4 Principles for Ensuring Accessibility in E-Learning

5 months ago

4 min read

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One vital aspect of publishing virtual training program content is making it accessible. If not accessible, alternatives should be provided so every learner can use them. No learner should move to another platform because they cannot access it in one place. Website content should adhere to accessibility guidelines and principles. This is no longer optional in eLearning programs but has become a mandate. 

eLearning content should be accessible, and it is as per ethical considerations. It is the responsibility of the eLearning content creator to create accessible content. The content should be free from discrimination, and learners with any disability level should have access to it. 

This is where the WCAG guidelines come in. These web content accessibility guidelines help create inclusive learning content. The WCAG principles facilitate accessible eLearning. Considering these at the content design level is essential to ensure compliance. 

What are the Principles that Help Attain Accessibility?

WCAG principles describe how eLearning content should be accessible: perceivable, operable, understandable, robust, or POUR. It is to make eLearning content accessible means making it accessible to those who have motor, hearing, cognitive and hearing issues. Learners or individuals with these disabilities should be able to access online content, and certain principles conform to it. 

Having Perceivable Content:

Online material should be perceivable to all, and specific practices can be used to ensure it is correct. These are:

  • Give text alternative for non-text content 

  • Using the right closed caption for audio content 

  • Video content should have voiceover to describe the context right 

  • Use content that is accessible for users with sensory challenges, such as alt text 

  • Use the right visuals, audio level, text and image size as per WCAG 2.0 rules 

With these, online content should be complex for any learner to perceive. The eLearning content can be easy to use for online training. 

Content Should be Operable:

Users should be able to navigate eLearning content with ease. To implement it right, include:

  • Do not use unnecessary bullets or pointers

  • Don’t use flashing content, as it distracts users 

  • Include a pause or replay option 

  • Use page titles with menus for ease of navigation 

Therefore, interactivity while using eLearning content should be easy and facilitate communication. Each element should be accessible to every user. 

Create Understandable Content:

eLearning content should be easy to understand and free from jargon. Include best practices that enable accessibility and ease of understanding content. The relevant practices are:

  • Ease of Reading - Use lucid language that is easy to understand.  

  • Acronyms - There should be a definition with suitable reference links to help the learners understand the content

  • Idioms - Include clear language so that users can understand jargon

With these, learners with every disability or ability can understand the content. 

Create Robust Content:

Use technology effectively to create accessible content. Then, only virtual training content becomes effective. Technology allows you to create upgraded content at pace with clients’ needs. The links and buttons available should be accessible to users without any hindrance. Moreover, content should be accessible via assistive technology. 

Following these practices makes it easy to create accessible eLearning content that is WCAG rule-compliant. This is important to ensure that the content of a training program is accessible to learners. 

Why Attain Accessibility for an eLearning Content?

When developing eLearning content, it should meet the accessibility standard criteria. The above principles help create content with a better perspective. The reasons to attain accessibility are:

Conform to Legal Obligations: 

As per the state content accessibility rules, WCAG guidelines offer digital accessibility. This ensures compliance with the legal rules and that all users can access digital content. 

Provide Opportunity to All:

Accessibility is to establish content for eLearning programs that every user can use, no matter their level of accessibility. Encourage diversity by using the correct accessibility principles. 

Better Learning Experience:

In the name of accessibility, one has to include captions, readable text, and options that are easy to navigate on the digital platform. This is where the content creators and the course designers should be aware of the accessibility principles. 

Implement the best strategies that elevate learning and ensure every content is easy to open and share. Content accessibility also depends on consistent design. The text should be readable and include alternatives for disabled users. Every element to help disabled candidates should be easy to use. 

How Accessibility Keeps Away Compliance Problems?

Accessibility compliance problems can be damaging for eLearning programs. No matter the niche of online content, it should be free from challenges and easy to access. It is about using the proper accessibility elements to create a positive compliance culture. 

This is how it is necessary to create accessible content for as many online users as possible. Focus on inclusivity and incorporate the correct practices for the best results in online learning. 

The Final Part 

Make significant changes that can make online content accessible. By doing so, you are offering a suitable experience to access digital content with any level of accessibility. Things like formatting, color schemes, visual elements and others should be suitable to help make content accessible. Be it employee training or study material for students, accessibility is crucial. An inclusive learning environment is more encouraging than the one that has hindrances. 

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