5 Low-Content Books You Could Write Today and Make Money
2 months ago
3 min read

5 Low-Content Books You Could Write Today and Make Money

Photo by Kasturi Roy on Unsplash

Want to publish a book but are having trouble writing the perfect manuscript? Writing low-content books is a straightforward way for almost anyone to become a published author — no writing skills are required.

What is a Low Content Book, and Why Should You Write One?

Nowadays, many people profit from creating low-content books. A low-content book is one that requires little to no original written content.

You can even scale a book publishing business without writing a single word with software like Book Bolt.

Book Bolt is a beginner-friendly low-content book publishing software that allows you to create books from scratch.

These books frequently feature a collection of something or encourage users to engage in specific activities within the book. Journaling, sketching, coloring, painting, and possibly even completing activities outside of the pages are examples of these activities.

Profitable Low Content Books You Can Write Now

If writing a novel is not for you, you can try any of these low-content books. Here are five examples of popular types to consider writing:

1. Guest book

The guest book is a popular type of low-content book. Throughout the year, people gather to celebrate a variety of occasions. Guest books come in handy in this situation. A guest book can be easily created for events such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and holiday gatherings.

2. Journals

Journals are an important part of most people’s daily lives. This is why it is also one of the simplest and most widely read low-content books. Depending on the target market you choose, you can choose from a wide range of journals.

3. Coloring books

Although it is true that the market for coloring books is already oversaturated or that it is too generic, it is still one of the most popular and well-known types of low-content books available.

4. Crossword puzzles and word games

Word games and crossword puzzle books are also well-known favorites. Although it appears to be a text-heavy project, you can lighten the load by using online word game generators.

6. Planners

Planners are the most time-consuming to create when compared to other low-content books. Making it more appealing to customers would imply putting more effort into designing the interior and cover page.

Planners, on the other hand, are thought to be the most sustainable type when compared to other low-content books. This is why most self-publishing authors rely on creating planners that target specific niches. You could, for example, design a garden planner or a small business planner.

Key Takeaway

This can serve as a stepping stone as you advance in your writing career. Having a published journal or other books can provide you with the necessary experience to write your novel when the time comes.

Do you have any previous experience writing and publishing low-content books? What did you take away from the experience? Is it something you’d consider doing to write one of these books? Please share your thoughts!