2 months ago
4 min read

4 Reasons to Use Mean Stack for Your Web Development Project

Until a few years ago, HTML and CSS were primarily used for web development. Not to mention, website and application development used to be a time-consuming process since it involves numerous challenging approaches right from server configuration to programming to deployment. However, with the advancement in technology in the past few years, all these things can now be done in a quick turnaround time with the help of software stacks that come with modern features and functionalities. In other words, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that software stacks have brought a paradigm shift in the web development industry.

mean stack development company

Today, web developers are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a tech stack for developing dynamic websites and applications. The abundance of software stack has made the field immensely crowded. Therefore, it becomes imperative to choose a software stack that is consistent, standardized, and delivers effective results. Considering this, many web developers prefer to use a stack that is a combination of frameworks and libraries to expedite the development process and achieve faster and better results. MEAN stack is one such fusion of advanced frameworks and libraries that allow web developers to create dynamic websites and applications. This JavaScript-based tech stack is widely used by developers for creating a robust backend for websites and web applications. What’s more interesting to note is that JavaScript has successfully completed its 10th year in a row as the most commonly used programming language. Before diving deep into the reasons to choose MEAN for your next web development project, let’s quickly understand what exactly MEAN stack is.  

What is MEAN Stack?

MEAN is a free and open-source software stack primarily composed of four major components including MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and NodeJS. Each technology works synergistically in this software suite and allows developers to create websites and web applications. The best part of the MEAN stack is that it uses JavaScript for both front-end and back-end, which in turn, provides great flexibility to developers for web development. Furthermore, this JavaScipt-based stack allows web developers to build prototypes of web-based apps systematically and quickly. Today, many leading brands are using MEAN Stack development for building robust and scalable enterprise-grade web app solutions.

Key Reasons to Consider MEAN Stack for Web Development

1) Budget-Friendly Development

As stated above, MEAN is a free and open-source software stack of JavaScript-based components. Being open-source in nature, anyone can download and use it for free. In other words, there is no need to pay any licensing cost when using MEAN stack for web development. When compared to the LAMP stack, web development using MEAN requires only a few developers since all the components of MEAN are JS-based, unlike the LAMP stack, where each component is different, such as L stands for Linux, A stands for Apache, M stands for MySQL, and P stands for PHP. Not to mention, JS offers easy code-sharing features, which in turn, allows developers to reduce the high web development cost and time.

2) A Wide Pool of Talent

When it comes to MEAN Stack development, you need to look for developers having rich proficiency in JavaScript since it acts as the foundation of this open-source software stack. Furthermore, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language that is used by 67.9% of professional developers globally, according to the 2022 Developer Survey report published by Stack Overflow. This clearly indicates that the demand for JavaScript is unparalleled and when a programming language is in-demand, you can easily find a strong pool of talented developers having rich expertise in the same. Always remember that hiring JavaScript developers from an offshore region allows you to cut down on the high development costs.

3) Unmatched Performance

Node.JS is one of the key components of MEAN stack development that is renowned for its unparalleled performance. The high-end outputs of this runtime environment can be used to develop dynamic web applications. The best part of Node.JS is that it is easy to understand and use as compared to other programming languages such as Ruby, Python, and PHP. Furthermore, Node.JS is ideal for creating server-side solutions and tools since it ensures outstanding backend services. Renowned FinTech brands like PayPal shifted to Node.JS from Java and witnessed that their application takes 75% less time to load web pages. Similarly, LinkedIn moved away from Ruby on Rails to Node.JS and reduced their code lines from 60K to 2K, which leads to better app performance, up to 20x faster.

4) Backed by a Strong Community

Being the most commonly used programming language, JavaScript is backed by a large and active community of developers who are always contributing to this open-source JS-based software stack. Furthermore, these tech enthusiasts are always available to help other full-stack developers with their challenges.

Summing Up

MEAN is one of the coveted tech stacks for web development. If you are also planning to invest in web application development, you should consider using this JS-based software stack. Partner with a professional MEAN stack development company and get a dynamic, feature-rich, and scalable web application tailored to your business requirements.