Are Conversation With Your Ex Still Okay?

Relationship Expert

Oct 28, 2022

3 min read

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People are meant to be a chapter which you either choose to take your time to read through repeatedly or turn the page over. Before we dive into this talk I will like to state a fact which is “Your ex was once the joy of your life”. Take it or leave it. They once put a smile on your face. You agree with me, right? Yes you do, actually you have no stand for an argument or disagreement. I am going to explain the advantage and disadvantage of talking to your ex.

Talking about the advantage of talking to your ex. let's face the reality guys, the advantage is very low compared to the disadvantage. I won’t dine much on this but I will still give some advantage of it.

The rates of breakups in relationships are quite alarming compared to the “forever lasting ones”.

The Fates is quite mysterious. It join and separate, Based on the concept of fate, you guys might not be meant to be together at that period of time, During this period, most relationships are based on “Lust”. After a breakup, everyone goes his/her way till after some time, you meet up again thanks to fate. You guys start up with some ordinary conversation later to become a “Mutual one” till you come back together forever.

Note: this version only works when you are both single.

Talking of the disadvantage this part only takes effect if you guys are in a relationship with another person. Once you are in a relationship with another person, it means you have moved on. No talking to your ex, not even a random conversation at all. Don’t call it a random talk. You can’t beat those old feelings, you can never win. Don’t even bother giving it a try. Being in touch with them will put your partner at risk of insecurity, lack of trust, heartbreak etc. If you are really committed to your partner, there is no need to bring someone else just because of familiarity.

Imagine your partner catching you with your ex and the worst you guy are laughing or in a full gist that so much draws away your attention, Tell me what explanation you are going to give. Especially if your partner is the jealous type. You can’t put an old wine into a new gourd. Your new relationship is now your life. Investing in it and making gradual progress of love, peace, happiness and making it a forever story must be your top priority.

I throw out this question and these are some of the answers I got and you can also add yours to it.

Comment 1:

It depends. What the goal of that circumstance entails. Is it to retain a friendship? To get back with one another? If you are exes then it suggests that both weren’t able to sustain a relationship of togetherness and or understanding. Therefore what will conversation do in a positive way for both or one?

Comment 2:

F*ck no

If it’s causing issues with the person you’re with and if that’s who you want to be with.

Stop dragging around a shit filled litterbox into a place that’s not an animal shelter and doesn’t groom cats and isn’t even a place to clean it out

If you are not feeling foggy don’t leap


Comment 2:

Only if your ex is comfortable talking to you. I have an ex girlfriend who still call and texts me occasionally. she texted me yesterday, while I was working. I couldn’t text her back while, I was busy but I called her later last night and she was happy to hear from me. so you both have to be okay talking to each other. if one of you isn’t, then it’s not okay

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