10 Reasons Why Travelling Stimulates Personal Growth

Jul 29, 2022

10 min read

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There is something special about travel and when I talk about them I am not referring to luxury holidays or relaxation by the sea. Travelling goes far beyond that.

I am referring to all those experiences that push you outside your stability, I am referring to all those experiences that push you out of your stability, those experiences in which you are catapulted into cultures completely different from your own, where you meet unknown habits and lifestyles, I am referring to those experiences that open your mind and heart, those that really leave a mark on you (a bit like the one left by a summer tan, to be clear, with the difference that this mark is permanent).

There is one great truth in all this that you cannot escape: whether you want to or not, a travel experience will always leave a special and unique imprint on you.

This imprint comes from every step you take outside your comfort zone, from every small step you decide to take seeking that ardour that pervades you

But how and what can travelling really teach you to discover yourself and improve yourself?

Here are 10 reasons that prove it to you, each of them accompanied by a book from which you can draw inspiration.

Travelling cultivates a growth mindset

Travel is directly linked to developing a growth mindset because you are constantly pushed into a completely new environment where learning is compulsory.

Especially if you travel long term, living in a new country means that adapting is necessary to move forward. Moreover, the world is constantly changing so it is necessary to keep up and evolve with it.

Some people live with a fixed/closed mindset (I was one of those before I started travelling) this, however, leads them to passively accept their condition for better or worse and not to act, suffering the consequences.

On the other hand, if you try to develop a growth mindset you will tend to think that your skills grow and develop with your efforts and travelling is definitely the perfect way to do this because it helps us to keep an open mind and increase our curiosity.

SUGGESTED BOOK: the inner journey. Experiences, reflections, examples — Bert Hellinger

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You learn to appreciate yourself and others more

Travelling to a foreign country (especially if you do it alone) can be as exciting as it can be frightening as you may fear being lonely.

Exposing yourself to loneliness situations while travelling is definitely a great way to discover yourself because you learn to enjoy your own company and this is exactly what happened to me.

But don’t forget that loneliness can take a toll on your health in the long run, which is why it is important to make an effort to make connections with the people around you; there doesn’t have to be an excuse to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Stay in that crowded hostel rather than that single and empty room, say hello and smile at the unknown, strike up conversations with the local greengrocer… There are endless ways to gain new knowledge and make new friends!

Personally, the two things that helped me best to overcome loneliness while travelling (as well as opening my mind) were hostels and volunteering.

I strongly recommend you to have a look at the workaway website if you want to try this kind of experience. It’s based on a reciprocal exchange: you work a few hours a day to receive food, accommodation, and a culture bath!

SUGGESTED BOOK: the most beautiful place in the world — Davide R. Battaglia

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You learn to enjoy more the present, the here and now

This is a very important aspect that I would like to dwell on because often almost all of us are so busy trying out a thousand experiences, following the most famous itineraries and crossing out places from our bucket-list that we let the moment, the present, slip away.

What I learned from my experiences, however, was just to start slowing down, walking instead of running and living in the moment. In the end, if you think about it, what is the point of escaping the daily hustle and bustle to spend a week or two travelling around, anxious to see as many places as possible?

Also, during your trip, your main goal is to absorb the local culture, new perspectives and try new things rather than thinking about the future! Only in this way will you be able to make deeper and more lasting memories.

SUGGESTED BOOK: I am a nomadic mind. The journey, the sacrifice, the happiness — Edoardo Massimo Del Mastro

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You learn to turn adversity into possibility

What you also learn when you travel is that it is not all sunshine, and sometimes unexpected events can happen to you.. Or special ones!

I happened to miss a flight, find myself without overnight accommodation, run out of money, to live a pandemic situation abroad.. When I think about all these unpleasant events I only draw positive aspects.

I am not special and I don’t have superpowers, simply travelling has taught me that there is always a solution.

I won’t hide the fact that certain situations initially made things more difficult for me but inner growth happens precisely when, despite the challenges we face, we choose to get back up and move forward. The important thing is not to get discouraged, to be prepared for anything and to be able to embrace the challenges that life throws at you and turn them into learning opportunities.

Travelling and experiencing such situations teaches you to make the best of adversity, turn it into possibilities and treasure them.

SUGGESTED BOOK: the horizon, every day, a little further — Claudio Pelizzeni

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You adapt better to change and become more independent

Remember? Turning adversity into possibility: adapting to change is the consequence.

Travelling is a great adventure into the unknown and you never know what will happen to you. See the terrible pandemic that is hitting us, for example. Many people were or are abroad without a job and are forced to find a solution.

Read my article here to find out how I adapted to the change and how you can too.

Stepping out of that uncomfortable comfort zone in the past gave me a wonderful quality: open-mindedness. Thanks to it I was able to adapt more easily, to stimulate creativity, to embrace the unfamiliar and to grow personally.

SUGGESTED BOOK: travelling towards me — Rossana Dentico

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You move out of your comfort zone and become much more proactive and active

Your comfort zone is that annoying voice that creates excuses inside your mind for all those things you can’t or won’t do.

Let the journey break those excuses once and for all and take risks.

Say hello to that stranger at the bus stop, stay in those crowded hostels, learn to say “yes” to opportunities that come your way.. Don’t be afraid, if you don’t try you will never know what will happen and in any case it will always be a growth experience, don’t you think?

Go for it, that’s the key. You don’t know how much satisfaction and self-confidence you will get from taking that step that scares you so much.

Travelling is also this: learning to enjoy life to the fullest by facing our fears.

SUGGESTED BOOK: walkaboutitalia: Italy on foot, without money, collecting dreams — Darinka Montico

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You deepen your knowledge and understand the diversity of cultures, ways of thinking and values of other populations

The world is beautiful because it is varied and there is no better way to discover and appreciate it than to encounter cultures, beliefs and ways of thinking different from your own.

However, always remember that keeping an open and curious mind is necessary if you want to learn about a new culture.

This aspect is very important for personal growth because you may discover things you never imagined, also connecting with the local population broadens your perspectives and increases your desire to become a better person.

SUGGESTED BOOK: the journey that changes your life — Jacopo di Biase

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

Improve your communication skills

This side is underestimated but it is super important.

As a very shy and introverted person as I was I can assure you that travelling for me has been a rediscovery from this point of view.

Making an effort to interact with locals and other travellers in the most casual situations has extremely helped me come out of my shell and improve my interaction with others.

In addition to developing this skill, you will also have the opportunity to hear memorable stories and discover that you have common interests with these strangers, developing true friendships. Remember that the relationships that arise on the road are always more special.

Being aware that you are passing through, in fact, makes you enjoy the moment to the fullest and because of this relationships are formed and strengthened much more quickly than “normal”.

SUGGESTED BOOK: vagabonding. The art of travelling the world — Rolf Potts

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

“The people you meet create the paradise you find” — Robin Esrock

Well, you know, what makes a trip special are the people you meet.

That’s why it’s important to interact and open up to the unknown, you never know what’s behind a person.

During my stay in Australia this is one of the aspects from which I gained the most. I made wonderful relationships thanks to the people I met, which would not have been possible if I had not opened my arms to “strangers”.

By the way, I remember a phrase that is very close to my heart from a young man I met there, he told me: “your smile is persuasive, it sends out a crazy energy, it shows that you really like life!”

Mine was not a forced smile. Being constantly immersed in a new culture and living with 14 other people of different nationalities filled me with joy and opened my heart and mind.

Always smile as much as possible, you will appear much friendlier and people will notice your energy.

SUGGESTED BOOK: the coordinates of happiness — Gianluca Gotto

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

You realise that experiences add more value than materials

As you start to travel you begin to appreciate the world of minimalism: more experiences, less stuff.

Here too, travelling has (thankfully) changed me. Years ago I used to fill myself up with things. Like many people, I used to try to buy happiness by buying things that brought me nothing but sadness, because they made me happy in the moment but, once it had passed, everything went back to the way it was before and even worse because I realised I had wasted money.

Travelling I learned that are the experiences that really fill me with joy, those that I am proud of and of which I keep indelible memories.

By travelling you will realise what really matters to you and you will finally be able to discard what no longer is bringing value in your life and you will start to prefer and accumulate life-changing experiences.

SUGGESTED BOOK: on the right track — Francesco Grandis

If you want to have a look at the plot of the book, you can do it here.

© Alex Negrini — Be Adventurer, 2021

I really hope that my advice can motivate and inspire you to improve yourself by travelling. If you are already at work, I congratulate you and wish you good luck!

If you feel like reading something similar, I invite you to have a look at my first article by clicking here.

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