6 Best Strategies to Make Money With Amazon KPD

Jul 3, 2022

3 min read

Write your own content on FeedingTrends

Image via pexels

You can self-publish your book on Amazon using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and start making money in as little as 24 hours.

Sounds a lot better than having to wait months or even years to find an agent, get a book deal, and go through the rigmarole of traditional publishing for a printed book, doesn’t it?

That’s not even the best part…

  • Self-publishing with Amazon KDP is completely, positively free.
  • Amazon’s Kindle store has a massive reach, with over 90 million Prime subscribers in the United States alone.
  • Amazon allows you to keep a larger portion of your money. Much more.

In a nutshell:

Anyone can self-publish a digital book and sell it on Amazon thanks to Kindle publishing.

The only issue?

If you want your Kindle book to be a success and earn real money, you can’t just “publish and pray.” You must devise a strategy.

What Is KDP?

KDP is an abbreviation for Kindle Direct Publishing. This Amazon-operated platform allows both new and experienced writers to self-publish their works online.

You can increase your chances of selling more books on KDP by implementing the strategies listed below.

1. Find niches on Kindle that have DECENT demand

This is accomplished by identifying sub-categories in which the lowest-ranked book in the top 10 has a sales rank of 10,000 or higher AND has been available for 6 months or more.

Why? A sales rank of 10,000 or higher (the closer to one, the better) indicates that the book sells AT LEAST $10,000 USD per year.

If you find a fiction sub-genre or non-fiction sub-category with a LOT of books with a 10,000 sales ranking, it means that sub-genre / sub-category has TONS OF DEMAND and can support a LOT of writers focusing on those topics.

2. Reverse engineer your competitors’ books and create a numerous of titles

The majority of books in a sub-niche are either sub-par, not fully on point, or lack something. Pay attention to the three-star ratings to get a comprehensive list of the points you must cover in YOUR book on the same sub-topic.

Using the quality guidelines outlined above (i.e., your competitors’ FAILURES), generate as many sub-topics or sub-plot points as possible in your target sub-genres or sub-categories.

3. Obtain covers that outperform your sub-category competitors

This is quite difficult. You’ll need to create a composite cover based on your competitors’ covers. You then change it on a regular basis to see if sales improve.

4. Write teaser sales copy

Self-explanatory. Get the browsers excited over what YOU have to offer.

5. Saturate your sub-category

Write several books on the various sub-themes of the sub-category you’re trying to master. This is normally extremely expensive if you intend to publish 20K word books. You can save money by hiring a professional custom ghostwriter on a platform like Fiverr

Why saturate your niche?

The more people who see your name on a cover, the more convinced they will be that you have NAILED the non-fiction sub-category or fiction sub-genre you’re aiming for.

People are willing to give you a chance and read your book because of the sheer repetition.Because your books are all in the same topic or sub-genre, they end up BRANDING YOUR NAME and promoting each other.

Don’t play with VOICE TO TEXT software because it takes forever to ‘train’ properly and you have to SLOW DOWN your speech for the software to pick up your words. Don’t bother dictating to Google Docs.

Hire a PERSON to hand transcribe your materials instead. Fiverr, for example, can connect you with a skilled transcriber to handle your text.

6. Interlink your books

Now that you’ve saturated a sub-category, your books must refer to each other. They must sell the books that came before. Create a series.


If you follow the steps above, you will be able to create a KINDLE INCOME AUTO PILOT SYSTEM.

There is no need to pay for reviews

There is no need to cheat

There’s no need for unethical marketing or other BS! All that is required is RESEARCH and a SOLID PLAN.

Write your own content on FeedingTrends