5 Skincare Mistakes You’d Like to Avoid

Oct 6, 2022

3 min read

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Your skin is your ally, one of your most important and beautiful assets. Your skin is also, at the same time, prone to being harmed by pollutants, microorganisms, dirt, oil, you name it.

The bottom line here is that skin is fragile and easy to spoil. Experts in the industry have long stressed the importance of having a skincare routine and using IPL Skin Treatment. Hear us out:

You live a busy life, going to work, maybe academics, and parties, and so much more. Going out of your house usually exposes your skin too so many harmful substances you may not even realize. Having said that, you must be trying to take care of your precious skin, but it can't be easy. Maybe you use a body scrub from Perth or perhaps some other helpful supplements that complement your skin's health. But there are definitely five big mistakes you're making that you don't even know about. What are they?

Here are the five most common Skincare mistakes you're probably making

  • Not Using Sunscreen Lotions

Sunscreen is an absolute must in the summer. The sun's UV rays upvoted by your skin can cause premature aging and can even cause skin cancer. So, therefore, it's best to use sunscreen lotion as much as you can get away with it.

Sunscreen will help you protect yourself against harmful rays of the sun that can damage your skin. It may be easy to forget to take care of this small detail while leaving your home for a long day's work, but remembering sunscreen every single day can really improve the health of your skin.

  • Over and Under Moisturising

If you're not careful, your moisturizing routine can leave your skin oily. This is especially true if you're using a cheap brand of lotion that doesn't suit your skin type. Applying lotion on the face won't do any good unless it's made of quality ingredients that are friendly to your skin. So, always make sure you apply a soothing, gentle moisturizer if you want to avoid having an oily face.

On the flip side, using very little moisturizer can also leave your skin dry and could cause cracking eventually. Remember, striking that balance is the key to getting yourself healthier skin. 

  • The Wrong Kinds Of Exfoliation You're Using

Undeniably, exfoliating is one of the best things someone can do for their skin to keep it fresh and clean. You can even make your skin glow like a face sculpture once you try exfoliating your face for the first time. But, did you know that there are three different kinds of exfoliants?

According to Skin care experts, one particular kind of exfoliant is extremely harmful to the skin, this is Chemical Exfoliation. 

This kind of exfoliator is made of detergent or other chemicals that can cause irritation to the skin. These ingredients can cause rashes and itchy skin. So, if you're using this kind of exfoliant don't do it too often otherwise your skin will become dry and cracked.

  • Not Going For A Skincare Session Every Once In A While

That one facial, that one session of getting skin needling in Perth, these little things make a huge difference. Experts suggest that going for a skincare session every once in a while can really affect the long and short-term health of your skin positively. Be it an IPL Skin Treatment or skin needling at home. Yes! Getting an expert come to your place to treat your skin too is a great idea!

  • Using Irritating Soaps

Usually, a gentle cleansing soap is enough to clean your skin on the surface level. Extremely essential solutions of soap won't really give your skin that deep a cleanse and adversely affect it at the same time. Use gentle soaps for better skincare.


The benefits of skin needling are less talked about but experienced a lot. And it's just one of the many things you can do to care for your skin. Give your skin only the best and take good care of it by avoiding these mistakes.

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