10 Reasons Why You Should Use a Body Pillow

Nov 29, 2022

5 min read

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Body pillows provide support and comfort to help you sleep through the night without tossing or turning. If you’ve never used one before, you may not know how much of an impact it can have on your sleep quality, energy levels, and overall well-being throughout the day. Here are 10 reasons why custom body pillows can be beneficial in your everyday life. 

1) They Improve Your Quality Of Sleep.

The right pillow can greatly improve your quality of sleep and help you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Custom body pillows are made by taking measurements of your body, then using that information to create a customized pillow for you. The result is a personalized pillow that is just perfect for your size, shape, and sleeping position. For example, if you have neck problems or shoulder issues, a custom body pillow will hold your head in place so that you can sleep more comfortably. There are many options available to choose from including down-alternative pillows with customizable inserts like memory foam and latex.

My favorite type of custom body pillow is the U-shaped design which wraps around my whole body while I sleep. 

2) They Relieve Pain.

A body pillow is designed to provide support for your head, neck, and spine. The comfort and support you get from a custom body pillow is due to the way it supports your body. When you sleep on your side, your head will be supported by the back of the pillow while the shape of the front cushioning provides support for your chest and stomach. This helps relieve pain in these areas when they are sleeping in this position. A body pillow is also great for those who sleep on their back as it provides support for their neck and spine, which can help them avoid waking up with an uncomfortable kink in their neck or soreness in their back. 

3) They Help You Stay Cool At Night.

Custom body pillows are designed to be the perfect size for your body, ensuring that you always have the perfect position. They help you stay cool at night, since they are usually made from natural materials and not synthetic ones. Plus, with custom comfort, you can adjust it to your liking as you sleep! 

4) They Ease Pregnancy Discomforts.

You will see an immediate difference in your body when you use a custom body pillow. This type of pillow is designed to cradle your head, neck, and back, taking the pressure off your joints and other parts of the body. This means you can rest more comfortably and pain free. Plus, they are so soft that they allow you to get just the right amount of support while still feeling relaxed and comfortable at the same time. 

5) They Take The Pressure Off Your Joints.

Body pillows are one of the most popular sleep aids for those with joint pain. Often, people with arthritis in their knees or hips will find relief from using these pillows. The pressure that's applied to the joints is greatly reduced when the pillow is placed under the legs and knees. This helps to take the pressure off of your joints so they don't have to work as hard while you're sleeping.

#1 - They take the pressure off your joints

#2 - They provide better spinal alignment

#3 - They help alleviate pain caused by certain conditions like arthritis, scoliosis, or fibromyalgia

#4 - They can make sitting more comfortable

#5 - They're portable and easy to use 

6) They Can Help With Snoring.

If you have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep because of snoring, then it may be time to purchase your own custom body pillow. Snoring is often caused by muscle spasms and airflow obstruction. The customized body pillow provides support for the head and neck and eliminates the strain in these areas that cause snoring. This keeps you breathing freely while sleeping, which will help to eliminate or reduce snoring.

A custom made pillow can also alleviate pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, or any other chronic condition that causes stiffness in the spine or discomfort when trying to sleep. By supporting the arthritic joints at night and easing the pain, your quality of sleep can improve as well as your general health. 

7) They Can Be Used As A Nursing Pillow.

Body pillows are designed to provide support to your body while you sleep. They are not just for pregnant women, they can be great for anyone who has pain or discomfort in their back, neck, hips, legs and shoulders. Some people use them in place of a normal pillow to help them sleep better at night. The best thing about these pillows is that they come in all different shapes and sizes so you can find one that will suit your needs perfectly. There are also custom body pillows that have been tailored for specific needs like nursing. These specially designed pillows will allow you to keep your baby close as you nurse without having to worry about holding onto anything! 

8) They’re Great For Pregnant Women.

Pregnant women need to sleep on their side in order to reduce the pressure on the back of their abdomen and maintain circulation. A body pillow is an ideal solution for this, since it can be shaped to provide support at various points on your body. They're also great for people with bad backs or arthritis, since they can be molded into any position that will help alleviate pain. And they're perfect for people who sleep with their partner, since they can offer an extra barrier between you and keep you from rolling towards them in your sleep. Custom body pillows are especially helpful if you have allergies or sensitivities, because they prevent dust mites and other allergens from accumulating on the pillowcase and making contact with your skin. 

9) They’re Perfect For People With Back Pain.

A body pillow is perfect for people with back pain, or people who just want to sleep better. The way you can mold it to your body ensures that you’re lying in the most comfortable position possible. Plus, if the pillow has the ability to be heated or cool, then it’s even better! Custom body pillows are great because they can be made specifically for your height and shape. That means no more cuddling up with an oversized pillow that doesn’t give you the right support! If you have severe back pain, then customizing your body pillow might be one of the best decisions you make. 

10) They’re Travel-Friendly.

The great thing about custom body pillows is that they’re not only comfortable, but also easy to pack and carry. They come in many different shapes, sizes, and weights so you can find the perfect pillow for your body type. Plus, they are compact enough to fit inside of a suitcase or backpack. With these characteristics, it makes them the best choice when traveling!

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