All You Need to Know About Fasting

Mar 6, 2023

7 min read

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You might have already heard about fasting. It is a type of diet where you avoid eating anything for a certain period. The duration of not eating can be in a cycle of 8 hrs., or it can strictly be 12 to 24 hours. It depends on the type of fasting, and also the reason for fasting. There are two basic reasons for fasting. One is for weight loss and the other reason can be due to religious practices. Many religions promote fasting as an act of devotion to god, and also a way to purify the inner body.

Fasting has various health benefits. It is a kind of cleanse where you do not give any food to your system for a longer period. It also helps in weight loss. There are various kinds of intermittent fasting, and the duration is different for each type of fast. It is not always necessarily the only solution to weight loss. There are other diets as well that might work for you. But if you want to try fasting for your weight loss journey, there are various helpful tips in this article to help you understand better. We will discuss the pros and cons of this diet. It is best to also check with your dietician for any suggestions based on your body type and schedule. 

Types of fasting diet

The type of fasting depends on the duration for which you do not consume any food item. This can be different for different people. It is important to understand the various types of diet and pick the one which is best suited for your body. A recommended diet should be followed properly for best results.

The various types of fasting diets are as follows:

  1. Twice-a-week method 

This method of this intermittent fasting emphasizes limiting your daily calorie intake to 500 on two days each week. You must adhere to a typical, healthy diet for the other five days of the week.

When fasting, it's crucial to emphasize high-fiber and high-protein foods to help you feel full and keep your calorie intake low. It is important to eat more fruits and natural food materials and avoid any packaged food intake. In this diet, you are free to choose any two days for your fast. This gives room for flexibility according to your schedule. This is a good approach to a healthy lifestyle as you get the proper nutrients required for your body, and are working on your weight loss.

  1. Time-restricted eating

As the word suggested, this diet restricts the time until which you can consume food. This is generally in the cycle of 16/8 or 14/10. In the 16/8 schedule, you can eat from 10 am to 6 pm only, and the schedule of the 14/10 diet suggests eating from 9 am to 7 pm. 

This practically suggests that you should avoid eating after sunset. This is a widely known practice in some religions. This helps you reduce eating right before sleep. It is one of the major reasons for weight gain, where you go to sleep right after your meal. According to a study by NCBI, it has been suggested that restricting and/or avoiding meals before bedtime will both help you lose weight and enhance your health and body composition.

  1. Alternate day fasting

In this type of fast, there is a cycle where you need to control your diet every other day. It is recommended to consume only 25% of your normal calorie intake. It is a good way to maintain your health and have weight loss benefits.

  1. The Warrior Diet

It is a challenging diet, where you only get a 4-hour window to eat. For the rest of 20 hrs, you are not allowed to eat anything. This also focuses on what you eat in that 4 hr window. It is important to understand that you cannot eat anything you like at that time as it will affect your body. You need to focus on high fiber, high protein, and low-calorie intake.

  1. The 24-hour fast

This fast is kept on a certain day for a complete 24-hour period. This is also a kind of fast that is religiously followed. This type of fast has its challenges and limitations along with benefits. It might be helpful for your weight loss journey, but also might lead to a nutrition deficit or less energy. It is best to consult a dietician for choosing the right diet for your body.


There are various types of intermittent fasting diets, like the twice-a-week method, time-restricted, Alternate day fasting, warrior diet, and the 24-hour fast. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. No one diet is a recommended-for-all diet. It completely depends on your body. Hence it is important to consult a dietician for choosing the right diet for you.

How fasting helps in weight loss

Short-term fasting can result in ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body burns down stored fat for energy when there is insufficient glucose available to do so. Ketone-like compounds grow as a result. This can result in weight loss along with consuming fewer calories overall. According to research, alternate-day fasting is comparable to a standard low-calorie diet for weight loss. You can know more about the benefits of fasting for weight loss in the research by NCBI. It suggests that for the treatment of obesity, intermittent fasting has promising results. The investigations conducted thus far have been for a shorter period, and have had a remarkable effect on overall body improvement and weight loss. Understanding the more long-term effect, it has on body function is still under study. 

Additionally, fasting has an impact on the body's metabolic functions, which may help to enhance blood sugar control, reduce inflammation, and improve the body's ability to respond to physical stress. Some studies say that inflammatory diseases like multiple sclerosis, asthma, and arthritis.

Tips for having a good fasting experience

It is important to understand that every diet has its pros and cons. It is very important to carry on the diet properly to get the right benefits with the least side effects. 

The following pointers could help you in maintaining your goals and maximizing the advantages of intermittent fasting:

  1. Stay Hydrated

Throughout the day, consume a lot of water and calorie-free beverages like herbal teas.

  1. Avoid obsessing over food 

On days when you're not eating, schedule plenty of activities to keep your mind off food, including catching up on work or going to the movies.

  1. Count every calorie

It is important to choose nutrient-dense foods that are high in protein, fiber, and beneficial fats if the chosen plan permits some calories during fasting times. Beans, lentils, eggs, salmon, almonds, and avocado are a few examples of nutrient-rich food you can add to your diet.

  1. Relax on your fasting days

On days when you're fasting, stay away from the hard activity, however gentle exercise like yoga may be helpful.

  1. Go slow

It might get overwhelming to get on with the best possible diet. But let us understand that there is no best diet. It completely depends on your body and what it can take. It is advisable to go slow on the fasting process and start small.

  1. Choose the right food

Pick foods that are satisfying yet low in calories, such as popcorn, raw vegetables, and fruits with a lot of water, like melons and grapes. It is suggested to take an avocado, fish, green vegetables, potatoes, beans, legumes, berries, eggs, nuts, and whole grains. These food products provide you with the right nutrients with minimum calorie or fat intake.

  1. Enhance the flavor without adding calories

Use plenty of garlic, herbs, spices, or vinegar to season food. These dishes have a good amount of flavor and very few calories, which can help people feel less hungry.

  1. Consult a dietician

No matter how sure you are about the type of food you should eat, it is best to understand it through the right consultation. Among the various diets, some might be right for you but others might harm your body in a certain way. It is best to understand your body completely before starting a diet.


Fasting is a kind of diet where you go without eating for a set amount of time. The time without food can be strictly between 12 and 24 hours, or it can be a cycle of 8 hours. It depends on the sort of fasting as well as the motivation behind the fast.

Almost all religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, practice fasting. Hippocrates, who lived in ancient Greece, thought it promoted self-healing of the body. Many Muslims fast every day from sunrise to sunset for the whole month of Ramadan. The information this has given scientists about what happens to your body while you fast is generally positive.

Although it has its challenges and limitations. It is important to understand what is best for your body, and can only be done by getting proper guidance from a dietician.

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