7 Easy Steps to Make Your Website Seo Friendly

Mar 2, 2023

6 min read

Write your own content on FeedingTrends

The digital world of today requires you to be aware of all the ways you can increase your website's organic traffic. The industry is full of terms such as SEO-friendly website design, technical SEO, image optimization, and more. But for beginners, they can be quite overwhelming.

What are the most important things that you need to know about SEO?

FreelanceBazar's organic traffic optimization guide will make you aware of all the ways you can increase website organic traffic. The first thing you should do is understand what SEO stands for. It means search engine optimization and it refers to the process of making your site more visible in search results pages by improving its relevance to users' queries.

You should also know that there are three main types of SEO: technical, on-page, and off-page optimization. The first two refer to how well your website fulfills its function on the web (technical) and how well it is structured according to best practices (on-page). Off-page optimization refers to everything else that affects how people find your site: links pointing back toward it from other sites; social media activity; PR campaigns; etcetera!

What are some of the elements of an SEO-friendly website?

An SEO-friendly website is one that is designed to be easy for search engine crawlers to read and understand. This means having a well-organized structure and clear, informative content. It also means avoiding technical errors that could make it difficult for crawlers to access the site. Making your website SEO-friendly can help improve your ranking in search results, making it more likely that users will find your site when they are searching for information on the web. Taking these steps can also help you avoid potential penalties from search engines for technical issues or low-quality content.

Let's explore the characteristics of SEO-friendly websites, including their design and usability.

1. All page titles and descriptions should be unique.

If you're looking to attract more visitors, it's important to use meta tags on your website. Meta tags are the elements that are used by search engines to understand what a website is about and how it should be indexed.

Meta tags are generally between 50-60 characters long, but they can vary depending on the specific search engine. Keep your titles between 50-60 characters and your descriptions around 155 characters for the best results.

2. Responsive Website

Responsive website design is a method of creating websites that work well on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. The responsive design approach aims to make sure that a website looks good on any device from the smallest smartphone screen to the largest desktop monitor.

Most websites are designed for one specific kind of browser or operating system. But with responsive web design, you can create different versions of your site for each device. That way, no matter what type of device you're using to visit your site, you will see the same information and experience it in the same way.

Responsive web design also allows users to interact with content in ways that make sense to them—whether they're using a smartphone or tablet computer. This means that they don't have to use keyboard shortcuts or touch gestures to navigate around your site—they can just click on an item and move straight through to another page without having to press any buttons or navigate around menus.

3. Create website content that targets the keywords that most effectively attract visitors.

We know that you're looking for a way to get your company's name out there and make it more visible online. That's why we're here!

We've spent the last few years working on our own website and marketing services, and we've found a way to help businesses like yours reach their full potential.

Freelancebazar's team of experts has worked with clients like yours before, which means they know what you need: someone who can create content that will be both useful and eye-grabbing, and who will help you build an audience that wants to learn more about what you do.

Our process is simple: we'll sit down with you and work through an outline of what you want to say, then we'll come up with a strategy for how best to convey those messages in a way that will be most effective for your business goals.

We'll also help you choose keywords for your site based on the content we create—so that when someone searches for "company name" or any other relevant phrase, they'll find your business listed among the first results!

4. Unique Content 

It’s important to make sure that all of your website’s content is original and not copied from other websites. You should also avoid using phrases that are likely to be flagged by search engines because this will negatively affect your SEO efforts.

The way search engines determine what's relevant to a particular query is by looking at how closely each page matches the query. If you have pages with similar content, like one that says "cheese," and another that says "cheese," the search engine will treat them as if they're both talking about cheese. However, if there's a page on your site that says "Cheese," and another one that says "Cheese," but one of those pages also has a link to two other pages with different content (one about cows, and one about goats), then those two pages would be considered not as closely related to each other as they would be if they were both talking about cheese. 

That means that if someone types in something like "cheese" into Google, it'll show them results from all three of these different pages before it shows them any results from just one of them.

5. Optimized Images

Images are an important part of every website. Images are what make your website look good, and they can help you get more clicks from search engines.

But images can also slow down your website's loading speed, which is not what you want if you want to get more people to visit your site!

So how do we make sure our images are optimized for the best possible results?

Well first off, you need to ensure that your images are properly optimized. This means that each image has alt text (text that explains what the image is about) added for search engines to understand what the image is about.

Next, it's important that you make sure your images aren't too large (relative to their purpose). If an image is too large, it will take longer for the browser to load it than it would if it were smaller.

6. Internal Linking

When you're trying to optimize your website for search engines, Internal linking is a must. Internal linking creates a well-rounded map of your website for crawlers and helps them associate relevant web pages together. It also boosts your website's SEO friendliness by creating a strong internal architecture.

Freelancebazar helps you build links from page to page so that Google can understand what pages are most important. You need to make sure that all the pages on your site are linked together so that people can easily find what they're looking for. When you build links from one page to another, it helps Google determine which pages are important to rank high in its search results.

Internal linking also helps users navigate your site more easily because they will see all the sites they've visited when they go back later. Your site should have as many internal links as possible so that visitors can find their way around quickly without being lost among thousands of other websites with similar features.

Make your website SEO-friendly today.

For a website to drive more traffic, it must be SEO-friendly.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The goal of SEO is to get your website ranked well in search engines so that people who are looking for your type of products or services can find it easily. Freelance Bazar provides SEO services to get your website ranked well in search engines to help people find your products or services.

For example, if you are selling wedding dresses and you want to rank well in search engines for wedding dresses, then you need to make sure that the content on your website is optimized for search engines. This means that the keywords used in the articles on your website are relevant and will be searched by people who are looking for wedding dresses.

You can also use tools like Google Analytics or Moz to analyze how well your content is doing. You can see where people are coming from when they click through from one page to another, as well as how much time they spent reading each page.

Our SEO Consultancy ensures that your website ranks higher in the search results. Our expert consultants follow white hat techniques and provide guaranteed results to clients who hire us for our services.

Write your own content on FeedingTrends