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All You Should Know About National Girl Child Day, 24th January

National Girl Child Day is observed on January 24th every year in India to raise awareness about the rights and welfare of the girl child, and to highlight the discrimination and challenges that they face. The day is celebrated to promote gender equality and to empower girls to reach their full potential.

National Girl Child Day: WB Edition - Blog | Wishesandblessings | Ngo In  Delhi

One of the main objectives of National Girl Child Day is to raise awareness about the importance of educating girls. Education is a fundamental right and a key factor in achieving gender equality.

Girls who are educated are more likely to have better health, be more financially independent, and have a greater say in the decisions that affect their lives. However, many girls in India still face barriers to education, including poverty, early marriage, and discrimination.

Another important aspect of National Girl Child Day is to raise awareness about the issue of discrimination and violence against girls. Girls in India are often subject to discrimination and violence, both in the home and in the community. They may be denied access to education, healthcare, and other basic services, and may be forced into early marriage or subjected to female genital mutilation.

The Indian Government has taken various steps to improve the rights and welfare of the girl child. The government has launched several schemes and programs to promote girls' education, health, and nutrition, and to protect them from violence and discrimination. One such program is the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter) campaign, which aims to address the declining sex ratio and promote the education of girls.

Girls in India

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Girls in India face many challenges and discrimination, including limited access to education, early marriage, and violence. Despite some progress and government initiatives, more needs to be done to ensure that girls in India have equal opportunities and can reach their full potential.

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

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Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter) is a campaign launched by the Government of India in 2015 to address the declining sex ratio and promote the education of girls in the country.

The program aims to change societal norms and attitudes towards the girl child, and to ensure that girls have equal opportunities and can reach their full potential. The campaign focuses on several key areas, including increasing awareness and education about the issue, preventing gender-selective abortion, and promoting girls’ education and participation in decision-making.

The campaign also provides financial incentives to families who have girls, and it also focuses on strengthening the implementation of laws and policies that protect girls’ rights. Overall, the campaign aims to create a supportive environment for girls in India and to empower them to lead a safe, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Save The Girl Child - A Moment Please

On National Girl Child Day, various events are organized across the country to raise awareness about the rights and welfare of the girl child. This includes seminars, workshops, and campaigns to promote girls' education and empowerment.

In conclusion, National Girl Child Day is an important day that highlights the rights and welfare of the girl child in India. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges that girls face, and the importance of taking action to promote gender equality and empower girls to reach their full potential.