14 Vitamin D-Rich Foods to Keep You Healthy

Sep 22, 2022

4 min read

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Vitamin D (scientifically known as calciferol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is one of the essential nutrients for our body. From maintaining our bone health to helping in the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, vitamin D plays a huge role in maintaining our overall health. We get a lot of our daily requirement of this essential micronutrient from the sun's rays. However, it might not always be possible to go outside and stand under the sun to get those requirements fulfilled. That is where vitamin D-rich foods come in. Here you will find 15 foods that will ensure you never lack this vitamin in your body. Let’s go!

  1. Salmon - Salmon is one of the best sources of vitamin D. Around 3.5 ounces of this high-fat-contained fish is said to fulfill 80% of the daily recommended dietary allowance of vitamin D in a healthy human being. Although wild salmon has a higher vitamin D content than farmed salmon, they are both great sources of vitamin D and should be incorporated into one’s diet to fulfill the requirements.

  2. Cod Liver Oil - Cod liver oil is one of the best food sources of vitamin D. It has extensive consumption, especially among people who do not like to take fish. This excellent source of vitamin D has been used for years to treat this micronutrient deficiency. A teaspoon of cod liver oil is said to have 450 IU of vitamin D, almost 56% of the daily value (DV) of vitamin D.

  3. Mushroom - Mushrooms are said to be the only plant source to have a significant amount of vitamin D. Depending on whether they grow in sunlight or are grown in the dark, the vitamin D content might vary, the former one being a much better source of this vital component. The amount of vitamin D available also depends on the type and variety of the mushroom. Shiitake mushroom, abundantly found in East Asia, is said to be the best source of vitamin D.

  4. Herring - Herring fishes are an excellent source of vitamin D. Herrings feed on planktons, which are generally high in vitamin D. This acts as a chain, and thus the vitamin D is transferred to herrings, making them a rich source of the same. Herrings are consumed in various ways. They can be pickled, or smoked.

  5. Catfish - Much like the herring, the catfish too feeds on vitamin D-rich sea planktons, and turns into a rich source of vitamin D. Catfishes are so high in vitamin D that just a fillet of it is said to provide you with 200% of its daily value.

  6. Sardines - Lately, sardines have become quite popular for the plethora of benefits they offer. Sardines are extremely high in vitamin D, just a small amount of it can fulfill up to 70% of the daily requirement of vitamin D. Apart from being a great source of this essential micronutrient, sardines are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B12, selenium, etcetera.

  7. Mackerels - Another fish source with great amounts of vitamin D, mackerels have been popularly used to treat vitamin D deficiency for quite some time now. One can get as much as 90% of the RDI of vitamin D. Along with that, mackerels are also very high in omega-3 fatty acids, which further add to their nutritional value.

  8. Canned Tuna - Tuna fishes are another rich source of vitamin D. About 3 ounces of tuna can provide one with up to 50% of the daily requirement of vitamin D. Tuna fishes are popular for their flavor and are consumed widely across the globe. However, it is generally advised to have no more than a serving of light tuna per week to prevent the buildup of methylmercury in the body, which can have serious health hazards.

  9. Beef Liver - Another great source of vitamin D is beef liver, 3 ounces of which can provide one-fourth of the daily need for vitamin D. Iron, protein, and vitamin B12 are all abundant in beef. The best beef to eat is that raised on grass since it has adequate amounts of all these vital elements. Additionally, thiamin and protein are present in them.

  10. Egg Yolks - Egg yolks, often not consumed by people concerned about fitness because of their fat content, are good sources of vitamin D. While the egg white in a whole egg consists mainly of lean protein, the yolk contains all the other nutrients, including fats, vitamins, and minerals. The amount of vitamin D obtained from the yolk of a large egg can be as high as 5% of the daily value of the same.

  11. Ricotta Cheese - Among all milk by-products, ricotta cheese stands out as the sole source of vitamin D. In comparison to other types of cheese, it has five times more vitamin D. It includes about 25 IU of vitamin D per serving, which is a comparatively significant amount.

  12. Oysters - One of the best foods high in vitamin D is oysters. 100 grams of raw, wild-caught oysters provide 320 IU of vitamin D, which is a whopping 80% of the daily recommended amount. Oysters are also a good source of zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, copper, vitamin B12, and other minerals. Although oysters eaten raw have a higher nutritional value, they should be carefully cooked to kill any hazardous bacteria.

  13. Caviar - A 100-gram portion of caviar, a typical component in sushi, has 232 IU of vitamin D. This fish has a delicious flavor and gritty texture, making it a great appetizer. It is a rich source of nutrition and has selenium, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus among other minerals. It also includes important vitamins like pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folates, vitamin B6, vitamin K, and vitamin A.

  14. Swordfish - Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and is also good for immunity, heart health, and asthma, is abundant in swordfish. A fatty fish, swordfishes contain high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

All these food items, along with an adequate amount of sunlight will ensure your body never lacks this essential micronutrient and will help your body function properly.

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