5 Things to Know About Piano Learning | Cristofori Music

Apr 18, 2023

4 min read

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Do you want to learn piano? Are you thinking of learning piano from a professional trainer? We are here to help you. Music has some kind of healing power which is essential for humans. They can rely on music whenever they feel a little low. Producing any kind of music and learning to play any kind of musical instrument must need skill and passion and piano is no exception. The piano has been played for ages and it is very famous in any part of the world. The piano lesson and the keyboard lesson must be learned from efficient trainers.

What is a piano?

A piano is a large musical instrument which is like a big keyboard and has black and white keys. Mostly the outer part and the keys are made out of wood and some strings are attached to the keys by pressing the keys in different patterns you can pull the strings and can create music.

Benefits of learning piano

·         You can learn piano as a hobby and can spend your leisure learning it. Learning a musical instrument can be an excellent hobby as it can bring pleasure to you.

·         Also, if you learn piano professionally it can be a great career option too. You can establish yourself as a musician if you gain mastery over it.

·         Piano playing can boost your confidence too as after learning it properly you can play it in front of a large audience. Which will help in increasing your confidence in not only playing the piano but also other spheres of life too. You in general can be a confident person to convey your thoughts in front of a large number of people.

·         It also helps you to focus on things. While playing the piano you need to have full concentration on the keys, tunes and the music which will be a great help for that.

5 things to know before learning piano -

Before you think of learning piano you must know about certain essential things. Such as-

1.Choosing an efficient trainer

When you think of learning piano the first thing you must do is to search for an efficient trainer who is trained and established as a professional piano trainer. So that you can get your training properly and can know the details of playing the piano with perfection. If you want to learn in an institute, you can also do that and for that, you must choose a well-renowned inaptitude which has efficient trainers to train you.

2.Knowing about different kinds of pianos

Before you decide to learn piano you must have prior knowledge of the different kinds of piano that are available so that you can choose what kind of piano you want to play. They come in different shapes and sizes starting from the age-old grand piano to the new-age digital piano. Also, there are a lot of different styles of pianos are also available in the market such as upright piano, electric piano, player piano etc. Stage piano will also be a great option if you want a convenient piano which you can carry with you as it is almost like a keyboard.

 3.Making a schedule

You must make a schedule with your trainer so that you don't miss out on any classes. Scheduling a time and date will help to be punctual as well. So, before you start your class you must make sure to fix a specific time and date for your classes. In most of the institutes, weekly or monthly classes are available. You can choose according to your wish. With proper scheduling, you can learn piano conveniently.

 4.Learning the theory part

Before you start playing the piano you must learn all the basics about the instrument. Knowing about the theory part is equally important as ill will help in getting you ready for playing it. Learning the tunes, melody, chords, rhythm, and tempo is very much essential if you want to play the piano with perfection. Without it you cannot start playing the piano as you will not know the basics of the instrument so for that learning the theory is very essential. Much like any other instrument the keyboard lesson and piano lessons must need theoretical knowledge.

 5.Practising is the key

Know matter how perfect you have learned to play the piano not practising it at home can not make you a professional piano player. Practising it regularly is very much important to get a mastery over the instrument. Practising well will get you ready for the stage performance as well and you can perform with confidence.


In conclusion we can say that for learning piano you must have a passion for that and you must put a lot of effort into it. Also knowing about the upper said things will help you in a lot of ways to learn piano with perfection.




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