5 Best Quotes Of APJ Abdul Kalam

Feb 10, 2022

1 min read

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APJ Abdul Kalam.....The Missile Man......an individual who is an idol to many of us. His inspiring words serve as a ray of light in dark situations of life.

Here are the 5 best quotes of APJ Abdul Kalam.

1. I am not handsome but I can give my hand to someone who needs help.....because beauty is required in the heart not in the face.

2. If you ever fail, never give up because FAIL means " First attempt in learning."

3. Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear.

4. If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.

5. Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect.

His words are stimulating. These words teach us to have a positive approach towards life, it helps us grow, it helps us in becoming a better individual.

He was a gem. He is now out from our sight but his works and his words will stay with us forever.

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