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Here we are in the AI content fly dashboard and for this demonstration I've chosen to use a niche that owed nothing about to prove that you really can let AI content fly. Do the work generate amazing content? Even if you don't know anything about the topic, so the niche that I've chosen is aquascaping the Art and Science of creating an underwater landscape uh, it's involved in it, can spend a lot of money on it. So it shows something that is slightly obscure, but it also does have business potential and just for the record, I do love fish and I love aquariums, which would be a related Niche. But I don't even own an aquarium and I couldn't teach aquascaping so fly.
Do all the work on this let's go ahead and start by click ing on documents workbooks now this is optional, but I'm just going to finish this up to help keep things work in AI content fly we're going to create a new workbook and we'll call it Aquascaping and now we're going to click on the templates, Tab and begin the demo starting up here with blog titles, and so if we want to save our work, what we can do is actually select this workbook name here aquascaping and then I could give it a Name such as aquascaping blog blog titles and then just give it a sentence or a few words about what your blog post is about from the creativity drop down. You can select low average or high throughout these demonstrations I'll just keep it on average. Changing that variable would just give you slightly different results and that's just another way to get unique content from this. You can also choose how many results you want and you'll find that that's the case throughout most of our templates as well as, if you want to limit the maximum length of the result. I'Ve found that in general I can just keep the limit pretty high and the result will be an appropriate length and then just click the button and it's going to give us 10 great potential block titles such as get started, aquascaping exploring the basics aquascaping 101.
All you need to know dive into aquascaping uncover the details of aquascaping Basics, a comprehensive guide, so that subtitle might be something like the benefits of installing an aquascaping filter. We can then save these results as a Word document, a PDF, a text file or we can simply copy the text. Our built-in storage here in AI content fly. Let'S go ahead and save this document to our storage. You can see successfully saved, let's go back and take a look at the next time, I'm going to skip over the second one and jump over to blog ideas in any moment, you'll see why I'll just say what is aquascaping choose the creativity level and then you Can choose a tone of voice ranging from funny casual excited, professional, witty sarcastic, feminine masculine, bold, dramatic, grumpy or secretive, we'll keep it casual for now and generate the text, and you can see what it does is gives us five great blog post ideas, plus the subheadings That would be a part of those blog posts, so you've got aquascaping 101, an introduction to the art of aquascaping and then within that post.
You'D have topics like what is aquascaping. What are the benefits of aquascaping? What materials are needed to Aquascape what types of plants and fish should be used in aquascaping? What are the different styles of aquascaping now we'll create a blog section, and I'm going to paste that content that I just copied from that last one. So the title is going to be aquascaping 101.
An introduction to the art of aquascaping. Subheadings were also copied directly from that previous template result again, we'll just leave it at average casual now and generate the text and, as you can see, it turned it into a perfectly written blog post, which we could then copy and paste and say WordPress or we Could save it as a Word document, we could turn this into an instant lead, magnet for that matter. In fact, I'm gon na go ahead and save this word document too. Just in case I decide to do that. Next, we have blog intros and I'm going to use these same results that we used in the previous template template just by copying and pasting again.
What AI content fly already gave us average and Casual I'll just kind of leave the default settings for most of these demos. Just so, you can see, and it created a great blog post or even an article intro for us that helps draw in the reader. Like have you ever heard of aquascaping, if not you're in for a treat aquascaping is an art form that combines the beauty of nature with the creativity of the aquarist. So this is a really great intro. Next, we'll look at creating a conclusion and instead of Reinventing the wheel again, I'm going to paste in the exact same content that we've been using and this time instead of giving us an intro.
It gives us a great summary conclusion for any blog post or article. The next template is the welcome email. So let's say my company's name is Eric's aquascaping, we'll say we help aquascaping enthusiasts build the best underwater environments in their aquariums. We sell aquascaping supplies and provide Design Services and our audience is people who enjoy creating aquascapes in their aquariums and again. I know nothing about aquascaping, so I just came up with this off the top of my head, the hard work.
So, let's click the button and here's our email. Dear aquascaping, Enthusiast welcome to Eric's aquascaping. We are thrilled that you've chosen to join us in our mission to create the best underwater environments for your aquariums. Let'S go back and try the cold email template. I'M going to give it exactly the same information that we gave it in the previous one I'll, even leave the tone of voice the same and casual and I'm expecting the movie.
It is something different than it gave me just a moment ago, and it does. The subject is create the Aquascape of your dreams. Hello. Are you an aquascaping Enthusiast looking to create the underwater environment of your dreams? If so, you've come to the right place?
Let'S go back now and try the next email template, which is for a follow-up email again, we'll use the same company name, the same description, the same audience. The only extra bit of detail we had here is we're, following up after the prospect downloaded our free ebook about will keep everything average and generate the text. Hi first name welcome to Eric's aquascaping, we're glad you downloaded our ebook on aquascaping and we hope you found it helpful. I don't know guys I'm actually getting tempted to start aquascaping business, even though I don't know anything about it. Let'S go to the next uh template, which is Amazon product description.
I'M going to pretend that I'm selling some gray slate rocks for aquascaping mean the only ingredients I really know about for aquascaping on rocks, so, let's just say, rocks and I'll, throw in some very basic keywords again, not knowing much about the niche. I'M just going to say: Aquascape aquarium, rocks natural, beautiful and safe and generate the text all right here we go. Transform your aquarium with these beautiful natural gray, slate rocks perfect for aquascaping. These rocks will add a unique and stunning look to your tank and it continues on with a very well written description. Moving on to the next template.
We have Facebook ads, I'm going to use the same product, name so we'll say we're selling those gray rocks on Facebook or advertising them on Facebook. The audience is the same. That we've been you and for the description, I'm literally going to paste that description. That was just created for us by AI content fly, so I'm not having to write anything new here. I am simply created, we'll, go and generate that text and you can see what it did was essentially took that description and turned it into an ad and made it short enough to Facebook ad.