7 Pro Tips to Make Your Pets Take Their Pet Prescriptions

Mar 31, 2023

4 min read

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Pro Tips To Make Your Pets Take Their Pet Prescriptions

Convincing a pet to take his medication is the one task that all pet owners detest doing. Dogs and cats are famously reluctant to take their pet prescriptions, whether they are tablets or liquids. All too frequently, this leads to missed doses and frustrated pet owners. This is awful for everyone, but it's awful for your pet because he needs his medication to recover.

If none of us enjoys the taste of medications, how much less your dog or cat would? But somehow, we know that taking them is necessary, whether it's to treat an infection, develop stronger bones and muscles, or deworm your furry child. In order to boost their health, they must be taken promptly.

What can you do to increase your pet's likelihood of adhering to his treatment plan? Here are 7 tips & tricks you may use the next time your pet has to take medication.

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1. Give medication when they are hungry

Since animals are intelligent, it is better to attempt to convince them to consume their medication while they are hungry. When they experience greater hunger, they are more likely to eat snacks or food that contains medication just before their regular mealtime. Just make sure that none of your other animals consumes the medication-containing food.

2. Involve Your Pet in a Competition

If you have many pets, offering them all a reward at once will foster competition and divert your pet's attention from the medication that is concealed in their treat. Just make sure you keep track of which goodie is which to avoid accidentally medicating the incorrect animal.

3. Keep the preparation of the medication hidden from them.

Cats and dogs are perceptive and intelligent. They know it's coming since they can see you preparing their medication. Never allow them to see you. Prepare a few dosages by incorporating them into snacks or desserts, then store them in the fridge. Then, just let the goodie "accidentally" fall to the floor while you're making breakfast, lunch, or supper. Your dog will grab it, believing he has just won a free snack.

4. Use expensive food products.

As long as you use the correct sort of food to hide your pet's medication, this may be a constructive tip. Use a high-quality, strong-smelling meal like wet canned pet food, peanut butter, cheese, or a piece of meat that can be readily disguised to hide your pet's medication.

5. Place it on the Paws

Try combining the powder or liquid your pet has been prescribed with peanut butter and apply it to his paws. This works because dogs adore peanut butter and don't want anything on their paws. Your dog will lick the peanut butter off his paws while also taking his medication.

6. Put the drug in a capsule.

Even when mixed into food or treats, some drugs might have a very harsh taste on a dog or cat. You may buy empty gel caps and put the pill inside them for these medicines. This will prevent your pet from tasting the unpleasant medication, thanks to the gel cap.

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7. Transform the medication into a delicious treat.

If your pet needs a prescription filled for medication, you can do it at a veterinary compounding pharmacy. Your pet will love the ready-to-eat treats that are made from the pet prescriptions since they come in a variety of flavours.

This is a quick and easy solution to guarantee that your pet will always receive the correct amount of medication. Also, your pet won't ever resist you when it's time to give him his medicine since he'll be eager to obtain his reward because the treats are so delicious and enticing.

The key to giving your pet the proper medication is consistency. Remember, it's not only the right thing to do for your dog or cat, but it can also be life-saving. It means early detection of cancer and other severe ailments in pets. All you need to do is make "pet prescriptions" from Vets4U, the best online pet pharmacy in the UK,  a part of your routine. And don't worry; because pets tend to adapt quickly to new habits, you won't have any trouble changing things up a bit for them as well.

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