Antiviral Therapies for Influenza

Jul 27, 2023

4 min read

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The respiratory illness influenza, more frequently known as the flu, is brought on by influenza viruses. It puts a burden on world health, leading to intermittent pandemics and seasonal epidemics. Antiviral medicines are essential for treating influenza infections, even if vaccination remains the major way of prevention. With an emphasis on Favipiravir as a possible therapy for influenza, this article will examine the effectiveness of antiviral medicines, the development of resistance, and the possibilities for antiviral medications in the future.

Current Antiviral Therapies for Influenza

Antiviral drugs work by blocking virus growth and reducing symptoms' severity. Neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantanes are the two main antiviral medications used to treat influenza.

1. Neuraminidase Inhibitors 

The influenza virus has an enzyme called neuraminidase that aids in viral escape from infected cells and dissemination to uninfected cells throughout the body. Neuraminidase inhibitors, such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), function by inhibiting this enzyme, which lowers viral multiplication and lessens symptoms. Early in the course of the infection, these medications are most effective.

2. Adamantanes 

Based on adamantane, the antiviral medications amantadine and rimantadine stop the influenza virus from infecting host cells. However, their usage has been restricted due to the establishment of widespread resistance among influenza viruses, particularly the H3N2 subtype. As a result, using adamantanes to treat influenza is no longer advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Efficacy of Antiviral Therapies

The timing of administration, susceptibility of the virus strain, and general health of the patient all have a significant role in the effectiveness of antiviral therapy for influenza.

1. Timely Initiation of Antiviral Treatment 

Antiviral medication must be started as soon as possible to be most effective. According to studies, beginning antiviral therapy within 48 hours of symptoms can greatly reduce the length and severity of influenza symptoms and the risk of complications, particularly in high-risk groups like the elderly, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems.

2. Susceptibility of Viral Strains 

Depending on the influenza strains in circulation and how susceptible they are to the medication, neuraminidase inhibitors may only sometimes be as effective. For making treatment decisions during influenza epidemics, surveillance information on the frequency of antiviral resistance is essential.

The emergence of Antiviral Resistance

Resistance in influenza viruses has emerged due to the extensive use of antiviral medications. Both seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses are resistant to neuraminidase inhibitors like oseltamivir. The development of resistance is a problem since it might lower the efficacy of antiviral medications and restrict the range of available treatments.

Mechanisms of Antiviral Resistance 

The viral neuraminidase and hemagglutinin genes' mutations are primarily responsible for antiviral resistance in influenza. The viral protein's structure may change due to these alterations, making neuraminidase inhibitors less effective in preventing viral reproduction.

Favipiravir: A Promising Antiviral for Influenza Treatment

Fabiflu Tablet contains an active component, favipiravir, which has shown promise in treating influenza infections. The broad-spectrum action of Favipiravir, first designed as an antiviral drug against other RNA viruses, including Ebola and Lassa fever, has sparked interest in its potential as an influenza therapy.

1. Mechanism of Action 

The key enzyme needed for viral replication, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, is specifically inhibited by favipiravir. Doing this prevents the virus from multiplying, lowering the viral load and lessening the severity of the sickness.

2. Efficacy in Influenza Treatment

Favipiravir's effectiveness in treating influenza has been evaluated in several clinical studies, with encouraging outcomes. Favipiravir showed comparable effectiveness to oseltamivir in a trial including individuals with uncomplicated influenza in lowering symptom duration and viral shedding.

3. Potential for Reducing Viral Resistance 

The distinct mode of action of favipiravir may provide a benefit over neuraminidase inhibitors in terms of the emergence of resistance. It may be a possibility for individuals with influenza strains that are resistant to other antivirals since it targets a distinct viral component and may be less likely to cause cross-resistance with other antivirals.

Future Prospects of Antiviral Therapies

Current research and development of antiviral medicines may brighten future approaches to managing influenza illnesses.

1. Development of Novel Antiviral Agents 

The impact of influenza is being lessened as scientists continue to investigate fresh antiviral targets and create cutting-edge medications. Alternative therapeutic options might be provided by novel strategies, such as focusing on host components essential for viral entrance or replication.

2. Combination Therapies 

Combination therapy, which utilises many antiviral medications at once, is being researched to improve treatment effectiveness and lower the risk of resistance forming. Managing severe influenza patients may be improved by combining various antiviral medication classes with complementary modes of action.


Antiviral treatments are essential for managing influenza infections because they lessen the intensity of symptoms and prevent complications. The mainstay of influenza treatment has been neuraminidase inhibitors, but the advent of resistance underscores the need for other therapeutic alternatives. As a new antiviral drug with a wide range of action and the potential to lower virus resistance, favipiravir has demonstrated promise. According to ongoing research into antiviral medications, the creation of novel drugs and combination therapies is crucial to improving the treatment of influenza and reducing its negative effects on the world's public health.

About Author: MrMed Pharmacy is a reputable and trusted pharmacy that aims to provide high-quality super specialtiy medicines to its customers. With a customer-centric approach, strives to create a positive and supportive environment for individuals seeking pharmaceutical services.

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