4 Influential Books That Changed The World Forever

Jul 6, 2022

8 min read

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1. The Republic by Plato


The Republic is the first influential book in human history that changed the world we see today.

The book’s influence is still as fresh and alive as it was in the 4th century BC, or maybe more.

The nerves of the book can be felt thriving in the political and philosophical discourses and practices of the world, particularly in Europe.

Since its composition, it has shaped the political, intellectual, and philosophical aspects of European and the whole world.

The Republic is written by Plato, most probably in 375 BC. The book comprises ten books and follows a form of an academic dialogue between Socrates and other Athenians and foreigners.

The dialogues dwell on various aspects of human life concerning happiness, statecraft, ambitions, leadership, aesthetics, society, and individuality.

From the book’s content, it seems that Plato wanted to provide workable solutions to end the miseries and sufferings prevailing in the world. He wanted to have a peaceful world where everyone could thrive to their fullest potential.

However, the book failed to offer any workable solutions. All the answers provided by Plato in his Republic deal with a utopian world and can’t be implemented in this world.

We can call it a book of ideas and not practice. Still, it broke with the prevailing trends of the time and opened new vistas of learning, some of which can be (and are) modified to fit the real world.

Prominent subject matters

  • The Republic mainly deals with the idea of a just state. It tells us who is eligible to rule and whom should be ruled.
  • It divides society into three classes, i.e., the guardians, the auxiliaries, and the producers. (Plato divided the society based on the division in the human soul, i.e., reason, spirit, and appetite)
  • The book also provides for state-controlled education comprising three stages. The person who excels in all three stages should become a guardian (philosopher-king).
  • The book also discusses the ways of attaining justice and contentment in life.
  • The book calls for a communistic way of life for the ruling class.
  • Overall the book deals with justice and judgment, wisdom and knowledge, morality and ethics, literature and writing, philosophy, politics, education, and truth.


The Republic by Plato influenced various aspects of European society specifically and the world generally.

  • Plato’s theory of education has significantly influenced the education system, and still, his works are given due importance globally.
  • Plato has shaped the idea of the state and statecraft.
  • The book greatly influenced the political thought of European society and the political philosophers down this age.
  • Plato also has a significant impact on the individual as well as collective thought of justice and morality.
  • He is still influential in the areas of metaphysics and ethics.
  • We can trace the foundational ideas of communism in Plato’s Republic.

2. The Holy Bible Compiled by Various Authors (circa 30AD — 90AD)


The Bible is a beautiful collection of 66 books and scriptures in the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Torah (revealed on Prophet Moses — Musa in Islam), the book of Psalms (revealed on Prophet David — Daud in Islam), and the Gospel (revealed on Prophet Jesus — Isa in Islam). (Peace Be Upon Them All)

The Bible is a holy book sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Samaritanism. The Muslims also believe in the holiness of the Bible, but they don’t follow its instruction because they believe that after the revelation of the Quran, the Bible stands abrogated.

Subject matter

  • The Bible contains historical, spiritual, and practical facts.
  • It introduces God’s way to man and provides a guide to life on earth.
  • It traces the history and rise and fall of the Israelites in the Old Testament and prophecies about the coming of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).
  • It also tells its followers that following the Gospel leads to eternal life.
  • Bible is a revealed book and deals with the injunctions and laws sent by God.
  • Bible deals with the stories of the Prophets and the scriptures given to them.
  • Bibles deals with the creation, deliverance, provision, covenant, promises, and judgments and guide humankind into the path of faithfulness, love, and mercy.
  • Other significant themes include man’s rebellion, estrangement, forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation, the coming kingdom, the gift of grace, and the new life.


The Bible is the most impactful book in history that has changed the world drastically since ancient times.

The Bible influenced the Pagans, including the Romans, who entered the fold of Christianity over the centuries, making it the most prominent religion on the face of the earth.

According to Wikipedia, Christianity is followed by 2.382 billion people, making it 31.11 percent of the total population.

The Bible propagates the religion of Christianity, and according to Wikipedia, Christianity is the second-fastest-growing religion in the world after Islam.

In terms of population, the Bible is the single most influential book that has changed the world we look at today and will continue to hold huge influence.

The influence of the Bible can be seen in the lives of Christians. It is reflected in their philosophies, music, drama, poetry, and creative fiction.

3. The Noble Quran


God revealed the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The book was revealed incrementally through the archangel Gabriel (AS) over the period of some 23 years.

The word ‘Quran’ comes from the Arabic word qar’aa, which means to read.

The Quran has various names. It is also famously known as Al-furqaan (The Criterion).

The revelation commenced in 609 CE, during the month of Ramadan (the holy month of fasting). The last revelation came in the year 632 CE, on the day when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was delivering his famous address known as Khutba-Khujtaul-Wada (Address on the farewell Hajj famously known as The Last Sermon).

The book contains 114 chapters, known as Surah in Arabic. The first 92 chapters were revealed over the period of 13 years in Makkah, the birth city of the Prophet, and the last 22 chapters were revealed in Madinah in 10 years.

The Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old when he received the first revelation through Gabrial (AS) in the Cave Hira, located in Saudi Arabia — a little distance away from the city of Makkah.

Muhammad (PBUH) would pray, meditate, and contemplate the widespread injustice and discrimination that prevailed in the Pre-Islamic era in Makkah.

Subject matter

  • The first and foremost subject matter of the Quran is the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Creation of the universe and Adam (AS).
  • Quran is known to be the complete code of life. It guides humans in every aspect of life. It’s a manual for humans on how to live on earth.
  • It narrates the true events of the lives of the past prophets such as Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methuselah), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu’aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyssa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. (Peace be upon them all)
  • The Quran provides us with knowledge about human rights (both men’s and women’s rights).
  • The book contains beliefs in the existence of Allah, belief in angels, the prophets, the finality of the prophethood through Muhammad (PBUH), the last day of judgment, and predestination.
  • It contains messages on the conduct of the wars, statesmanship, and rulership.
  • The Quran is an address to all mankind.
  • The Quran tells us about earning and spending. How to earn and how to spend. Interest is haram (forbidden) in Islam.
  • A man with enough wealth that amounts to be paid Zakat (a noble act of charity) must pay Zakat to the poor, needy, and other categories mentioned in the Quran.
  • Mercy is another excellent message of the Quran. Allah is himself merciful and likes those who show mercy to the creatures of Allah.
  • Messages about nature and its perseverance.
  • The Noble Quran engulfs the whole life and guides humans in all aspects of life.


Islam, the religion propagated by the Quran, impacted the world greatly from the very onset.

The detailed human message and the talks about men’s and women’s rights in the 14 century influenced thousands of people to come into its fold.

It provided the best example of rulership and proved it with the establishment of the State of Madina, where there was complete justice, fairness, freedom, and everything that makes a perfect world.

It provided for a government that inspired the whole world and still draws inspiration from it.

The system provided by the book spearheaded a new era of learning that resulted in the development of modern science, literature, and architecture.

It gave the world an economic system that is tested and proved to end poverty and deprivation in the world.

The book provides details on man’s relation with his God, society, and nature.

The book provides for book physical and spiritual benefits for human beings.

According to the Pew Research Center, the fastest-growing religion globally is Islam, and the number of Muslims is projected to grow by 70 percent from 1.9 billion in 2020 to 3 billion in 2060.

4. The Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin


Published on November 24, 1859, in England, the Origin of the Species by a British naturalist Charles Darwin is groundbreaking scientific work.

The book challenged the long-held traditional belief of human creation and shattered many beliefs of the 19th-century people in Europe and across the world.

English economist Thomas Malthus and French naturalist Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck’s ideas chiefly influenced Darwin to write his book on the Origin of Species.

He was also influenced by his five years expedition abroad, where he studied and observed flora and fauna in diverse places and countries of the world.

Although Lamarck and Erasmus Darwin (grandfather of Charles Darwin) already worked on the theory of evolution and one-celled organisms theory, Charles Darwin was the first scientist. The latter provided a practical explanation of the phenomenon of the evolutionary process.

Darwin waited for about two decades to make his theory public due to the fear of the Church and religious quarters because the theory directly clashed with the Biblical account of creation.

Subject matter

The book deals with a groundbreaking theory of the process of evolution, which he calls “natural selection.”

The book’s subject matter consists of the genetic variation of the species to suit their environment.

Those species capable of changing according to their environment will survive, and the rest will be wiped out.

The book’s main idea is that humans evolve from generation to generation through the process of natural selection.

This evolution happens over a long period. The descent with modification and the natural selection keeps the world on a progressive path toward ultimate perfection.


People’s responded to the book according to their understanding of science and their association with religion.

The 19th century, known as the Victorian period, was an age of great transition. Every aspect of life, such as social, religious, intellectual, and scientific, was shedding its old demeanors and adopting the new looks.

New inventions and fast-paced industries were shaping a new world.

Darwin’s theory stuck the nerves of the decaying ecclesiastic powers and shattered the old ideas of creationism and fixism.

The theory came as a shock to the people, and they began to see a man with a different understanding.

Darwin’s radical theory quickly assimilated into their culture. The old views about creation, religion, morality, ethics, society, race, and everything changed.

Apart from biological Darwinism, there was a rise in the trend of social Darwinism that gave people a new consciousness about their race, wealth, and family.

People discarded religion and dogmas from their lives and looked to live more rationally and scientifically.

The impact of Darwin’s theory is also visible in the culture, life, and literature of Victorians and the successive generations.

However, his theory has been losing fame and vigor with new discoveries about evolution.

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