Apple Macbook: Is It Worth Overpaying and Is It Right for You?

5 months ago

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Like many other Apple products, MacBook laptops have become a household name. Moreover, they are often contrasted with “regular” laptops, as if emphasizing the special status of the device. In general, they have a certain aura of a super-gadget. But is it worth the multiple overpayments compared to laptops from other manufacturers, and is a MacBook right for you? We will try to answer these questions in the article.


Just a few years ago, MacBooks were assembled from the same components as laptops from other manufacturers. Yes, yes, an expensive computer could have a processor, storage, and even a video card with the same name as a laptop from another brand at a more attractive price. This could be misleading for an ordinary user, and in disputes between Yabloko supporters and haters, it served as one of the main arguments in favor of the latter.

However, critics of Apple technology rarely considered the fact that the company did not allow frankly weak laptops to appear in its lineup. Components and characteristics have always been selected in such a way that the youngest MacBook in the line can handle everyday and many specific tasks.

Apple chips

Since 2020, Apple has completely switched to its processors: Apple M1, and now M2. In practice, they turned out to be fast. Optimization plays an important role in this!

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The fact is that at the moment Apple is the only major laptop manufacturer that assembles them on its processors, uses its own macOS operating system, and develops its applications for all occasions.

Having a limited set of hardware configurations and knowing all its strengths and weaknesses, the company's programmers are at a clear advantage compared to developers of other operating systems. Moreover, large software manufacturers quickly released their versions of applications optimized to run on Apple processors. For example, Adobe took this path - their products simply “fly” on new Apple processors.

Pros of working on a MacBook

It all starts with the first startup of the laptop. The macOS operating system is always pre-installed. It does not require license keys, serial numbers, or activation processes - turn it on and go. You don’t need to look for the latest driver version for each component. In more than 15 years of working on a MacBook, the author of this article even remembered the word “driver” for the first time!

The free pre-installed package includes all the necessary programs: working with documents, spreadsheets, presentations, simple video editing and working with sound recordings, a browser, a media file viewer - in general, everything you might need, and even a little more.

Yes, the interface of each program will require some getting used to. For example, Pages may perform the same basic functions as Word but will look very different. These applications may not have any specific or professional functions. But we are talking about software for which you don’t need to pay separately! It is already on your computer - take it and use it.

An interesting situation with system security. Formally, viruses exist for macOS, but they are so rare that most MacBook users don’t even think about antivirus programs. And this has a positive effect on the speed of the system and personal finances.

The MacBook also has less obvious advantages that cannot be written down in the specifications. For example, a touchpad, the precision of which makes it easy to do without a mouse: without a mouse at all, in any task! Many MacBook users process photos and do video editing literally “on their knees”, without additional input devices.

The same situation applies to sound. Top-end MacBook Pro models are capable of delivering full-bass sound without external speakers. Other laptop manufacturers have not yet managed to achieve this.

The MacBook Pro's cooling system is one of the quietest on the market. You can only hear it under a serious load. In quiet operating mode (browser with a dozen tabs, text documents), the laptop makes virtually no sound. The MacBook Air series models operate silently; they have a passive cooling system.

Naturally, effective heat dissipation is unthinkable without a metal case. MacBooks were the first laptops on the market with an all-metal milled chassis: durable, thin, and beautiful. And even though they now have many competitors, this has not made them any worse.

For decades, Apple has focused on content creators when developing its computers. The screen is a kind of fetish for engineers from Cupertino. They were the first to install high-dot-density displays on laptops. Individual pixels are not visible on them, and the image looks smooth, like in a glossy magazine. The technology is called Retina and is used in all modern MacBooks without exception. In addition, the screen brightness is noticeably higher than that of competitors, and the color gamut is sufficient for professional work with graphics and video.

As a result of good optimization of hardware and software, the MacBook becomes obsolete relatively slowly. The model of the year before last would be hard for the most ardent critic to call old. On the secondary market, even five-year-old MacBooks cost a decent amount of money: the hardware inside is powerful, and the all-metal body is resistant to chips and scratches.


All equipment manufacturers are gradually coming to their ecosystem, but Apple began its journey relatively long ago and therefore succeeded in this. The company has its own cloud storage, music service, movie service, smart home service, and much more.

With iPhones, MacBooks provide seamless work: they have a common clipboard, allow you to work with one tab in the browser, and share files directly using AirDrop. And all this without the need to perform any additional actions or install additional programs.

The ecosystem has only one drawback: dependence on a Western company. It is currently not possible to pay for Apple services with Pakistan cards. All that remains is to use either their free component (and it is not so small!) or look for alternatives. By the way, MacBooks do not have strict restrictions on installing programs only from the company store (as is the case with the iPhone). The user is free to choose which programs to install and where to install them from.

A spoon of tar

To the huge number of advantages of the MacBook, you need to add some disadvantages, otherwise the picture will not be objective. And the main fly in the ointment here is the price. An entry-level MacBook Air with modest storage costs the same as a high-end modern Windows laptop.

Top-end configurations of the MacBook Pro can even compete in price with used cars. This is a payment for optimization, progressive technical solutions, and slow obsolescence of the product. In the long term, the purchase will most likely turn out to be profitable, but not everyone is ready to part with such a sum of money here and now.

Not all programs have a version for macOS. Moreover, highly specialized applications may not even have analogs! So if you have to solve some specific work tasks, it is better to check in advance whether there are corresponding tools for MacBook. Of course, there are ways to install other operating systems on Apple computers, but this will require additional steps in any case. A good half of the advantages of the MacBook will simply evaporate.

A losing scenario would be an attempt to migrate from another operating system, where “everything was customized for me.” MacOS is a thing in itself, with its own tools and interface solutions. They are thoughtful and designed with the user in mind. It’s easy to get used to them, but this requires some effort and even abandoning certain established scenarios for working in other operating systems - starting your digital life from scratch.

In the race for everything advanced, Apple has long abandoned a large number of ports on laptops. There are models on the market with a pair of Type-C! If you need additional connections, you will have to buy adapters or a docking station. In general, there are solutions, but they require additional costs.

The reliability of Apple Products should not be overestimated either. In the history of the MacBook, incidents with massive recall campaigns have arisen more than once. The company's official withdrawal from the Pakistan market also cannot be attributed to the advantages of the product. In the event of the slightest breakdown, repairs may be too expensive. And here the only way out is to buy from a reliable seller, who, according to the laws of the Pakistan Federation, provides a one-year warranty on the goods sold.

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