8 Common Coursework Writing Mistakes That Lead to Lower Grades
4 months ago
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8 Common Coursework Writing Mistakes That Lead to Lower Grades

College and high school education cost students a lot of money, time, and effort. Students must be aware that coursework writing mistakes can cost them dearly. Due to these mistakes, a student can get poor grades or even fail the course.

To avoid this situation, students ought to do the coursework carefully. They cannot afford to make mistakes in it. However, coursework writing mistakes are commonplace. Students unknowingly make a lot of these mistakes.

Now the question arises; what are students' most common mistakes while writing their coursework? This article provides detail about the most common academic mistakes students commit. We shall also discuss briefly why students make these mistakes and how to avoid them. Let us begin by defining the coursework.

What is a Coursework?

Coursework is an academic task that students do for evaluation of their respective courses. It may be a thesis, dissertation, assignment, research paper, or proposal. Coursework writing varies from subject to subject. An English coursework will be quite different from a biology coursework. Most of the time, students are not allowed to take help from the teachers. Due to this, the chances of committing writing mistakes are higher.

After the work is done, it is checked by the teachers or instructors. They grade students depending on the quality of the coursework. If coursework contains many mistakes, the instructor will grant poor grades to students. Hence, it is important for students to avoid those coursework writing mistakes. Now we explain some reasons due to which students commit mistakes.

Why do Students Commit Mistakes in Coursework Writing?

Some of the reasons are listed below.


Students often show negligent behaviour while writing coursework. They do the coursework carelessly and do not care about the mistakes. Students think that they have completed their tasks by just writing the coursework. In fact, they still have a long way to go. 

Shortage of Time

Students often delay their coursework until the last minute. Students start the work when they are already short on time. Therefore, they are bound to make mistakes. The quality of coursework is affected if not given proper time. 

Lack of Writing Skills

Many students fail to develop good writing skills during their academic journey. This single failure costs them a lot during their professional career. A poorly written coursework does not fascinate the professor and thus leads to lower grades.

Lack of Comprehension Skills

Comprehending the coursework is the most important thing when it comes to writing it perfectly. Unfortunately, most students do not comprehend the coursework properly. As a result, they make coursework writing mistakes and get poor grades.

8 Common Coursework Writing Mistakes

It is paramount to discuss the most common coursework writing mistakes. These are the mistakes that you need to know about if you want to improve your coursework.

Students Who Do Not Follow The Instructions

A coursework generally comes with a set of instructions and rubrics. When a student fails to uphold those instructions, he will get low grades. Properly complying with all the instructions is a cumbersome task. It requires rigorous academic professionalism, and many students are unable to do so. As a result, they get low grades.


It is not wrong to say that plagiarism is one of the biggest coursework writing mistakes. It may be intentional or unintentional. When students are short on time, they intentionally turn in plagiarised coursework. However, it is unintentional most of the times. Students fail to credit sources and place borrowed sentences in quotation marks.

Non-Academic or Informal Tone

Academic style of writing is a skill. A good amount of time and practice is required to learn it. However, students mostly deal with each other in an informal way. This habit is magnified in their academic writing. They write in a casual way with an informal tone. This casts a negative impact on their grades.

Lack of Analytical Ability

Students often summarize rather than analyse the material they have read. Poor analysis has a detrimental effect on their grades. For a good analysis of the coursework, a student must know the practical application of knowledge. Unfortunately, many students lack this skill.

Wandering Off Topic

It is one of the biggest coursework writing mistakes. Dissertations and theses are quite lengthy and require patience. While writing them, students often go off-topic and start writing irrelevant details. In a bid to complete the word count, they write information irrelevant to the topic.

No Proofreading

Coursework is lengthy and difficult to complete. Writing a coursework is a gigantic task in itself. After doing it, students do not bother to read it. They leave several mistakes unchecked. Not reading your coursework after writing it makes it more prone to mistakes. As a result, it adversely affects the performance of students.

Lack of Research

Doing research is the most taxing part of a coursework. Students do not want to delve deeper into the research part as it is the most time-consuming activity. Lack of research is one of the students' biggest coursework writing mistakes.

Low-Quality Content and Writing

Students often take their coursework lightly. They are unaware of a course's seriousness or intentionally choose to remain unaware. Students do not bother to read quality authors and premium material. It ultimately hampers their performance in coursework.

Some Tips to Avoid Coursework Writing Mistakes

After describing some common mistakes, we now discuss some tips to void these coursework writing mistakes. Students should keenly follow the instructions for the coursework. They should start their coursework as early as possible. In this way, they can do quality research and avoid plagiarism. Moreover, students should only add relevant information in their dissertation, thesis, or essay. They should also give proper time to reread and edit their coursework. Students can also seek coursework help online if they feel lacking in some aspects of their coursework.


Writing a coursework is a demanding task and writing it without mistakes is even more hectic. Coursework writing mistakes result in poor grades. That is why it is important to avoid writing mistakes. This article identifies some coursework writing mistakes that are quite common among students. Make sure to stay away from these mistakes to write brilliant coursework. The article also provides some solutions to overcome these mistakes. Make sure to check them out.

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