A Beginner’s Guide to Ensure a Website Is Accessible Compliant

6 months ago

4 min read

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Compliance is the set of standards as per web content accessibility guidelines. Here, the standards are set by W3C, an international authority, to ensure equal digital content access to users. The goal is to check the ease of website navigation from image to text to input every element on the website.

A professional WCAG 2.0 compliance solution provider can check a website's accessibility. Web content that conforms to WCAG 2.0 compliance is easy for every digital platform user to access. There are three levels: A, AA, and AAA. Every online business should know about this, and you can expect the same from an expert solution provider

How do you Check Whether A Site Is Compliant?

There are three levels of compliance, as mentioned, and these are the benchmarks to know whether a website is accessible or not. The levels and their accessibility assurance are as follows:

Level A - Minimal Level:

One should know about the elements of the website that make it inaccessible. There is a basic eligibility that is important to build an accessible website for disabled users. It should include:

  • Keyboard navigation 

  • Non-text alternative 

  • Conveying information is beyond size, color, and shape 

Level AA - Acceptable Compliance:

As per this compliance, the website should be understandable to the users. Site updates can sometimes help attain compliance for accessibility. The level AA requirements are:

  • Use of alt text is necessary 

  • Form fields need proper labelling 

  • Use the right color contrast

  • Website updates can make it function for screen readers 

  • Use consistent navigational elements

  • Correct use of headers 

Level AAA - Optimal Conditions: 

Having compliance at this level ensures that every user, including the disabled ones, can access every website functionality. The accessibility guidelines WCAG, according to this level, has to meet the following:

  • Context should be relevant and easy to understand

  • Use of the right sign language to understand video and audio content 

  • Use of correct color contrast 

This is the maximum level conforming to which a website's information and features will be available to every one of its visitors, no matter what. If a website attains the optimal condition of the guidelines, every visitor can navigate to every menu and feature on the website, so the website is accessible.  

What is the Need to Monitor and Test Websites for Compliance?

You can schedule a timely and regular website scan to get the accessibility status of the website. Create a report depending on the monitoring report, and it will help understand the gaps to make up for accessibility. Include some of the best WCAG practices to get the best outcome.

  • Include easy navigational design

  • Order content as per HTML markup 

  • Maintain a checklist to comply with WCAG compliance 

  • Create compatible designs across devices

  • Interactive elements should be easy to access on the web page

  • Check with usability test to ensure whether disabled users can use it 

Why is the WCAG Compliance Crucial to Consider?

WCAG 2.0 compliance is important to ensure accessibility and confirm that there are website bugs that hinder accessibility. This is what necessitates the need for WCAG testing. Accessibility is like the moral responsibility of ensuring a user-friendly website for every user on a website. However, an accessible website can benefit a business in the following ways:

  • Boost brand recognition 

  • Spread to a broad audience group

  • Increase the awareness 

  • Reduce the chance of legal complications 

Having a compliant website reduces the chance of lawsuits and prevents other legal issues. Businesses can reach potential groups at a speedy pace and create a visible presence with an accessible website online.  

Who is Responsible for Following the WCAG Compliance?

The compliance decides the accessibility, and it is necessary to follow the website development from scratch. 

  • Developers - They help build an accessible website, debug issues, and ensure that it meets accessibility criteria. 

  • Designers - They are responsible for creating a user-friendly website that can be used by every user on a website. 

  • QAs - It check whether all criteria and guidelines are met by testing the applications per WCAG.

  • Product Managers - Managers check the prerequisites, check the accessibility criteria, and monitor and create reports to improve usability. 

This is how it is possible to comply with the WCAG guidelines at its best. A WCAG 2.0 compliance solution team can check how much a website meets the criteria. Then, it is possible to ensure readability to website visitors.

Wrap Up 

Therefore, compliance helps check website accessibility. Try to include the right elements in the website that boost accessibility and better reach of the website in the digital space. The compliance solution-checking experts should have suitable knowledge in the field and know the eligibility criteria to check. Whatever information you add to the website for use by digital users, it should be easy to open and use. An inclusive website is an accessible one.

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