9 Life Lessons We Should Learn Before the Age of 30

Jul 9, 2022

5 min read

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Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

“You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.” — Oscar Wilde

It’s never too early to start preparing for the future, and by the time you reach 30, you’ll have a lot of life experience under your belt. As you get older, you start to realize that some of the things you thought were true when you were younger are not necessarily accurate. As time goes on, we gain more experience and learn through trial-and-error what works in life.

This blog post will talk about the nine life lessons we should learn before we turn 30.


1. Our Habits Can Build or Destroy Us

“I’m not trying to keep my habits in check; I’m trying to make them work for me because we are the sum of our habits.”

All of us have habits of some kind. For some, these habits can be constructive and bring joy to their lives, while for others, the same habits might be destructive and lead them down a path of misery. Habits can manifest in different ways: physical, such as biting one’s fingernails; mental, such as thinking about an ex-lover; or even social, such as spending every weekend at the bar.

Individuals can develop habits that can either elevate them or destroy them. Habits like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol can lead to addiction, escalating destructive behaviors such as fighting and drug use. On the other hand, habits like drinking water and taking exercise classes can aid in building a strong body and mind, which will provide many benefits for years into the future.


2. We Are a Reflection of What We Read

Did you know that the books you read have a direct impact on how you feel and understand the world around you? In a world where people are constantly plugged into social media, it becomes challenging to find time to read and escape from those connected devices. However, those who still maintain their reading habits tend to have better mental health and more fulfilling relationships.

Many people will tell you that what you eat impacts your body, both in good and bad ways. If the analogy is valid, then what we read is also reflected in our minds.

Researchers at the University of Toronto found that people who read fiction tend to be more empathetic and understanding than those who don’t. If we pay attention, we see that reading can influence our beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes. It can make us more conscientious and creative thinkers.


3. Don’t Compare Your Past With Others

Many people today often compare their past with someone else’s past. They do this to evaluate which individual has the more incredible experience. There is no correct answer because everyone has their mortal-vital struggles and triumphs in life. All experiences are different, so it is not possible to compare them objectively.


4. People Around Us Have an Impact on Our Lives

Life is what we do, not who we are. We can’t control the circumstances around us, but we can control how we respond to them. Whether our life cycle moves towards the positive or negative depends on what people we surround ourselves with. If we gather only negative people around us, our life cycle will also move towards the negative. It is essential to learn how to surround yourself with positive individuals to be happy and enjoy your life.

Negative people will drag you down if they are the only ones in your life. If we meet negative people, it is best to avoid them and spend time with positive people instead. Positive people will enhance our lives. If they are all around us, then we can grow into a healthy cycle of positivity.


5. We Need To Learn More About Ourselves Every Day

We all have this deep need to be loved, wanted, and accepted. We are naturally motivated by these emotions, but they are not enough to make us happy. Achieving happiness is a lot more complicated than we think, and it has little to do with external factors we cannot control. This is why we need to know ourselves better every day: The only person we need to know for complete happiness is just ourselves.


6. Time Investment Is Directly Proportional to Monetary Investment

The words of Thomas Edison ring true in many realms. He said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

This applies to investing time into an endeavor, as well as investing money into the industry. More time invested usually means more money invested, and vice versa. Plus, if you spend more time on something, you are more likely to become passionate about it.


7. Success Is a Long-Run Process

Success is a process. It doesn’t come easy, and it’s not something you can pursue for a year or two and then forget about. Success takes long-term dedication. People who are looking for shortcuts to success are simply fooling themselves.

To be successful, you need to build a strong work ethic. Success is a long process, and it takes patience. It also takes effort. It requires you to plan out your days and the days of your children so that everyone is productive and taking care of themselves. You can’t have too many students because then there would be no time for anyone’s attention.


8. The Most Important Relationship We Have Is With Ourselves

Many people do not realize the most important relationship they have is with themselves. If we do not learn to love and accept ourselves, we can never be happy in a relationship with someone else.

The most important relationship we have is with ourselves. Without a positive relationship with ourselves, we can never find happiness with others. When we care about our own needs and treat ourselves well, we create opportunities to be happy for other people and to give to others.

I am a firm believer in the idea that to have a positive relationship with others; you need to have a positive relationship with yourself. I believe that if we can learn to be happy and content with who we are, then we’ll stop being disappointed by everyone else. It’s hard to find true happiness when all you can see are flaws — and it’s even more complicated when the flaws come from within.


9. Trust Is Created Through Behaviors, Not Words

Trust is earned through behavior, not words. Talk is cheap, but action speaks volumes. This saying rings true in relationships of all kinds, including parenting. Activities are what count the most when it comes to showing your kids that you have their best interests at heart.

Trust in relationships is an integral part of a healthy relationship. Whether in friendships, romantic relationships, or work relationships, trust is vital to the partnership’s success. Trust can be built by simply following through with promises and keeping one’s word. Unless this is done, it becomes difficult for someone to feel secure in the relationship.

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