23 Timeless Unwritten Lessons Everyone Needs To Understand

Jul 6, 2022

6 min read

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Today’s world is changing rapidly. But is it possible for technology to replace the wisdom of the past?

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In the fast-moving world that we live in, there is increasing pressure to achieve. People want to succeed. But there is a lot more to success than what meets the eye. There is a lot of wisdom that people can benefit from. So, I have created a list of 23 timeless lessons that everyone needs to understand. These lessons are not new. They have been around for a long time. But they are still very important. I hope you find this list useful.

  1. Things Can’t Stay The Same Forever. Letting go is hard. But, it’s the only way we grow. No matter what, we have to let go of something. Whether it’s a bad habit, an unhealthy relationship, or an old mindset, we have to let go of what we’re holding onto. It’s painful and hard. And, sometimes we try to hang onto something that just isn’t working for us anymore. But, in the end, we have to let go. Because it’s the only way we grow. It’s the only way we move forward. It’s the only way we learn and move on.
  2. Don’t Play Games With Someone’s Feelings. You can’t go through life lying to people. Sometimes people can be a bit of a tease. They will take advantage of someone’s feelings or emotions and toy with them. In these situations, it is best to be honest instead of playing games. If you care about someone, don’t play with their emotions.
  3. Don’t Let That Love Go Unspoken. Don’t be afraid to tell people you love that you love them. Action speaks louder than words is a little outdated. Sometimes, action is sweeter along with words.
  4. Soft Hearted People Are Not Fools. People with soft hearts are not weak or foolish. Having a soft heart doesn’t mean that they’re not wise. A soft heart is not always a bad thing. Soft-hearted people are often good listeners and they have a lot of compassion. They’re not afraid to let feelings show. They are not afraid to love and be loved. People with soft hearts show they care. They will take an interest in your problems and they will be kind to you even when you don’t deserve it. They don’t keep score or try to one-up you. They’re not perfect and they’re not as strong as people think. But they value the human aspect of life. They value honesty, even if it’s hard to accept. A soft heart does not mean being a fool. It means being a good person and taking care of others.
  5. When you want to change your life, but don’t know where to start, start with prayer and everything will follow. It’s normal to have the desire to live a better life. Some people want a better job, some want a better marriage and some people just want a better life overall. But whenever you’re trying to change your life and don’t know where to start, you start with prayer. God is already a part of your life and wants to be involved in everything you do. By praying to Him, you can open up lines of communication with Him, asking Him what your purpose is in life, what you’re supposed to do, and how you can accomplish it.
  6. Don’t Push Yourself To Someone. It’s not easy to not be around someone that you had feelings for, but sometimes there’s no point tearing yourself down over it. If you’ve already tried all your options and nothing has changed yet, you can’t do anything more than accept it and walk away.
  7. Don’t Put Anyone On a Pedestal. Even the most compatible and flattering people can get tired of you and soon will get rid of you.
  8. Don’t Make Your Life Revolve Around With Someone. It’s hard to admit, but the person in your life isn’t the be-all and end-all. The best thing to do is to take time to yourself, make sure you’re happy, and remain independent so that when the time comes and you have to say goodbye, you don’t lose yourself in the process.
  9. Sometimes You Can‘t Have It All. The stars don’t always align perfectly for your wishes to come true. Even if you do everything you can, you can’t always have it all. Your plans may not always go as planned. You must sometimes make sacrifices for the sake of others. We must sometimes accept that things are beyond our control. We can’t always get back what we’ve lost. You can’t always have it all!
  10. Never Go Back In Time. Past is Past. Move Forward. You cannot expect the same things in the past as in the present. You cannot expect people to treat you the same way they would in the present. While there are many things you can learn from the past, you should never try going back in time.
  11. Don’t Ever Regret What You Did If You Were Really Happy at That Moment. It’s natural to regret a decision if it makes you feel bad today, but sometimes it may be beneficial to look back on what you did in the past and consider whether you were really happy with that decision. If you are, then don’t let the negative emotions deter you from feeling happy. After all, if you’re truly happy with a decision you made, then that is all that matters.
  12. Give More Than You Think You Should. You don’t have to be rich, you don’t have to be a celebrity, you don’t have to be a philanthropist. You just need to be a human being who cares about the people around you. Never underestimate how far a little kindness can go. It will also lead to one of the greatest feelings ever because you will be able to see how grateful you are to be able to give.
  13. It Is Impossible To Live Without Quarrels, In The Same Way As To Go Through All-City Only On Green Light. Usually, quarrels, in one form or another, almost is inevitable in any community. After all, we are all human, therefore, even the most harmonious human community cannot exist without disputes.
  14. If The Crowd Is Going One Way, Try To Go The Opposite Way. People try to do what’s popular and what they know will work. But sometimes, the opposite of that is true. If the crowd goes one way, try sometimes to walk in the opposite way to make a difference. You might never know what good things await.
  15. Money Can’t Buy Health. Although money can be used as a substitution for health, it doesn’t mean that it will solve all the problems in your health. It can only help to remedy the condition you have or help you to prolong your life but not totally can get your body back to as it was before.
    The best way is to simply eat and live healthy. Thus, you won’t have to spend all your money on medications, treatments and surgeries.
  16. Swallow Your Pride Sometimes. An apology doesn’t mean you’re wrong, and the other person is right. It just means that the value of your relationship is more important than your own ego. Swallow your pride sometimes. It’ll make a huge difference.
  17. Be Careful Who You Trust! Salt And Sugar Are Both White. Have you ever blindly trusted someone, only to be disappointed when you find out they lied to you and caused you harm? Trust takes time to develop and can be quickly shattered. You’re placing yourself in someone’s hands when you trust them. It’s important to think carefully when you’re making a decision.
  18. Sometimes, you have to play the role of a fool to fool the fools who think they are fooling you!
  19. Sometimes, we cannot choose who we fall for. It just happen.
  20. No Matter How Strong of a Person You Are, Love At Some Point Can Make You Weak, Vulnerable And a Total Different Person. Love can motivate you to do things you never thought you would, including giving up your life for love. Love makes you vulnerable and transforms you into someone you never imagined.
    Love is the most powerful emotion; nothing else can make you feel the way love can.
  21. Too much of everything becomes poison.
  22. Staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you, is called commitment.
  23. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like hugging a cactus. The tighter you hold on, the more it hurts.

Final Thought

There are so many ways to learn and grow. Life is a constant learning experience, there is no limit to the number of lessons that you can learn. The important thing is to keep growing.

Thanks for reading. I’m Bella

Have a great day ahead world ;)

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