A Guide- Uses of Sd-Wan and Selection of Reliable Sd-Wan Vendor

Feb 18, 2023

4 min read

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The usefulness of SD-WAN is known to everyone. In today’s digitally transformed world, there’s a need for SD-WAN for ensuring network connectivity and ensuring its performance. Be it connecting remote sites to offering better security, you’ll get numerous benefits by deploying this solution.

Let’s explore the uses of SD-WAN and ways of selecting a reliable SD-WAN vendor through this blog:

Uses of SD-WAN

Direct connection of remote sites to the internet

One common issue that most businesses suffer from is the connectivity to their remote locations, offices, and branches. This is why many businesses have switched to SD-WAN technology as it is useful for connecting remote locations to the internet.

When an enterprise uses traditional connectivity methods, they have to face issues of internet break-outs. Another crucial thing is that these outages and internet break-outs of remote sites cannot be solved with traditional WAN.

However, SD-WAN is available for helping enterprises in solving the direct connection of remote sites to the internet. Also, this latest WAN solution simplifies the issue of speed and performance of the network. The inefficiency of traditional WAN has given a boost to SD-WAN architectures.

Helps to set up hybrid WAN topologies

If we are talking about the usefulness of the SD-WAN technology then we cannot forget about its ability to connect hybrid WAN topologies. These topologies ultimately help in connecting enterprise sites.

Today, many enterprises still rely on MPLS for connecting enterprise sites which is sometimes not considered a good option. So, SD-WAN comes into the scene to make it easy to set up hybrid WANs. The best feature of SD-WAN is that it can change MPLS with broadband internet in numerous topologies. As a result, SD-WAN technology is chosen more than the MPLS network.

Good for managing network traffic

One of the crucial usefulness of Software defined WAN is its ability to manage network traffic with perfection. Because of the central console of SD-WAN, it becomes easy to implement management rules that can merge with the business needs.

The good thing is that the entire process will be done with higher speed and efficiency than the traditional WAN. The implementation of SD-WAN makes network traffic management easier and quicker.

Optimization of the network’s security

There’s a concern about security that is obvious in all enterprises. As the number of devices increases in the network, it becomes tough to manage all the incoming and outgoing data from all these devices. The increased need for security is sometimes not possible with the traditional WAN architecture that you use.

For ensuring security, SD-WAN is one of the better and more effective solutions that different enterprises are adopting it.  With the implementation of SD-WAN, you get several latest features such as firewalls, VPN tunnels, and so on.

With SD-WAN solution implementation, there will be only authorized access so that cyber threats can be reduced. So, for ensuring the network’s security, most businesses are implementing SD-WAN in their network.

Pointers to follow when looking for a trusted SD-WAN vendor

Once you know how useful the SD-WAN is, it’s time to find a reliable vendor for SD-WAN. So, here’s what you need to follow:

Understand your exact requirements for networking

No matter what sort of business you’ve, there will always be a need for the implementation of SD-WAN architecture. SD-WAN solution is crucial for an enterprise as it ensures network security and reduces network failure. So, it becomes vital for all enterprises and businesses to connect with a vendor that can fulfill your requirement for SD-WAN.

You must first find out what your requirements are for an enterprise network. Right from bandwidth to security, keep all these things in mind while deciding your networking needs. Once you know your specific requirements for connectivity and networking, you can choose a vendor that can help you meet all these pointers.

Checking the performance of the network

In the market, you’ll surely get to find numerous vendors dealing with SD-WAN connections. When it comes to choosing a reliable vendor, you must look into the performance of the network that they are offering. If the network’s performance is good then there will be no issue of network outage and failure. This means, all the applications will run effectively for productivity.

Thus, it’s the duty of a good vendor to address the issue of the network with precision so that the enterprise doesn’t have to suffer a bit. Make sure to choose an SD-WAN vendor that makes bandwidth improvements whenever it is needed. Also, they should focus on the application performance.

When we are talking about the performance aspects, the vendor must provide application-aware routing that can maximize the user experience. So, the network’s performance is also a vital factor that you cannot ignore while looking for a vendor for SD-WAN.

Must be able to use WAN transport in any form

Another crucial factor that you need to focus on is their ability to use WAN in multiple forms. Vendors must be able to make use of the WAN transport in different forms so that it can save cost and can deliver the highest application performance.

SD-WAN platform that the vendor is offering you must have the ability to overcome the effects of packet loss and congested internet connections. The vendor should also provide an SD-WAN platform and must provide an instant failover if there’s a WAN transport outage issue.

To sum up

SD-WAN solution has proved to be the best WAN architecture as it optimizes network security and connects remote’s sites to the internet. Also, it can set up hybrid WAN topologies for precise connectivity. So, it is always better to choose a vendor that is reliable and can meet above mentioned criteria.

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