7 Web Design Best Practices for Wearable Technology
As wearable technology keeps taking center stage, every web design company is trying to ramp up measures to incorporate flawless design for better UX. It is a fact that wearable technology is a game-changer in this age of technological advancement. The rise in popularity of wearables is another aspect why every web design company is on the quest to ace the craft of designing for them.
The wearable device market reached 722 million in 2019 and is expected to reach $340 billion by 2024! In 2020, it was noted that every 3 out of 5 folks used a wearable device. With such a promising market in the foresight, it is evident that every web design agency in NYC is trying hard to optimize better designs for them.
Web design Agency in NYC- Why would you care?
As the market keeps evolving for wearable devices, the requirement for wearable device-friendly custom website design in NYC will be the need of the hour. Wearable technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) will rule the tech space with innovation in the coming years. This means people will use websites from different devices, not just computers and phones.
As technology keeps advancing and more people start using wearables, your clients might want their websites to work on those devices too. Clients might go elsewhere to find what they need if you're not ready for these requests.
Even though wearable technology is still new, it's growing really fast. The nature of technology and wearable devices is changing quickly. Basic things like browsing the web, using social media, texting, taking pictures, and watching videos can already be done with wearables. As a web designer, your job will be to make this technology work well and look good.
Best Practices By Top Web Design Companies In USA For Wearable Technology
It is evident that the growth of wearable tech will leave an impact on web designing. Just like the popularity of smartphones & tablets urged designers to rethink the presentation style, wearable tech will have the same effect.
Here are the 7 best web design practices followed by top web design companies in USA:
Go Minimalistic
A minimalistic approach to web design has been a rising trend and will continue to be so in the days to come. When it comes to wearable technology, the space is limited for display. This is why the need to keep it clean and elegant is essential. This need leads to the trend of minimalistic design! The web design company in charge of your project should ensure that designers work smart and allow the content to take center stage.
Instant Information
Folks sporting wearable technology have the demand for instant information as a priority. This is more of a reason why they are choosing the wearable device firstly! As people cannot take the phone out every time from their pockets, they switch to a wearable with instant access to information!
This emphasizes the need to prioritize a design approach that ensures easy access to information. Start with understanding the device's functionality and why a user is using it. Understanding their expectation will ensure that you strip away unnecessary elements that distract a user's path to information.
KISS- The key is here
KISS, or "Keep it Simple, Stupid," is the absolute key to ensuring a flawless UI/UX for wearable technology. Stay away from the urge to add excess features or information to your design. Figure out a single use case and build your design around it. Adding multiple use cases will lead to a cluttered experience for the user.
When opting for custom website design in NYC, ensure that the team of designers at the helm understands the wearable tech's core value. Their aim should be to keep the user engaged with one functionality at one point in time. Hovering too many options often increases the bounce rate and reduces returning users in the app.
Text Size- Size matters, indeed!
Font size is another critical element of wearable tech web design. Ensure a text size of 12 pt. or higher. Even if the device has a limited scope of displaying web pages or content, ensure that a user can read the text on the screen.
The font size can be increased depending on the screen size of the wearable device. The focus should be to keep information without any fluff. In the case of short information, using a big font makes it easy for the user to communicate with the device.
Filter Interruptions
A flurry of notifications has always been a reason to worry, even when it comes to large-screen smartphones. However, the same frequency of notifications on a wearable device will definitely irritate the user immensely.
While we understand that notifications are important, it isn't very pleasant when they keep buzzing on the skin. This is why applying a filter on the information passed to the user is essential. Reduce the frequency of the notification so that it doesn't irritate the user.
If something is mandatory for a user, ensure they get a high-quality notification. The key to a successful wearable technology web design is showing the right information to the user at the right time. If a designer aces this, there's no stopping the success of wearable tech.
Additionally, allow the users to configure and give permission to the notifications on the device. Giving the autonomy to the user to control the notifications, screen glow, and vibration will help score brownie points in the user base.
The Non-Visual Cues
Another way of interacting with wearable tech is through non-visual cues. This non-visual cue system includes haptic feedback, vibration, and gestures. The idea of web design is more than just visuals. It extends to the various non-visuals cues such as the ones mentioned above.
Adding gestures to the design is a critical task. This is because gestures are generally popular, but if the implementation is wrong, there's no point to it. The key aim of a gesture should be to keep it as natural as possible. The user should not feel like adding an extra task to their daily routine with wearable tech gestures. Voice inputs to get work done is another feature that can amplify the user experience in the wearable technology space.
Personal Touch
One of the biggest reasons why folks love wearable technology is the option of customization it offers. The segment leader, Apple, has become a household name in the wearable space because of its high-customization ability. Users love to use and interact with a design that offers them a personal touch.
Now that you know the best design practices, it's time to take a sneak peek at the future of the wearable technology industry.
The Future of the Wearables
Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and AR/VR headsets have been in the market for quite some time now since the advent of wearable technology. The future will be exciting in this space as the idea of wearables will keep becoming an intrinsic part of our daily lives! Here's what you can expect-
Reduce Visibility
As we progress, the wearables are all set to be less visible. Instead of looking like a fitness band or smartwatch, the devices will look more like jewelry or accessories. This is to hide it from public view and helps the device become a part of the outfit. There have already been smart wearable rings in the market that look like jewelry but function as safety wearable gadgets.
Healthcare Wearables
As the healthtech space constantly emerges, the demand for a reputed web design company will shoot immensely. Multiple wearable devices are meant for medical diagnosis and predictive treatment. These help reduce hospital readmission rates in the US and smoothly accelerate the shift to a value-based care model. Further, medical scientists are developing wearable tech devices that can be paired under the skin. It will help gain vital health information which is not easily accessible currently.
The growing use of wearable tech for the purpose of authentication shows clear future trends. Authentication through wearable devices allows users to get access to something exclusive. Disney uses a "MagicBand," a wearable tech that enables users to access rides at the park without human interaction. Smart Tattoos are also entering the market, where a temporary tattoo can be scanned to access certain information.
These future developing trends only make the scene challenging for a web design company. The designers are tasked with the responsibility of upskilling for such complex design projects. Due to the growing market, Web design agencies in NYC are flooded with inquiries for such wearable tech projects. However, if you are choosing an agency for a wearable tech custom web design in NYC, here are a few things to keep in mind-
Key points to consider before selecting a web design company
Once your requirements are clear, it is time to select a web development company that will partner you to success.
Expertise in Industry Domain
With so many companies offering custom web design in NYC, this has to be the first point of consideration while choosing a partner. Check whether the company has relevant expertise in your industry. A good web development company will inform you about their expertise and skill set right when you take the project to them.
Support Guarantee
The support and service ethics make or break the reputation of a web development company. Ask clear questions about the support services they will offer after design and development of the website. Top web design companies in USA will offer total support and AMC of your project when required. Stay away from agencies that leave you at your discretion right after the web design work is completed.
Clear Communication Channels
Creating a website is a big job for any company, and it involves a lot of back-and-forth discussions to really grasp what's needed. So, before you decide on a company to build your website, it's important to know how they handle communication. You might want to find out if their team that works on the website can talk to you through different channels like mobile calls, chats, emails, WhatsApp, and even video calls. It's also a good idea to ask who you should get in touch with if you have questions. And don't forget to inquire about how quickly they usually respond to queries. This way, you can be sure you're choosing a company that's easy to talk to and can keep the conversation flowing smoothly.
The wearable tech space is constantly evolving, and agencies and businesses must understand the design approach. The design is the key when it comes to gauging the success of a wearable device. With all the information in this article, you can make an informed decision while considering crucial design aspects.