse myself in my thoughts.

In the following , I would like to share with you the forms of art that I was able to admire and that have impressed me the most — I would like you, too, to look at them carefully and try to immerse yourself in them and let your mind wander.

They may not be “your art form”, but I think it is special to share what has moved me with you who read me, so that I can take you for a moment to discover myself better and show you which works have made my mind wander and taken me to a “parallel world”.

And are you an art lover?

Let me know in the comments below by sharing your favorite!

Thank you so much for your attention and for reading me this far.

Have a good life!

© Alex Negrini — Be Adventurer, 2022

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