Aoda Compliance Testing Tips From the Best in the Business

5 months ago

4 min read

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Key Takeaways

● By analyzing websites, applications, and digital assets, AODA testing guarantees inclusion for people with disabilities.

● Briefly addressing accessibility concerns can be easier with the availability of both automated and manual testing techniques.

● Businesses must emphasize accessibility since noncompliance with AODA regulations can result in heavy penalties.

Ensuring that everyone has access to digital platforms is not a legal duty, though it must be a moral duty for any business. When partnering with a business, customers expect awareness of accessibility guidelines. Of all the technology available to ensure accessibility, AODA compliance is one of the best options to go for.

Today, we will discuss AODA in further detail. We will also go over the testing tips, technology, and techniques used in the AODA website compliance test.

Let's first discuss what is Aoda compliance testing.

What is the AODA Test?

AODA stands for Accessibility Ontarians with Disabilities Act. In Ontario, Canada, it defines accessibility standards. AODA testing focuses on offering an inclusive digital environment for people with various special abilities.

It includes exclusive testing of websites, applications, and other digital assets. Thus, an extensive strategy is needed to achieve high levels of accessibility excellence.

Different Methods Of AODA Testing

AODA is a continuous process. Through that, AODA ensures that businesses include accessibility throughout their development lifecycle.

It is just the right time for businesses to develop a system that maintains accessibility excellence. This system also helps companies stay up-to-date by tracking upcoming accessibility needs, conducting regular audits, and gathering user feedback.

To do the same, businesses can use the following two types of testing techniques:

● Automatic Tests

Automatic testing involves implementing accessibility scanners and browser extensions. These tools help businesses scan websites and applications to identify common accessibility concerns. Lighthouse, WAVE, and Axe are among the most popular automated testing tools.

Businesses can also use browser extensions. It can do brief accessibility testing throughout the product development process. Popular browser add-ons they can use include AXE for Chrome and WAVE Evaluation Tool.

● Manual Testing

Under this approach, the business approaches in-person interactions between human testers and their facilities, services, and goods to assess accessibility features. Testers who evaluate elements like website navigation, document readability, physical space accessibility, and communication accommodations may be people with impairments or qualified accessibility specialists.

Manual testing provides a more brief insight into the user experience and detects accessibility issues that automated testing might miss. However, it can be resource—and time-intensive.

Tools And Techniques Used For AODA Testing

Businesses can use various tools and techniques for AODA compliance testing to ensure that their websites are accessible to their consumers using AODA. It helps them ensure digital content and environments are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Screen readers: Screen reader software speaks text aloud or transforms it into Braille, helping people with visual impairments access information.

Keyboard Navigation: Ensuring that all features and content are accessible solely through the keyboard will make navigating easier for users who are unable to use a mouse.

Color contrast analyzers: These tools help people who are color blind or visually impaired by ensuring that color combinations have the right amount of contrast.

Semantic HTML: Organizing web pages so that they are more accessible and compatible with assistive technologies by using the right HTML elements.

User testing: This involves including people with impairments in the testing phase to get their direct input on usability issues and accessibility impediments.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): Complying with these guidelines guarantees that digital content meets global accessibility standards.

How Businesses Can Scan Websites For AODA Compliance

Businesses can ensure AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) compliance by following these steps:

● Input a domain or URL.

● Receive a clear, concise, and accurate audit (including recommendations and visual help).

● Educate your employees about the audit report.

● Take steps to improve your website so that those with disabilities can use it without any obstacles.

Why Businesses Need AODA Compliance

Being AODA compliant involves making a company’s website accessible by WCAG 2.0 Level AA, as specified by the Act, except for criteria 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 (live captioning and pre-recorded audio descriptions).

Businesses that fail to comply with the AODA can be penalized up to $100,000, while penalties for individuals or unincorporated entities can reach $50,000.


AODA compliance testing is a useful tool for ensuring that digital material is accessible to people with disabilities. Businesses that prioritize accessibility across all teams, conduct user testing, and keep up with changes and legislation may make digital experiences inclusive and friendly to all users.

Understanding the fundamental principles of this evaluation method makes it simple to create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. Testing is part of a continual process of improvement that involves both human and automated testing.

By taking the tips in this article to heart and implementing a proactive accessibility strategy, businesses can more effectively manage the difficulties that come with AODA compliance.

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