10 Great Ways to Cope With Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Jul 24, 2022

4 min read

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Anxiety is ever-present and makes no distinction between walks of life or social class. That’s why learning how to cope with anxiety is so important. According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that 350 million people suffer from anxiety disorders. If you are one of those people, don’t worry – you are not alone. This blog post will discuss ten essential tips for coping with fear and other debilitating states, and we will also provide some general coping skills that can be helpful for everyone.

What Is Anxiousness

Anxiety is a mental state that can cause physical symptoms. These symptoms can include a racing heart, shortness of breath, lightheaded or dizziness, and nausea. Stress can also change the body’s balance of hormones and chemicals. This can cause problems such as headaches, problems sleeping, and gastrointestinal issues.

How To Manage Anxiety

If you are experiencing anxiety, there are several things that you can do to help lessen the symptoms.

Here is our list of ten essential tips to cope with being anxious and stressed:

Don’t Bottle Things Up

Don’t try to bottle up your anxiety or ignore it, and this will only make it worse in the long run. Instead, face your fears and address them head-on. Doing this will make you more resilient and better equipped to deal with worry when it does arise. As a bonus, your panic attacks will be less severe because you have removed much of the powder from the powder keg.

Talk To A Friend

Talk to someone who understands what you’re going through. It can be beneficial to talk to someone who has been through anxious times themselves, and they will be able to offer support, advice, and understanding. Sometimes just talking about our nervousness can help lessen its grip on us.

Mitigate Anxiety Triggers

Identify your triggers. Once you know what sets off your stress, you can begin to avoid those situations or be better prepared to deal with them. By understanding your triggers, you can take back some control over your tensions. This forward thinking approach is one many are trying to master. It takes time because you have to experience different things constantly, and sometimes triggers come out of the blue.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

You can’t let yourself down a rabbit hole of negative thoughts and actions. When we’re anxious, our thoughts can become very harmful and distorted. It’s important to challenge these thoughts and remind yourself that they are not necessarily true, and this is a process called “cognitive restructuring.

Changing your thinking is challenging, but it is an essential coping skill.

Relaxation Techniques

Many different relaxation techniques can be helpful for uneasiness. Some examples include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation. Find the one that works best for you and practice it regularly. For example, many people swear by the benefits of Yoga.


Exercise has so many advantages, including reducing stress and improving mood, and it can also help increase our overall sense of well-being. So get moving and start reaping the blessings. Also worth noting, don’t overdo your workouts as that can have the opposite effect. It defeats the purpose of managing stress levels if you obsess over when you can get to the gym or overanalyze workout plans.


Get enough sleep. This one is important. When we’re tired, our anxiety levels tend to increase. Get plenty of restful sleep every night to help keep your anxiety in check. Another good move is going to bed early and getting up early. Studies have shown people who wake up early in the morning are less depressed and more productive.

Diet Right

Eat a healthy diet. What we eat can significantly impact how we feel physically and emotionally. More importantly, the quality of what you consume matters. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will help you maintain your energy and mood throughout the day. Eating right is also a future investment in you being your best self.

Avoid Alcohol

While it may seem like using alcohol or drugs will help reduce anxiety in the short term, it will only worsen things. These substances can increase pressure and lead to other problems down the road. So it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Remember, alcohol only masks mental health problems, which is impractical because it has many negatives.


Anxiety can be a normal and healthy response to stress. However, when worry becomes excessive, it can interfere with your daily life. If you have difficulty managing your anxiety, you must talk to your doctor or a mental health professional to get help.

These are just a few of the many coping skills that can be helpful for anxiety. The most important thing is to find what works for you and to keep practicing. You will develop the tools you need to manage your stress and live a happy, healthy life with time and effort.

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