A Temporary Solution, Government Handouts!

Jul 17, 2022

3 min read

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You know, as long as I could remember, I've been getting Food Stamps and it has helped on more than one occasion; for that I am grateful. But now, it has become nothing more than an addictive crutch that's become too easy to lean on.

I see why some people would rather work than get government handouts; there's a catch and always something you have to sacrifice in order to gain whether its paystub info or work hour info or whatever.

I've grown accustomed to getting food stamps and whatever government assistance I can get, but I feel it took away my sense of will to work.

I've been working now for the last 3 1/2 weeks and I enjoy it, I help do construction work by replacing ram boards on floors and carpets as well as fire watch in the building in which I work.

When I was fresh out of college, getting food stamps seem ideal; I wasn't working but I was working at home writing articles. But now, my priorities changed and now working out of the house with my hands is something I enjoy.

I'm burning calories and body fat all at the same time. Personally, this job has almost killed me on multiple occasions but I welcomed the pain because losing body fat is worth that pain.

When Covid-19 first dropped the bomb, I gained 45 pounds. First, I thought it was a good thing but that weight gain has caused some reprehensible and thankfully, reversible damage.

Government handouts are supposed to be temporary, to help you through a tough time when you need to feed your kids while you're looking for a job or just trying to survive.

But lately, people have been treating this like a permanent solution and using it as a partial excuse to not want to work outside the home. I was one of these people.

Now, I don't care if I'm working forever outside the house. I just know that I don't want the only reason for me to not work and have things depends on how much the government entitles me to a month. Fuck that shit!

Personally, being smart about when to get government help says a lot about a person's character and now, I learned the difference. I want to work!

If movie stars, actors, actresses, movie producers even Emmy and Grammy nominee committees can get up at the crack of dawn to make decisions about what is going to be where or who is the most deserving, people can get up at 6am to get dressed, have coffee and leave the house to go to work.

Judges, police officers even lawyers, the list goes on. You have to want that something instead of letting the government tell you what you're entitled to. No longer.

You know what's funny, if people were told to not work, they'd rise up and resist. Now that they can, they won't and I'm talking about the bottom 10% who'd rather just suck on the government's teet'. I'm just saying. My two cents for the day.

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