7 Tips to Sell Your Home for More Money
2 months ago
5 min read

7 Tips to Sell Your Home for More Money

Is it time to list your property for sale? If yes, then you’ll find this piece quite informative. Just like most homeowners, you want to sell your home easily and at the best price that it deserves.

Did you know that there are a few key ways to boost your property's worth at the time of sale? The following blog provides the real estate agents in Castlegar with secrets to boost your property value. So, if you want to list your home at a higher price, give this one a thorough read.

Factors That Can Impact Your Home Value:

A home's value and sales price are affected by numerous factors. If you want to improve its value, you must know these factors. Let's take a look at what these are:

  • The real estate market is among the major factors. If the selling market is strong, then you can see the property value elevate, while if it is going downhill, you may want to wait for it to rebound.

  • Your property's location can also play a role. Buyers also consider the neighborhood when buying a home.

  • Home cleanliness can also make or break a property deal.

  • Property features, such as bathrooms, bedrooms, and size, also impact the property value.

7 Must-Follow Tips to Improve Home Value:

Before you set up your property price, read the following tips to potentially improve your home’s worth:

1. Hiring a Local Real Estate Agent:

A realtor in your home-selling journey is crucial, especially a local one. They have expert knowledge of local real estate and know it inside and out. Partnering with them is a surefire way to sell your home quickly and at the best price.

The National Association of Realtors found that in 2021, homes listed by realtors sold for a median price of $318,000, while those without one only fetched a price of $260,000. So, investing in a professional real estate agent in Castlegar can significantly impact your property's worth.

2. Focusing on High ROI Improvements:

Did you know that through some specific repairs and remodeling, you can significantly boost property value? These are high return on investment (ROI) or value-adding improvements. Most home buyers are against major remodelling projects like adding a swimming pool or storage spaces. You can make specific improvements around the house that may not look like much but offer more than what you spend.

Some home improvement projects that are property value boosters include adding new faucets and lighting, giving your property a fresh coat, and replacing the front door. These can all add value to the property and help you during the selling process. However, consult a real estate professional before making any new additions to your property.

3. Not Ignoring the Home Exterior:

Just as much as the interior of your property matters, the same goes for the exterior. Picture this: you listed your property for sale. A couple comes in to view your property. But as soon as they reach your driveway, they see your front yard in tatters while your gutters are clogged and your roof is covered with debris. Would you be against them if they chose to look somewhere else?

Probably not, right? As it is the first thing that property owners view when they look at your property, ensure it makes a great first impression. Ensure your lawn is level, bushes are pruned, and the roof is debris-free. A clean house fetches a better price with the convincing of a real estate agent than a house that looks haunted.

4. Getting a Pre-Listing Inspection:

Before you put your home on the seller's market, if you are truly asking for a good price, you do not want any unwanted surprises to pop up. These unexpected issues could give you leeway to negotiate a lower price or even back out of a sale.

A pre-inspection allows you to get a better idea of any major and minor repairs beforehand. Knowing these issues can help you get them fixed while also settling on a price that sounds more realistic and has little room for negotiation.

5. Having a realistic price:

The best way to sell your home at a good price is by settling on a realistic price. We know some may disagree, but if you want to prevent buyers from walking out of your front door, then having realistic expectations is the way to go.

We don't mean taking your home prices and dragging them on the ground; it is all about finding the sweet spot of pricing that does not make your home feel overpriced. The best way to get that sweet spot is by consulting with a knowledgeable realtor. Having a local real estate agent in Castlegar can help with property pricing and getting it sold.

6. Sell it at the right time:

Time is a crucial factor when selling your home. The real estate market is always changing. Sometimes, it moves up, driving sale prices upward, while in other instances, it can fall, reducing your property value as well.

To get the best value for your home, you must maximize your effort to sell it. You can do that best by consulting with a real estate professional. They can offer insight into the current market and assess whether it's the right time to sell your property.

7. Negotiate the Best Offer, Not the Highest Offer:

Rather than taking the first highest offer for your house that comes your way, be sure to read the terms the buyers have brought up. These terms can sometimes include contingencies. These specific terms in the contract provide power to the buyer or seller to cancel the agreement if the terms are not met.

Make sure to read the contract before signing it. Additionally, you can ask the real estate agent to review and summarise it for you. This helps you know if the offer placed is acceptable or not.

Final Note:

In conclusion, if you plan on selling your property, be sure to partner up with a local real estate agent in Castlegar. Additionally, make improvements to your home and do not ignore the exterior. Rather than setting a higher price, set the right price and consult with a realtor about whether it is the right time to sell your home or not. With these tips, you can sell your product at its maximum value. For further guidance, check out this source: www.sherbinin.com


1. What is the most profitable way to sell my house?

Some profitable ways to sell a house include the following:

  • Finding a trusted real estate expert.

  • Investing in value-added improvements.

  • Improving your property's exterior.

2. What type of house sells best?

Bigger homes sell for better prices compared to homes with smaller spaces.

3. How Can I Make My House Nice for Sale?

Upgrading fixtures and improving exteriors are great ways to improve your property's appearance and make it look ready for sale. Give your walls a fresh coat, and consider trimming your lawn to make it presentable.

4. What gives value to a property?

High ROI improvements, location, appearance, and features all add to your property value.