6 Important Challenges of Translating Medical Devices Content

Nov 2, 2022

4 min read

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Medical device translation services have become evident with the industry expected to reach $700 billion by 2030. The medical industry is an important industry that has to be there for everyone and every region. Different medical devices are created and assembled in different countries. In order to make it accessible for one and all, it is important to translate the content into their concerned and native language. One can only operate a medical device when he has a manual, instructions page, or packaging label in the language which they can read and understand. Therefore, it is important to cater to the translation needs of medical devices in order to facilitate people all over the globe.

Now with the translation of medical content and manufacturing of medical devices come certain challenges which are not only tough for the translators but the manufacturers and owners have to take care of those as well.

Most of the challenges that dealers as well as translators have to come across with the translation of medical content include

1.  A distorted supply chains

The translation services have become serious post-pandemic. It has also affected the global supply of medical devices. The owners and makes of medical devices have started facing this big issue post-COVID-19 where they have been blamed for the distorted supply chains. Though the issue also arises due to the less concentration on professional medical device translation services only. The surveys and issues made the owners realize how translation services can help them to make the process smooth. Translators find it tough to sail through this challenge as they find it extremely complicated to understand a company, its processes, and supply chains before they start translating for a particular target audience.

2.  Fluctuating healthcare costs

With the budget getting tight, every entertainer tries to cut down on the things which he can. So, a lot of companies and people dealing with medical devices due to the fluctuation in the costs don't pay heed to translational needs. They hire translators at nominal rates and it gets tough for the translators too to maintain the quality of the resources provided. They fail to meet the requirements. The businesses often fail to deal with the crisis and inflation and hence end up taking decisions that can make them suffer in the long run. Also, the pandemic had a great effect on every business and most of the businesses were shut down due to covid 19 which made other companies conscious and this situation also leads to unhealthy competition.

3.  Regulatory challenges

The regulator updates and changes in law and regulatory things also make the translation challenge. Medical device translation companies often lose the track of the law and regulatory content due to constant changes. However, the companies can make sure that they and their team of translators are well aware of the facts of the laws when it comes to their relevant target audience and regions. Translators have reported it to be one of the big challenges that they have encountered with the translation of medical devices.

4.  Cybersecurity issues

When it comes to medical devices and equipment, there are a lot of chances of cyber security issues. Also, medical content is itself complex and draining, and translating it becomes hectic further for the translators. This is why take it as a serious challenge and threat. The information about developing a medical device, and its execution is confidential and secure and companies often try to save it from their competitors. This makes cybersecurity gets of great concern as during the process of sharing it within the team and with foreign associates it gets problematic and translators have to ensure that they take care of the content well and there is no breach of confidentiality.

5.  Counterfeiting the frauds and scams

The process of developing medical devices is challenging as well as sensitive for the manufacturers. Moreover, the biotechnological process is also involved which demands biotechnology translation services. Manufacturers as well as translators find it challenging to keep the things in a vault. As IP theft or iteration is getting common. There are attackers who focus on the places and vulnerabilities which they can use to scam and fool others. Therefore the translators as instructed by the owners have to be alert and vigilant on that part.

6.  Variety of documents

This is one of the most common challenges that medical translators are often found reporting that how they mix the translation content for the medical devices and equipment. The documents which require translation are user manuals, safety manuals, Instructions, and a lot more. The content for each category is different and a difference has to be maintained according to the device and equipment. Different equipment is operated in different manners.

Therefore, translators find it challenging to stick to one particular pattern during the translation of the content of medical devices, and not only this content but the involvement of biotechnology also makes them put their efforts into the best biotechnology translation services too and this change of content categories make them end up mixing the content and its requirements.


Translation of the content from one language to another is a hectic process overall. However, when it comes to the translation of medical content and medical devices it is even challenging and draining. The translators have to take care of the content, ensuring its confidentiality and security with staying updated with regulatory challenges and a lot.

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