7 Best Books That Expand Your Mind and Intelligence
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7 Best Books That Expand Your Mind and Intelligence

There are two categories of people who look for book recommendations. The first category is book lovers; the only issue of book lovers is that they struggle to find more books of their interest. It is like after reading almost all the famous books comes the time when you start looking for books through your preferred genre. The second category is beginners who want to experience the world of books. Irrespective of the fact; which of the previously mentioned category do you belong to, this post is going to help you in finding some interesting books specifically in the genre of mind and intelligence expansion.

You can easily take help from online sites whether it is a book recommendation or academic assistance in the form of pay someone to do my assignment services. Textual expression of knowledge is a remnant of the past but it is still dominant today (Turčić et al, 2019). So; now; it is time to delve into the world of books and familiarize our readers with some of the best books that will expand your mind and intelligence.

7 best books that expand your mind and intelligence:

When students struggle to fix errors in their academic projects; they can take the assistance of free plagiarism checker for students UK or can take the help of professional writers. But when you struggle to find a book then the posts like these are going to be helpful.

There are some books that are read just for fun while some are meant to add to your knowledge. There are different genres of books for different age groups like best books for young readers, fictional books, and so on. The below-mentioned books are the kind of books that will add to your knowledge and will increase your IQ;

1.     A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson:

This is the book in which Bill Bryson has discussed everything about the world and the universe that has happened up till now. This book covers the topics like the big bang theory, the rise of civilization, how people learned about space of time, gravity, and so many things in between. In fact; this book has everything about everyone who knows little to nothing about science but wants to learn about it.

This book is so well-written that it keeps the readers hooked with interesting facts about the world. One of the famous lines in the book goes as;

“99.99 percent of all species that have ever lived are no longer with us.”

2.     What if by Randall Munroe:

It is one of the best books for young adults self help to them discovering their inner selves. This is the book in which the author asks hypothetical questions sent by the people and then answers them. These questions include; what if your cells suddenly stopped working? What if everyone had only one soul mate? And questions like these. One of the famous lines of this book goes as;

“Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing.”

3.     Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen hawking:

While talking about some mind-expanding books, how can we forget a book written by the greatest mind of them all; Stephen Hawking? Stephen Hawking was of the view that life might seem difficult but there always is something in which you can succeed (helpwithdissertation, 2022). This book affiliates the reader with some of the greatest mysteries of the world and how science helps in solving those mysteries or how science is an answer to all those mysteries.

Stephen hawking uses his dry wit to highlight some of the complex challenges that the human race is facing in today’s time and how science helps us in understanding those challenges. One of the famous lines of this book goes as;

“Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.”

4.     Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell:

“Outliers” is a book that will expand your mind and intelligence for sure. This book discusses how it takes a lot more to be successful than hard work and effort.  The author discusses the rare opportunities, the coincidences, the fate that is thrown along the way and people grasp it which makes them successful. He gives examples of some famous people along with their success stories. One of the famous lines of this book goes as;

“But before he could become an expert, someone had to give him the opportunity to learn how to be an expert.”

5.      The 7 Habits of the Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey:

How often should you read to your child is the question that parents often ask themselves. The answer to this question might vary from person to person but this is the book that you should definitely read to your children. It is a book that focuses on the basic principles of fairness, integrity, credibility, honesty, and human dignity that must not be changed with the passage of time.

Some such principles and habits are discussed that affect the personality of the individuals from four dimensions; which are physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional dimensions. One of the famous lines of this book goes as;

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”

6.     The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:

There is a high chance that you might have already heard about this book as well as the author of the book. However; if you have not read it yet then now is the time because it is one of the best books that will add to your knowledge. It teaches about the power and wisdom that one gain after listening to one’s heart and recognizing the opportunities that are thrown in his way.

The message is given in the form of a magical tale where a young boy embarks on the journey of finding the treasure and came across different experiences along the way. One of the famous lines of this book goes as;

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are." 

7.     Brainiac by Ken Jennings:

Brainiac is a kind of commentary and exploration of the world through the eyes of an author. The author won 74 games consecutive on a show “Trivia” and he explains his journey on that show and how he won those games in this book. He discusses everything about his journey from the pub-playing host of friends to the elite college students quiz. It in fact is a thoughtful and lively exploration of the subculture. One of the famous lines of his book goes as;

“We are currently living in a Bizarro society where teenagers are technology-obsessed, where the biggest sellers in every bookstore are fantasy novels about a boy wizard, and the blockbuster hit movies are all full of hobbits and elves or 1960s spandex superheroes.”


The above-mentioned books are some of the best that can help individuals to add to their knowledge and broaden their knowledge. Hopefully; readers can enjoy these books with their cup of coffee.


helpwithdissertation. (2022, July 20th). Stephen Hawking: Complete Biography. https://www.helpwithdissertation.co.uk/blog/stephen-hawking-complete-biography/ .

Maja Turčić, T. v. (2019, Jan 30th). Why do we digitize books instead of knowledge? scientific journal for printing and graphic communications , 35-41.



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