A Stranger Asked When My Baby’s Due — I’m Not Even Pregnant!!!!!!

Jul 6, 2022

3 min read

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I was far too anxious to admit the truth, So I lied.

I admit it, I’m overweight. Having PCOS, an emotional binge eating disorder, a lack of exercise, and constant battles with mental health, will eventually do that to you. I’ve never admitted my weight online, but here goes — I’m around 13 stone, and I’m also 5.1 in height. So my BMI is 35.3.

According to BMI classifications, I class as obese, and the ideal weight for my height should be between

Dun Dun Dun……………………

7ST 0lbs — 9ST 7lbs

WHATTTTTTT, I’m not going to lie, that’s not going to happen anytime soon no matter how hard I try.


Okay, so now we’ve got that scary confession out the way. Let me tell you what happened to me today.

This afternoon the weather was bright and sunny, so I decided to head to the beach with my son and dog for an afternoon stroll and an ice cream. I wore a black strapless top and a pair of blue denim jeans. I wear black tops a lot because they’re “supposed to be slimming.”

As we made our way to a picnic bench, a lady began to stroke our dog and compliment my son on his brand-new trainers.

I stood smiling and tried my best to stop my dog from leaping all over the lady when all of a sudden, she turned to me and I watched her eyes glance from my eyes to my stomach, then she asked me that dreaded question, “awww, whens the baby due?”

My eyes widened, and I could feel my cheeks burning up. Due to my anxiety, I didn’t have it in me to correct her. Instead, I nodded and politely revealed that I had about four months left.

“Oh, how lovely. You must be very excited.”

I smiled and tried to think of something to say to get me out of the hideous embarrassment, until she turned to my son and said, “You must be looking forward to having a little brother or sister. You must help mummy because she will be very tired.”

I looked down at my son and gave him that look as if to say, come on, just agree and then we can be on our way, but he looked at the lady in total disbelief and said, “I don’t want another brother or sister, mummy didn’t tell me she was having a baby.”

Luckily he spoke very quietly, and I don’t think she heard him thank god. But I couldn’t believe it, so I turned to the lady and quickly made an excuse for us to leave.

“Congratulations, I hope everything goes smoothly,” She said. I smiled, waved, and then had to walk away, assuring my son that I wasn’t pregnant, the lady was just confused and she thought I was somebody else.

“I’m not fat, I’m just so damn sexy it overflows.”

When we arrived home, I decided to ask my partner if I looked pregnant. I stood in front of the tv, interrupting his game of FIFA, held up my top and turned to the side. He laughed and said, “no of course you don’t.” The fact that he laughed made me think otherwise.


Later on, I told him what the lady said, and he laughed so much that he spat out his coffee.

We have been together for around 15 years, so we take every opportunity to laugh and take the absolute piss out of one another, so as you can imagine, he thought this was utterly hilarious.

I have no idea why I didn’t just tell the lady that I’m not pregnant, I just need to lose a few pounds. I think for a split second, I felt so awkward and humiliated especially watching her eye-roll my entire body, and being the ever-so-anxious person that I am, I decided to agree to avoid any sort of confrontation.

Aside from feeling utter shame at my body weight, I find it slightly amusing, and it’s just another day in the life of Julie. As the saying goes,
If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.

Has this ever happened to you before?? If so, how did you handle it?

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