3 Stretches You Should Do Every Day

3 Stretches You Should Do Every Day

Apr 6, 2023

3 min read

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While it's common knowledge that daily stretching is a must, having access to a chiropractor near me remains rare. You can increase your flexibility and reduce your risk of injury by regularly performing these three stretches.


1. Neck Roll: Sitting or standing, slowly roll your neck in a circular motion, five times clockwise and five times counter-clockwise. This helps release tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.


2. Seated Twist: Sit on the ground with your legs extended straight before you. Put your right hand on the floor behind you and your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. To the right, twist your upper body, and hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat with the opposite side. This stretch can help reduce lower back pain and improve posture.


3. Standing Hamstring Stretch: Stand before an elevated surface like a chair or table. Place your right foot on the surface and keep your left leg straight. Extend your lean forward until you feel a pull in the back of your left leg, hold for 15-20 seconds, and then switch sides. This stretch helps loosen up tight hamstrings, which can help reduce lower back pain.


These stretches should be done daily to help keep your body limber and reduce the risk of injury. Warm up before stretching, and always listen to your body. If it hurts or doesn't feel right, it stops immediately. And remember to breathe! Enjoy the benefits of stretching daily, and you'll feel great quickly.


What are the Benefits of Doing These Stretches?


By doing these stretches regularly, you can improve overall flexibility and range of motion. This can help reduce the risk of injury from daily or sports-related activities. Stretching also helps relieve tension in the body, which has been shown to lower stress and encourage relaxation. 


It's important to remember that stretching should not be painful - it should be done gently and slowly. Be sure to listen to your body and never push yourself beyond your comfort level. Regular stretching can also increase blood flow, helping improve circulation and promote the overall health of your muscles and joints!


Finally, stretching regularly can help improve posture, making standing or sitting up straight easier. This will help reduce the strain on your spine and shoulders, leaving you feeling energized and more comfortable. 


Stretching can also improve muscle strength, making everyday tasks like carrying groceries or playing sports much easier. So get stretching today and start to feel better tomorrow!


Why You Need to Perform These 3 Daily Stretches


Stretching provides many benefits for your body that cannot be ignored. As we age, our muscles tighten up and can cause pain or restricted movement. When done correctly, stretching can help reduce muscle stiffness and increase flexibility, allowing us to move more freely with less risk of injury. 


Regular stretching can improve circulation, helping to flush out lactic acid and other toxins that can cause soreness. It can help to reduce the risk of certain types of injuries, such as muscle strains and sprains. Finally, stretching can improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support our spine, improving overall balance and stability.


Stretching also helps to increase the range of motion in your joints, which is important for everyday activities. Increased flexibility can help improve posture, allowing us to sit or stand up straight easily. It can also help reduce stress levels by releasing tension in the body and calming the nervous system.


Performing these three daily stretches can help you achieve greater flexibility and range of motion while reducing tension in your body. This will help you become more agile and less likely to sustain an injury. So include these stretches into your daily routine for maximum benefit!


At Peak Potential Family Chiropractic - Houston Heights, we are committed to giving our patients the best. If you require chiropractic care, we can cater to your specific requirements. 


Massage therapy, spinal decompression, and rehabilitative exercises are just a few modalities our team of experienced professionals uses to help you move and feel better. We also offer nutritional counseling to further aid you in your quest to improve your health. 

So call our office immediately if you're serious about making a healthier lifestyle change for you and your loved ones.


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