A Day Trip to Munroe Island Kerala Backwaters Boatride

8 months ago

4 min read

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In the heart of Kerala's mesmerizing backwaters lies Munroe Island, a hidden gem that beckons travelers with its serene charm and untouched beauty. As we embark on a day trip to Munroe Island in 2024, let's delve into the enchanting boat ride through the tranquil Mandrothuruth, a picturesque village in Kollam that epitomizes the essence of Kerala's backwaters.

Munroe Island – A Backwater Paradise

Munroe Island, named after British Resident Colonel John Munro, is renowned for its labyrinthine network of backwaters, canals, and lagoons. It offers an idyllic escape from the hustle and bustle, providing an insight into Kerala's leisurely pace of life. This verdant island, cradled by the Ashtamudi Lake and the Kallada River, is a haven for nature lovers and those seeking tranquility.

The Gateway – Mandrothuruth in Kollam

Our day trip unfolds in mandrothuruth Kollam, a quaint village in Kollam, where the backwaters come alive with the rhythm of daily life. The journey begins with a boat ride through the winding canals, shaded by overhanging coconut palms and surrounded by lush greenery. The tranquil atmosphere and the gentle lapping of water against the boat create a soothing soundtrack for our exploration.

Highlights of the Boat Ride – Mundrothuruth 2024 Edition

1.  Navigating the Narrow Canals

As our boat glides through narrow canals, we are greeted by the sight of vibrant village life. Locals engage in daily activities along the water's edge, from washing clothes to fishing, providing a fascinating glimpse into the community's close connection with the backwaters.

2.  Kallada River Confluence

The boat ride leads us to the confluence of the Kallada River, where the waters merge in a dance of currents. This scenic spot is a perfect pause to absorb the natural beauty and capture picturesque moments against the backdrop of swaying palms.

3.  Thuruthippuram Beach Excursion

Our journey takes an exciting turn as we explore Thuruthippuram Beach, a serene stretch along the backwaters. With golden sands and serene waters, it offers a refreshing break, and travelers can indulge in beachcombing or simply relish the tranquil ambiance.

4.  Birdwatching at Kallada Boat Race Point

The Mandrothuruth 2024 backwaters are a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts. At the Kallada Boat Race Point, numerous bird species, including kingfishers and egrets, gracefully inhabit the waterside, creating a birdwatcher's paradise. 

5.  Traditional Lunch at a Riverside Eater

To savor the authentic flavors of Kerala, our boat ride includes a visit to a riverside eatery. Here, we relish a traditional lunch featuring local delicacies like Karimeen Pollichathu (pearl spot fish) and Kappa Meen Curry (tapioca with fish curry), providing a gastronomic delight.

6.  Rural Life at Mundrothuruth Village

As we navigate further, the boat ride unveils the rustic charm of Mundrothuruth village. Witness traditional wooden houses, paddy fields, and coconut groves that paint a serene portrait of rural life along the backwaters.

7.  Mangrove Forest Exploration

Mundrothuruth boasts thriving mangrove forests that are integral to the backwater ecosystem. The boat ride meanders through these mangrove tunnels, delivering a remarkable and immersive adventure in the heart of nature.

8.  Sunset Cruise on Ashtamudi Lake

As the day winds down, our boat journey concludes with a serene sunset cruise on the expansive Ashtamudi Lake. The tranquil waters mirror the hues of the setting sun, creating a magical atmosphere that marks the perfect end to our day trip.

Practical Tips for Mundrothuruth Exploration

1.  Book a Guided Boat Tour

Opt for a guided boat tour to ensure a comprehensive exploration of Mundrothuruth Kollam and its backwaters. Knowledgeable guides provide insights into local culture, ecology, and history.

2.  Comfortable Attire

Wear comfortable and light clothing appropriate for the low temperature. For sun protection, don't forget to include a hat and sunscreen during the boat ride.

3.  Photography Essentials

Capture the beauty of Kollam Mundrothuruth with a camera or smartphone. The picturesque landscapes, vibrant village life, and serene waters offer numerous photo opportunities.

4.  Respect Local Customs

When visiting villages along the backwaters, respect local customs and privacy. Seek permission before photographing individuals or homes.

5.  Binoculars for Birdwatching

If you're a birdwatching enthusiast, bring binoculars to stain the myriad avian species that populate the backwaters and mangroves.

6.  Cash for Local Eateries

Hold adequate cash, particularly if you plan to indulge in a traditional meal at a riverside eatery. Card payments might not be accepted at all local businesses.

7.  Ecotourism Practices

Embrace ecotourism practices by minimizing your environmental effects. Dispose of waste responsibly and follow guidelines provided by your tour operator.


A day trip to Munroe Island, specifically through the stunning Mandrothuruth in Kollam, presents a remarkable mix of cultural immersion, natural beauty, and leisure. As we navigate the backwaters, each turn reveals a new facet of Kerala's idyllic countryside. From traditional village life to mangrove explorations and beachside respites, Mundrothuruth promises an enriching experience for those seeking a tranquil escape into the heart of Kerala's backwaters in 2024.

Source: feedingtrends

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