8 Cybersecurity Practices Every Web Designer Should Know
Are you thinking of designing a website from scratch? It is a challenging process that involves a lot of work. You must ensure the website is aesthetically attractive, functionally excellent, and secure.
If this is an arduous task, answering how to secure web applications from vulnerabilities requires a lot more work. But with cybercrime on the rise, top web designing companies in Indiaprioritize cybersecurity as much as ensuring a seamless user experience.
Surveys show that 7 out of 10 companies fail their cyber readiness test. Everyone involved in web design and development must pitch in to remedy this situation. Hence, from coders to designers, the onus of ensuring website security lies with everyone.
Secure coding practices, VPN-enabled secure connections, and iron-clad password protection; they are all website security best practices. But in this blog, we will restrict ourselves to gaining deeper insights into critical cybersecurity web design tips and tricks.
Cyber Security Practices Adopted By Top Web Designing Companies In India
Let us look at the critical methods you should adopt when designing a website for yourself or your client.
Stay updated
Before delving into the technical aspects a web design company should adopt to mitigate cybersecurity risks, let us consider one crucial factor. Cybercriminals are incredibly agile and constantly working on finding website vulnerabilities to capitalize on. So it is vital that you stay on top of cybersecurity trends. As a developer, you should also be familiar with the popular hacking methods and methodologies used by cybercriminals.
Secure Authentication
Gone are the days when logging in involved inputting the username and password. Today, changing cybersecurity requirements demand that web designers implement biometric or multi-factor authentication measures like OTPs, face IDs, fingerprint authentication, etc. Harness the power of SSL to secure access credentials and protect session tokens.
To counter tech-savvy cybercriminals, you must confirm and authenticate users at website entry points. Some standard techniques other than the two mentioned above that help secure authentication include:
Username and password, these techniques include plain-text passwords, encrypted passwords and hashed passwords
Social media login where users sign in using their current social media accounts or sign up on social media platforms and then log in
SSO or single sign-on wherein a single sign-on can be used to access multiple accounts
SMS or email verification is done by sending an OTP SMS to the user’s registered mobile number or a verification link to the registered email account
Captcha wherein users have to type in the displayed set of distorted characters to differentiate them from bots
Security Questions where unique questions related to individuals are pre-defined and stored along with their answers
Device-based authentication where every new login into a device has to be authenticated by the code sent to the registered mobile number
Safe Internet Navigation
We live in an increasingly interconnected world. This poses a big challenge for website designers. They should implement absolute safety while designing the website and across all possible online activities. Statistics show that a staggering 450,000 dangerous programs surface almost daily.
This exponentially multiplies the risks associated with website navigation, and all web designers should be extra vigilant in addressing and ensuring safe internet navigation.
Using A Secure Connection
An open internet connection is a hacker’s happy hunting ground. They will have a field day hacking the website and all connected devices and systems. As a web designer, you should fortify a website with a reliable, secure VPN service.
VPNs guarantee complete web anonymity by creating a secure funnel between the internet and your device. Consequently, all internet traffic to a website gets routed through remote servers equipped with impenetrable and indecipherable encryption.
Secure internet connectivity is a crucial aspect of enabling a secure website design. If you must connect to public networks to make changes or modify the website design then you have to ensure that you use a secure connection.
Ensure Comprehensive Online Coverage
Logical thinking and intelligent implementation of web designing techniques helps top web designing companies in Indiastand out in their web designing. They appreciate the importance of implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy across all online touchpoints.
You should also ensure that your online security measures are all-encompassing and not restricted to only shielding the website from hackers. Provide complete protection across all social media accounts, emails, and other platforms connected to the website you are building.
Safeguard Sensitive And Confidential Information
All users leave behind a trail of sensitive personal and financial information when navigating the internet. Examples include names, birthdates, credit card information, social security numbers, etc. As the best website development company in India, you know that protecting sensitive information is sacrosanct and non-negotiable.
So what do you do? Implement robust security measures that enable storing such confidential data on separate systems in encrypted form.
It is critical that no sensitive client information ever lands on the website page, as this will jeopardize its safety. Any loss of sensitive information leads to a loss of reputation, trust, and business. All website designers should be highly diligent in implementing measures that guarantee the safety of sensitive and confidential information.
Test, Monitor, Update
The responsibility of ensuring website cybersecurity lies both with the web designing and cybersecurity teams of a web design company. Theyshould consistently keep testing the website throughout the designing process.
Roping in real-time users to test for security vulnerabilities in a designed website is also an excellent tactic. Analyze to gain insights from the data generated and use it to improve website vulnerabilities.
Monitor the website for potential security loopholes and stay updated with the latest trends and cybersecurity practices. Also, keep track of all instances of cyber fraud, learn from them, and implement techniques to make the website as secure as possible.
Be Ready With A Backup Plan
Getting hacked is a reality that we can neither ignore nor run away from! Nothing can completely eliminate the chances of getting hacked. So what is the next best alternative? Be prepared with an incident response plan. This should detail your response if and when the emergency occurs.
This will mitigate the intensity of potential damage and empower you to deal with the crisis at hand. Every website development companyprioritizes proactivity and the ability to react quickly as critical aspects of web design cybersecurity practices.
Final Thoughts
In a world where cyber-attacks occur with frequent regularity, you can never be satisfied with the cybersecurity measures you adopt. You must be extremely cautious and monitor your implemented measures for potential security loopholes.
As a web design company, you must stay in sync with all technological advances to keep updating and upgrading the cybersecurity web design measures you have implemented in your website design.