28 Brokers' March Singapore Liquidity Reports Released

4 months ago

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In the Forex market, some traders do not pay attention to the liquidity providers of Forex brokers. The reason may be that they feel that liquidity is a matter for banks and forex brokers, not traders.

In fact, liquidity is very important for both forex brokers and traders. Liquidity determines how well traders execute their orders.

So, which dealers have the better liquidity in Brokersview's solid rating of 28 brokers? Here it is.

EURUSD Mobility Rankings

In March, the TOP3 platforms with the highest frequency of quotes per minute were WeTrade, EC Markets and GO Markets.

At the other end of the spectrum, the least liquid platforms are: Doo Prime, Tickmill, and EightCap.

In EURUSD, the most liquid WeTrade quotes 100 times per minute; EightCap, the least liquid, quotes only 32 times a minute, or nearly one every two seconds.

GBPUSD Mobility Rankings

In GBPUSD's liquidity performance, the broker with the highest rate of quotes per minute is GO Markets, which quotes an average of 118 quotes per minute. It was followed by Tickmill with 117 and FP Markets with 115.

At the other end of the spectrum, Doo Prime, Swissquote, and EightCap are among the least liquid of the brokers, all with low average quotation frequencies of 62, 44, and 40, respectively, a liquidity that is not very friendly to traders who like to move in and out quickly.

XAUUSD Mobility Rankings

FPG, FP Markets and Decode Global are the three best performing brokers in the real gold test, with an average rate of 191, 148 and 140 quotes per minute.The fastest FPG has an average of 3.2 quotes per minute. At such high prices, any order placed by a trader can be executed quickly.

While gold is generally more liquid, there are slightly less liquid brokers, Doo Prime, ThinkMarkets and EightCap, with an average of 83, 67 and 66 quotes per minute, respectively.


As can be seen from the above data, the platforms with good overall liquidity in EURUSD, GBPUSD and XAUUSD include GO Markets and FP Markets;the three most illiquid brokers are Doo Prime and EightCap.

It can also be seen from the evaluation data that among the three trading varieties of EURUSD, GBPUSD and XAUUSD, XAUUSD has the best liquidity, followed by GBPUSD and then EURUSD.

The above is Brokersview broker liquidity data for March, more evaluation data please see BV evaluation.

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