A Thought Provoking Idea for Anger Control

Jul 26, 2022

3 min read

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Nothing in this world is Infallible. You may get regret of the situations that you made wrong and think of the helplessness of inability to change the error you have made. These situations occur when you couldn't tame your aggressiveness and eventually you become an entirely different person in a few seconds. On the verge of come back, you may realize what you have been done. Later your soul starts regret. Nothing in this world is Infallible.

Anger and all your feeling that sounds negative should be managed in the right way. It needs a way of converting your negative feelings to positive output rather than controlling and hiding within yourself. Because the latter could danger you more.

The effective way of controlling anger is changing your negative feelings to constructive. If you think some patience in the situation wouldn't damage yourself or anyone, then you can think about this. If you feel yes. Do try to avoid mind agitations on who is right and who is wrong. Because the thoughts so like I'm the right and they are the wrong wouldn't let you control your anger which may make you more confused . That can even result in character loss also. We couldn't talk about tweaking off the feeling of anger. but we can talk only about how can manage it for the the sake of yourself and others.

Aggression can be passive or open ;we should be manage it to be assertive.

Passive : Persons who claims like being angry is not a good quality ,they have no feeling of anger as well and pretending to be everything is okay for them.

Open :Expressing their anger very openly. They may harm themselves or others. Passive aggression may or can eventually result in Open Aggression.

Assertive :More matured way of handling anger. They will open, express their opinions, hear and even flexible to the other side. Their motive is to clear the situation without violence. This will support the relationship growth.

A Tip :Take that moment and close your eyes and take a small breath to get more relaxed and continue breathing consciously. Try hearing soothing music or whatever that may chill you in that moment .And you can talk discuss about that subject when you feel you are calm .Yes, it is not that easy.But practice could yield you. You have to practice this for a long time in the same way till you get confident over your feelings. You may think like it is a cliché sentence. But one who really want to manage his anger could perceive its importance. Eventually you will reach a stage where you can manage your anger . That time you will feel the difference as your deep seated revenge feeling is not inside you anymore and got fell down.Always be on the grip.

Every one are humans and every humans have their own opinions and ideas, which can be seem like good or bad or entirely different. Depends on the situations each persons went through in their life, that moulds and contributes on their character and personality. So we can't change to be everyone's pet and we can't make everyone our favorite as our mind wont let us and it is quite natural. So don't expect like the other person would act and think like our plan. All we can do is understand each person. And understand that humans are different in one or in an another way.

Thank you for listening to me.

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