Anxiety. There Are 3 Things You Should Know Right Now!

Jun 26, 2022

8 min read

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Anxiety is a disorder in which the nervous system becomes abnormally active as a result of a stressful, dangerous, or unforeseeable event. It is the reaction of one or more parts of the mind, emotions, and body to a generalised idea in one’s subconscious memories. Anxiety can manifest itself in a single region of the mental, emotional, or physical body, or in two or in all three of these areas at once.

Anxiety is a condition that affects everyone at some point in their lives. Its role is to assist us in avoiding danger by providing us with the energy and attentiveness needed to flee a situation.

Anxiety levels in some people can be elevated as a result of past traumatic experiences. As a result, anxiety disorders develop, which have a significant impact on their daily lives.

In today’s society, at least one in every three people suffers from an anxiety-related condition. These conditions can be rated on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most severe. The higher the rating, the more impact it will have on a person’s life and on their overall health.

How an Individual Reacts to Anxiety

The diagram below illustrates how a person reacts to anxiety. The mind goes into an overdrive mode as a safeguard, and then it becomes disconnected from the body, causing the person to feel ungrounded and creating feelings of fear and insecurity. This makes a person feel unsafe and aggravates their fear. 

What Is Mental Anxiety and How Can I Overcome It?

It is a condition in which a person’s mind repeatedly replays conversations and events in their life. It’s as if the repeat button is always on and there’s no manual way to pause or turn it off. The mind needs to be reprogrammed to have new perceptions in life.

The mind becomes overactive, and the person’s thoughts become faster and faster. Zooming around non-stop brings a person to a point of exhaustion. The mind is too wired to rest or sleep.

It is very common with this anxiety to think about how you feel a future scenario will play out. Whether you try to predict how the conversation will go or how you would like to truly express yourself.

Practice on a Daily Basis:

Practise self-love on a daily basis and be very kind with your self-talk.

Understand that where your thoughts go, that is where your energy goes. Think of positive, happy things and not what is bothering you.

Learn to reprogram your mind by practising and listening to positive affirmation, meditations, listening to high vibrational music, self-help audio books, and self-hypnosis.

Concentrate on moving your body, by been immersed in a session of yoga, tai chi, dance, or any type of movement that requires you to feel your body. Your goal is to feel your body and stay out of your mind or emotions.

It is a misconception that to meditate or listen to self-hypnosis, one must remain completely still. You can engage in routine, safe activities that do not put you or anyone else in danger or at risk of an accident. While meditating or in self-hypnosis, you can stroll, dance, clean, do yoga, and tai chi, and so on. Do not drive, use machinery, lift heavy weights, use tools or sharp instruments, or perform in a crowded or dangerous place. Please use your common sense.

Things to Avoid:

Read or watch anything that makes you overthink.

Believe that someone else is responsible for your happiness.

Be around anyone who either consciously or unconsciously keeps you in your thoughts.

Let your monkey mind take control of your thoughts. Try to keep yourself busy, do something that you need to concentrate on.

How to Identify the Emotional and Physical State of Anxiety:

Examine what has caused you to be in this state.

Stop having any negative thought patterns. Replace these thoughts with positive affirmations and positive self-talk.

Connect to a healthier mindset and forgiveness to heal any trauma that you might have.

Transform yourself through the commitment of self-love. Become one with your mind, body, and soul to create the new you.

What is Emotional Anxiety and How Can I Overcome It?

Is a sensation of feeling very unsafe on an emotional level, as a person is fully immersed in the crippling emotions that they’re feeling. One can be quickly provoked, as they’re very sensitive to everything around them. As the emotions become too heavy to carry, one becomes more confused and is unable to make any clear or rational decisions.

When these feelings come to an extreme, one may start to feel very numb and they may emotionally shut down. As their nervous system is unable to handle any additional emotions that arise.

If you’re an empath who hasn’t learned to protect and recognise your own energy, you may also fall into this category. All the feelings that you’re experiencing can become overwhelming, suffocating, and confusing. You’ll need to learn to protect, clear, and clean your energy field. Learn what to own and what to let go of, as it’s not yours to keep.

Practice on a Daily Basis:

Practise self-love on a daily basis and be very kind with your self-talk.

Protect yourself from other people’s emotions and don’t take on their burdens.

Take enough time to process and feel your emotions (but don’t go down the rabbit hole of poor me).

Learn to set boundaries for yourself and for others to adhere to. Know your limits and your self-worth.

Learn to say no to situations that you know that you’re not appreciated for, or where you’re being constantly taken advantage of.

Practice mindfulness, meditate, exercise, or listen to an enlightening audiobook or self-hypnosis. YouTube has a lot of free content that you can listen to.

If you’re having difficulty, it’s important that you seek help from others. To help you process your feelings and thoughts, or if you need support, consult a therapist, healer, or a trusted family member or friend. If you don’t have someone to talk to, consider joining an online anxiety community where you can chat to others who have had similar experiences.

Things to Avoid:

Living in the past causes depression and panic attacks.

Believe that someone else is responsible for your happiness.

Going down the deep, dark rabbit hole – please see your doctor.

To numb and abuse yourself with alcohol, prescription or recreational drugs.

If you don’t have a lot of money, don’t go on a shopping spree to make yourself feel better.

Put yourself in dangerous situations or seek comfort from someone who does not have your best interest in mind.

Listen to depressing or dark music. This also includes any music that you have shared with an ex-partner, lover, or friend.

Read or watch anything that makes you feel depressed and emotional. This can be on a personal level, or by watching the news, social media, or old letters and communications.

Allow anyone to use or abuse you; set your boundaries; get legal advice if needed; or reach out to organisations that may be able to help you. This depends on where you live in the world. If there is no help in your country, consider leaving a comment below this posting and I’ll add you to my energy healing list.

What is Physical Anxiety and How Can I Overcome It?

This is where a person has physical symptoms that they can feel within their body. One may feel their heart racing, shallow breathing, their muscles tightening, and have the feeling of agitation and feeling unsettled.

Medical testing is necessary with physical anxiety to rule out any other conditions. This testing may include checking on your hormone levels, blood sugars, and stimulant levels.

Practice on a Daily Basis:

Move your body to prevent stagnant energy, as this causes many ailments. Exercise, dance, yoga, tai chi, walking, cardio, etc.

Limit or avoid sugar and stimulants. This includes energy drinks with caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc.

Having a decent eight-hour night’s sleep.

Things to Avoid:

Eating high-sugar foods or drinks.

Consume an excessive amount of coffee, tea, alcohol, or energy drinks.

Amphetamines and other illegal drugs such as ice, cocaine, opium, LSD, etc.

Being lazy-exercise, or do a physical activity for at least 20 minutes a day.

Sleep less than eight hours per night.

Other Conditions caused by Heightened Anxiety Disorders:

Agoraphobia: is where a person avoids any social interaction away from their comfort zone (leaving their homes, or any place of safety). This person is also likely to suffer from panic disorder too.

Depression: where a person is feeling overwhelmed and unworthy as they’re not able to cope on an emotional level.

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD): is a condition in which a person becomes obsessed with a particular thought, action, or impulse. These behaviours become repetitive and routine to ease their anxiety,

Panic Disorder: where a person is characterised by a sudden irrational and intense fear.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition in which a person experiences intense feelings of fear or avoidance as a result of severe unhealed traumatic experiences that have affected them deeply. Flashbacks, nightmares, and sleeping disorders are common in this group. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder is on a higher scale, and those who suffer from it have experienced intense childhood trauma.

Social Anxiety Disorder: where a person will avoid social situations due to the fear of feeling embarrassed and/or rejected by others.

Specific Phobia: where a person is afraid of a specific situation, thing, or living creature or animals. As an example of claustrophobia, one is scared of enclosed, small, and confined places.

To watch an audio version head over to my YouTube channel here.

In Closing:

If you suffer from anxiety, please consult your doctor or any qualified practitioner to discuss any concerns, medical testing, medications, or therapies that you can participate in.

Always remember, there are no silly questions when it comes to your health and if you feel that you’re not being heard or shown respect, seek a second opinion from another health practitioner.

Once you have been diagnosed, it is up to you to become responsible for your health to the best of your ability and comprehension. Sadly, there is no magic tablet that will cure you. However, your doctor may prescribe medication to help you cope with day-to-day living.

Please do not see the medication as a long-term goal. Use the medication in conjunction with any advice from your medical practitioners and the recommendations that I have outlined above.

If you are more into holistic approaches, please explore my blog and channel for other recommendations on healing and manifesting.

This article is a combination of my personal experience with anxiety and the knowledge I’ve gained from working in the mental health and disabilities sectors for over 15 years. You are not alone. Please reach out to someone today. I’d love to hear about any experiences you’ve had or practises you’ve tried.

Sherry 💚

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