5 Examples of Clichés We Need to Eliminate About Activists

Aug 6, 2022

4 min read

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Are you sick of people saying you’re “too good for this world?” Do they tell you that you’re “naïve” and should “just relax?” If so, then you’re probably an activist. And unfortunately, activists are often met with a lot of clichés. Here are five common cliché examples – and why they need to get dispelled.

Why Cliches Are Wrong

Let’s start with the first issue – overuse. Cliches appear because they are easy and lazy, and writers rely on them too much, making their writing seem trite and unoriginal. The second problem is that cliches are often meaningless, and they don’t always convey the intended message, and sometimes they get the opposite of the intended. Finally, cliches can be offensive, perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions or be insensitive.

Activist Cliche Examples

The purpose of this blog post is to educate people on some common stereotypes about advocates so that you can confidently voice your opinion without fear of judgment.

Activists Have Bad Parents

As an activist, I am all too aware of the stereotypes associated with parenting. There are many assumptions about how we spend our days and what kind of people we are that it’s hard to know which ones to address. Whether you’re a vegan or not, whether you homeschool or public school your kids, where you live in the world. Being a parent doesn’t have one definition- there is no one way to be a good mother or father.

Activism Is Rare

The world is changing, and we’re all getting more involved. Activism is no longer just something that only a few people do in their free time, and it’s become an integral part of the everyday lives of many Americans. This means kids often join up with parents to make change happen, which can mean they get categorized as activists.

Activists Are Lazy

We don’t want our activism to be full of cliché examples of lazy people who sit around waiting for things to happen or people who think it’s okay to bully others into accepting their beliefs. It’s essential for everyone – including kids – to know how to be an activist and what kind of activist they want.

Activists Aren’t Serious

As an activist, you might be a stereotype. I’m not trying to put anyone down or shame them- but we all know that certain things we do in our activism career can make us seem like the activist version of “Bambi on ice.” Maybe you’re always late with your posts and emails; maybe you don’t answer calls from journalists; perhaps you keep forgetting to water your plants at work.

These are just some of the habits that can make us appear unprofessional and unmotivated regarding activism. And while these habits may have been born out of necessity for many activists who juggle multiple jobs or responsibilities (including caregiving), they will also hurt our future success as activists if they continue unchecked.

Activists Are Angry Or Crazy

There are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be an activist. Some people think activism is always loud, angry, and unapproachable, but the reality couldn’t be more different. For many activists, their work has become their life, and they’re proud to have found something they feel passionately about. They want others to understand why they do this difficult work every day and how it feels when they know you are making a difference in the world around them.

Activists are as diverse as any other group of people in society with just one commonality: they care deeply for humanity and want everyone to see themselves reflected positively in culture.

Activists lack experience

Many believe an activist is just a group of people with too much time on their hands, shouting in the streets for all they know. Some say activism is attending school and getting a degree before entering the workforce. That it’s someone with no real-life experience, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Activism can be as simple as reaching out to your friends and family about issues you care about, like feminism or human rights violations. It doesn’t have to be grandiose gestures such as protesting or marching- it could even mean sharing posts on social media. No matter what type of activism you do, there are always those who disagree with you and try to tell.

Activists Cant Get The Job Done

With the recent U.S. election results, many people feel frustrated or hopeless about what’s happening in America and the world. But it is important to remember that we can’t give up, and there are more reasons than ever to keep fighting for justice, equality, and environmental stewardship.

Here is how you can avoid being one of these cliche examples:

1) Take care of yourself – get enough sleep, eat well, and don’t forget your medications if needed

2) Connect with others – find a group near you doing work that matters – see our list below

3) Amplify marginalized voices- by sharing their stories on social media or volunteering in your community

4) Get involved locally- take action as an individual or join with other folks who share your


There are plenty of resources out there that can help you dispel some of these common cliche examples concerning activists or show you how activism isn’t for everyone. So before you judge an individual based on these misconceptions, take the time to read up on what being an activist means. You might find yourself more empowered than ever after reading through these articles.

Activism is not a dirty word, and it’s time to stop utilizing these types of cliche examples and start talking about them openly, honestly, and without judgment in the public sphere. If you want to learn more about what being an activist means or how you can support activists worldwide, feel free to share these resources with your friends on social media and beyond.

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