6 Habits That Damage Your Brain 🧠

Nov 3, 2022

5 min read

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Just 6 habits that can damage your brain and now you can avoid it from happening and increase your memory power and your health and it helps in personal development.

Our brain has the greatest impact on our daily lives and it's role in achieving our goals is very high and I need not to introduce the basics and usages of our brain.

  • Our brain is a complex "organ" that takes control over thoughts, memory, emotions, touch, motor skills, sight, breathing, temperature, hunger and all the processes that regulate our body.

  • The brain and the spinal cord that extend from it together form the central nervous system.

1. Staying in "Dark" too much

Staying up late nights in the dark by doing many inappropriate things for temporary reasons and enjoyment is very dangerous and harmful for the brain and other thoughts.

Every things in the life habits starts with this pointing to not to stay in the Dark too much and it is very been habitual to every one and no One avoid it.

Adults, 65+ years: 7 to 8 hours., Adults, 26 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours., Young adults, 18 to 25 years: 7 to 9 hours., Teenagers, 14 to 17 years: 8 to 10 hours., Children of school age, 6 to 13 years: 9 to 11 a.m., Preschool children, 3 to 5 years: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Toddlers, 1 to 2 years: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Infants, 4 to 11 months: 12 to 15 hours., Newborns, and 0 to 3 months: 2 to 5 p.m.

We should get at least seven hours of sleep is a step in the right direction for improving your brain function.

2. Consuming too much Negative News

Taking too much Negative News and spending too much on Overthing.

Negative News can leads to problems like social anxiety, depression, stress and low self-esteem. The important role to change your negative thoughts is to understand how you're thinking now about it and problems that leads too and then use strategies to change those thoughts, make them less impact.

Thoughts, emotions and behavior are all connected through different things, so our thoughts affect how we feel and act.

We all have unhelpful thoughts from time to time, it's important to know what to do when they come to change the course of our day.

3. Hearing Headphones 🎧 on full Volume

We are all addicted to the earphones for music for the personal enjoyment but it is very very dangerous for the ears, So we should avoid it to listen at volume and it is necessary but at full Volume We may damage eardrums, so we should be careful and follow tips.

The very bad news is that listening to loud noises or loud music through earbuds can damage seriously healthy the tiny hair calls in your inner ear that detect sounds and communicate them to your brain through nerves.

By the time, this can lead to permanent hearing loss. Playing music at maximum volume with headphones can expose you to approximately 95-105 decibels, and just 15 minutes of listening can cause permanent damage.

4. Social Isolation

Lack of social interaction is scientifically proven to negatively affect the brain, impair cognitive function and memory, and increase the chance of dementia. Physical distancing and lockdowns have been turned on and off inside, resulting in more people socially isolating. Many people are self-isolating for fear of catching the virus, which has greatly reduced social interactions. We cannot go back to the old way of life and travel of going to crowded bars and restaurants and going to concerts - at least not without fear of viruses.

To Over Come Social Isolation

  • Connect with more friends

  • Practice gratitude with others

  • Find a new hobby

  • Get some fresh air

  • Get help

  • Act of kindness

  • Socialize

5. To much time ⏲ on Screen

Spending too much time with mobile and Computer screens and laptops while for working and entertainment and many things we depend on them

3 signs which help you understand that your are Spending to much time on Screens ,they are

  • They lose their creativity

  • They choose screens over relationships

  • Their personality changes.

So We Should avoid by observing these signs and we stay with the books and friends and start them immediately and learn the importance of these things and we all Work these through out the days because of mobile and Computer screens and light effects

6. Consuming too much Sugar

Cravings for sweets are the worst times. No matter how hard you try to control them, you always find yourself giving up and assure yourself that you will eat that candy bar before you realize it, the whole candy bar does it but that's just advice sugar problem.

Consuming sugar is essential for your overall health and well-being, but eating too much can cause problems, and the problem is that most foods you eat throughout the day contain sugar. So you're probably already consuming too much of it.

We All know these Conclusions but we all ignore all these but the simple Terms and Conditions and just let me conclude these terms and Apply to our daily lives for better living.

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