All About Permanent Magnets: Definition, Characteristics, and Use

6 months ago

5 min read

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Simply put, a permanent magnet is a material that produces a magnetic field. This invisible magnetic field is responsible for the magnet's ability to exert a force and attract or repel other magnetic materials. Unlike temporary magnets, permanent magnets retain their magnetic properties without an inducing field or current.

Characteristics of Permanent Magnets

Magnets have a special power that makes them do the cool things they do. Just like how superheroes have special abilities, magnets have theirs too! Let's take a look at some of these superpowers, but in a way that is fun and easy to understand!

Sticking Around: Retentivity

Imagine your best friend. They stay by your side even when times get tough, right? That's exactly what retentivity is for a magnet. A magnet can keep being magnetic or stay friends with metals, even after we remove the thing that made it magnetic in the first place. It's like your best friend staying loyal to you even when you move to a different school!

Resisting Change: Coercivity

Now, think about how hard it is to move a heavy rock. That's a bit like what coercivity is for magnets. It's how well a magnet can resist, or stand its ground against, attempts to stop it from being magnetic. If a magnet has high coercivity, it's super stubborn and won't stop being magnetic easily - like that heavy rock that refuses to be moved!

Full to the Brim: Magnetic Saturation

Have you ever filled a cup with water right to the very top so you can't possibly add any more without it overflowing? That's like magnetic saturation. It's when a magnet has absorbed all the magnetism it possibly can. It's full up with magnetism and can't take any more!

Letting Through: Permeability

Finally, imagine you're playing with a sieve in a sandpit, letting the tiny grains of sand pass through the holes while keeping the larger pebbles out. This is similar to what permeability is for magnets. It's how easily a magnet allows the invisible magnet force to pass through it. Some magnets are like sieves with big holes, letting lots of magnetic force through, while others are like sieves with tiny holes, only letting a little magnetic force through. 

And there you have it! That's how we can think about the superpowers, or characteristics, of magnets in a way that's fun and easy to understand. Remember, just like every superhero is unique, so is every magnet!

Uses of Permanent Magnets

Permanent magnets are like little superheroes - they are small but mighty and always ready to lend a helping hand! Let's take a closer look at the super jobs they do in different industries:

1. Manufacturing Heroes

Imagine trying to lift something really heavy. Phew! That would be tough, right? Well, that's where our magnetic heroes come in! In manufacturing, magnets help lift heavy metal items with ease. They're like the strong superheroes of the factory floor!

But their superpowers don't stop there. Sometimes, tiny pieces of metal get mixed in with other things during manufacturing. Our magnet heroes can find these tiny metal bits and remove them. This ensures that the final product is clean and safe.

2. Mining Superstars

Mining is all about digging up valuable things from the Earth. But what if some unwanted, non-valuable stuff gets mixed in? Here is where the Magnetic Separator comes into action!

This superhero uses a magnet to separate things that are attracted to magnets (like iron) from things that aren't. This ensures that only valuable resources are collected.

3. Printing Pals

Did you know that when a machine reads a check, it's reading magnetic ink? And you guessed it - our magnet heroes are at work again!

Permanent magnets help create this special ink. When the ink is used to print numbers on a check, machines can read it. The machines always know exactly what the check says thanks to our magnetic pals!

4. Engineering Experts

When it comes to making things move, our magnet heroes are experts. In engineering, magnets are crucial for devices like generators and electric motors. So, when you see a car moving or a light turning on, remember there's probably a magnet helping out behind the scenes!

5. Signage and Display Buddies

Magnets can also be your best buddies when hanging signs or creating cool store displays.

Need to stick a sign on a metal surface? No problem! A magnet can hold it up without any nails or glue. Want to create an interactive display? Magnets can help there, too. They can make things move and change without any visible support.

6. Medical Field Helpers

In the medical world, permanent magnets do an amazing job. Have you heard of an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)? Doctors use This big machine to look inside our bodies without actually opening them up. And guess what? It works with the help of very strong magnets!

7. Everyday Life Champions

Permanent magnets are found in many everyday devices around us. They're in our refrigerators - those little fridge magnets aren't just for holding up your art; they help keep the door closed too. They're also in our computers, where magnets help store information on the hard drive.

8. Transportation Superstars

In transportation, magnets help us in ways you might not expect. Magnets lift and propel the train in some trains, known as maglev (magnetic levitation) trains, making for a very smooth and fast ride!

9. Renewable Energy Friends

Permanent magnets are critical to the operation of wind turbines, which generate renewable electricity. When the wind spins the turbine's blades, it turns a rotor connected to a set of magnets. These magnets create electricity, which we can use to power our homes and businesses.

10. Telecommunication Assistants

In telecommunication devices like speakers, earphones, and microphones, small magnets help convert electrical energy into sound and vice versa. Without magnets, we couldn't enjoy music or communicate so easily!

So you see, permanent magnets are little superheroes in various industries and our daily lives!


Permanent magnets play a pivotal role in various industries thanks to their ability to create a consistent magnetic field. At AMF Magnetics, we provide various magnetic solutions, including high-quality Magnetic Separators, to help your business harness the power of magnetism.

Remember, a firm understanding of permanent magnets is key to finding the right magnetic solution for your business. Stay curious, keep exploring, and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions about permanent magnets and their applications.

Get ready to be magnetised by the world of permanent magnets!

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