13 Weird Signs That You Might Be Lonelier Than You Think

Jul 6, 2022

6 min read

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You’re sitting in a bar. Alone. You’re surrounded by people. Some of them are talking. Some are laughing. Some are drinking. Some are just enjoying the atmosphere. You, on the other hand, are staring down into your drink. You’re not distracted by the people around you. You’re distracted by your own thoughts. You’re not enjoying the atmosphere. You’re not even enjoying your own company. You’re not drinking. You’re staring.

Source: 13 Weird Signs That You Might Be Lonelier Than You Think

Photo by Jakub on Unsplash

Loneliness is becoming increasingly prevalent, with more people reporting feeling socially alienated and anxious.
It’s crucial to understand that being alone and being lonely are not the same thing.

Introverts, for example, regard alone time as crucial to their mental and emotional well-being. Chronic loneliness, on the other hand, might leave you feeling isolated since you have no one to talk to, turn to, or be with when you need it.

So, are you feeling lonely?
How do you know?

Photo by Zohre on Unsplash

Loneliness could be the cause if you exhibit the following weird signs.

  1. You Like to Take Long, Steamy Showers. According to recent studies, physical warmth can lead to social warmth. Physical coldness can also cause feelings of coldness, and vice versa. People frequently use bodily warmth to self-regulate sentiments of social warmth, whether they realize it or not. So, if you’re addicted to long, hot showers or soak in a warm bath until you’re prune-like, you might be unconsciously relying on physical warmth to counteract the effect of social coldness.
  2. You’re Worried About Social Situations. Loneliness perpetuates a cycle of isolation, which is why it’s so bad for your mental health. When you feel isolated and alone, you’re less inclined to want to get out and mingle actively. As a result, when we think about upcoming social occasions, we start to feel anxious. Driving and socializing are both skills. Driving every day keeps your skills sharp and gives you confidence in your competence. However, if you lose practice and are forced to rely on your talents again, you may become overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty in your ability.
  3. You’re Always Wearing Your Pajamas. Have you ever gotten to the end of the day and realized you’re still in your pajamas? If this occurs frequently, it may be due to loneliness rather than laziness. Chronic loneliness has a negative impact on motivation. This includes simple things like personal hygiene and appearance. The lack of concern about “looks” has an impact on how isolated a lonely person feels. You are less likely to put out effort if you feel distant from others.
  4. You’re Always Exhausted. Sleep and loneliness appear to be intertwined. According to one study, loneliness and isolation caused more sleep disruption and tiredness during the day. It’s unclear why this is. One reason could be because loneliness causes other problems such as depression, which impairs sleep, or that a lack of true social contacts alters how the brain functions.
  5. You’re Addicted to Social Media. Because social media has become so interwoven in our lives, it’s difficult to find someone who does not use it. However, if your phone is constantly stuck to your hand, this could be a red flag. Loneliness and social media addiction appear to be linked. Lonely people go to social media because it provides a virtual source of acceptance and recognition. People who spend two hours or more on social media per day, compared to those who spend thirty minutes or less, are twice as likely to feel lonely, according to studies.
  6. You Suffer From Frequent Headaches. While headaches aren’t uncommon, they might be a sign of loneliness. Loneliness promotes sadness, and two-thirds of lonely persons suffer from headaches as a result of their low emotional condition. When you’re depressed, your pain threshold drops. And the bad emotions that come with loneliness can make migraines and headaches worse.
  7. Physical Pain Occurs for No Apparent Reason. Have you ever had physical pain accompanied by emotions of loneliness? It isn’t in your head, though. Emotional pain can become physical suffering. New evidence suggests that emotional anguish and social isolation share some of the same neural foundations as physical pain. The brains of lonely people perceive threats and pain signals that are identical to real physical pain and danger.
  8. You Shop a Lot. Shopping is a terrific method for many people to de-stress and unwind. However, going too far may indicate a more serious problem. Purchasing anything new might give you a rush, which isn’t always a negative thing. Some people, on the other hand, exploit this surge to try to fill the void left by loneliness. According to studies, lonely persons tend to accumulate material possessions in order to compensate for the lack of social connection and experiences in their lives.
  9. Junk Food Becomes Your Source of Comfort. Loneliness and a desire for junk food frequently coexist. When you’re lonely, you miss these pleasant hormones because socializing boosts oxytocin and dopamine, which generate a favorable emotional reaction. Junk food provides some of these hormones with an artificial channel. However, this is not sustainable in the long run, and it simply leads to health issues as a result of poor eating habits.
  10. You Gain Weight. Because we use food to compensate for our emotions, loneliness is often associated with weight gain. Loneliness can sap our motivation, quickly converting an energetic person into a couch potato. Loneliness may become a contributing factor in future health problems, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, due to a lack of motivation.
  11. You’re Having a Bad Day. While people with depression tend to withdraw themselves, loneliness is intimately linked to poor mood and sorrow. We receive social support when we feel appreciated and cared for by others. However, if you isolate yourself from others, you may lose sight of this, causing you to doubt your own self-worth. You can get into a loop of negative thinking if you’re isolated from others, feeling less and less connected with the world.
  12. Premature Aging. Loneliness is a powerful stressor that disrupts the body’s natural flow of biological activities, causing you to age prematurely. Loneliness can lead to overindulgence in alcohol or other substances, which can lead to dehydration, which affects cell function. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles form earlier than they should, emphasizing the indications of aging.
  13. Your Memory is Deteriorating. Loneliness affects not only your emotions, but also your memory. For some, loneliness is a result of sadness, with studies linking confusion and a poor memory to depression. Loneliness can make it difficult to concentrate. As a result, your decision-making abilities and your capacity to think clearly may decrease. You don’t meet new people when you’re alone, so you don’t have to recall names, birthdays, or other personal facts. You speak less when you have fewer social interactions. As a result, your brain’s receptors stop sending and receiving information, impairing your memory skills over time.

There are several reasons why people become lonely. Perhaps you’ve lost your job, or a relationship has ended, or you’ve reached a point in your life where you feel stuck. Remember that you can battle loneliness, but you must first recognize it and watch for warning signals. Staying positive, assessing your emotions, and refusing to be swamped by adversely oriented thinking habits will help you fight loneliness. If you’re experiencing persistent feelings of loneliness, don’t be hesitant to seek help from others or from a professional. Loneliness is something we all experience, but it doesn’t have to be something we suffer with.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2022 Bella Smith

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