Alcohol Addiction- What You Should Know

Nov 8, 2022

3 min read

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You might have heard that addiction to anything is harmful to health, which is absolutely true. Alcohol is addictive and may result in life-changing consequences for oneself and family members. Addiction is caused due to the impact on the brain that releases dopamine in the initial stages of alcohol consumption.

People who are stressed out and depressed about their lives believe alcohol is the only solution to get out of misery. If you are willing to win over alcohol addiction and improve your health, you may take suitable suggestions from an addiction specialist. They can help you through the problem with various treatments available in medical science. 

Addiction is the second word for cravings and that again compels an individual to drink alcohol for a normal feel or eradicate withdrawal. It is quite challenging to treat addiction as the body responds dangerously to withdrawal symptoms. 

Read this article till the end to know the best treatment possible to get rid of alcohol completely. 

  • Symptoms of alcohol addiction

How will you identify if the person is drunk or sober and they are alcohol addicted or not? Here are some of the symptoms that will help you identify alcohol addiction in a person. 

  • Consumption of more alcohol than usual.

  • Unable to reduce drinking alcohol and suffer problems in abstaining from it. 

  • Even if the negative consequences strike, an alcohol-addicted person continues to drink. 

  • Difficulties with controlling cravings and start drinking while driving 

  • Experiencing psychological cravings while sober. 

  • Losing interest in activities that used to be interesting once. 

  • Become a socially isolated person. 

  • Experience alcohol withdrawal when not taken for a long time. 

These symptoms become problematic in the later stages of life. However, there are chances to completely detox and start treatment to get rid of or reduce the consumption of alcohol. 

  • Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal

It shows more rigorous symptoms that convince an individual to continue drinking rather than prevent it. Withdrawal symptoms affect physically and psychologically over the person. 

Symptoms include headache, vomiting, nausea, sweating, tremors, depression, anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations, confusion, and many other symptoms. It is hard to deal with such symptoms and one needs someone’s help to get complete treatment. An alcohol psychologist can understand the person’s state of mind and treat them accordingly. They know specific therapies and medications that can help in the treatment of a concerned person. 

  • How to treat alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction treatment is based on various circumstances and situations. It is possible with the correct identification of alcohol use frequency, the quantity of drink, previous attempts to stop drinking alcohol, motivation to stop drinking, and willingness. Everybody has a different mindset and belief system, any technique can trigger a person’s mind to stop drinking. 

  1. Medical supervision and detoxification 

Treatment starts after total detox that is carried out with medical supervision and tests.   Detoxification is a dangerous procedure and is quite vulnerable to severe symptoms. The medical detox process involves keen monitoring of vitals for safety and control withdrawal symptoms. The medication to mitigate symptoms and side effects control is engaged at the initial stage of detoxification. 

  1. Initial therapy treatment 

After detox, start treatment that involves various options and methods. The professionals notice the behavior of an addicted person to check that they need inpatient treatment or a rehab facility. Traditional and holistic therapies are offered to the people. It is also essential to arrange sessions for alcohol counseling in Brisbane. Counselling proves to be quite helpful for the person dealing with psychological issues. 

  1. Treatment therapies

The treatment involves some basic therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT), and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). There are other motivational interviewing sessions held for alcohol addiction treatment. The professionals tend to mitigate the effect of medicines and help in the overall well-being of an addicted person. 

After certain therapies and treatments, patients should be kept under supervision. Certain medicines help the person to get rid of alcohol addiction. 

  • When can you expect complete alcohol recovery?

The complete recovery from alcohol addiction takes several months to two years max and more of it depends on the severity of the alcohol addiction case. During this time, the withdrawal symptoms tend to appear less than in the initial stage. 

The rehabilitation program after the detox treatment assists you with handling pressure and helps withdraw symptoms. The professionals and psychiatrists can train your mind to take control of your situation through various rehab programs.

You should find the best alcohol counseling near me, if you need urgent counseling and instantly reach for help. The valuable motivation, advice, and suggestions may prove beneficial or effective for addicted physical, emotional or psychological support. 

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