35+ Lesser-Known Genders in the Present Day You May Not Know
Many people struggle to understand how to cope with the constantly shifting environment we are, more often than not, forced to in a world of kaleidoscope thinking and social conformity. The view of genders in a society that is battling to advance with the rest of the world in terms of social concepts and culture is one of these ever-changing social constructs.
Gender and sex, two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, are very distinct from one another.
The distinction between gender and sex
The term "sex" refers to the biological traits, such as genitalia and chromosome makeup, that determine a person's assigned sex at birth. The person is typically labelled as intersex, male, or female. A person's "natal sex" is their allocated sex.
However, a person's social identity is determined by their gender. Gender is not binary like sex. It spans a wide scope. A person can identify anywhere along the spectrum scale, or they can choose not to identify at all.
"Gender refers to the socially constructed features of women and men, such as norms, roles, and connections of and between groups of women and men," according to the World Health Organization. It can be altered and differs from society to society.
Being both bisexual and asexual
Bisexuals are drawn to both sexes romantically or sexually. Initially, the term "bisexual" was used to refer to people who possessed both masculine and female organs. Being attracted to both genders has changed the meaning of the phrase over time. Any sex can attract a man who identifies as bisexual, and the opposite is also true.
Being sexually attracted to no sex is referred to as asexuality. The prefix "a-" and the term "sexual" are combined to form the noun. It might or might not be seen as having a sexual orientation.
Gender expression and identity
A person's gender identity is how they see themselves. They may be cis-gender (a member of the LGBTQ+ community who identifies with the gender assigned at birth) or non-binary.
It is the notion of one's identity. The gender spectrum may or may not be appropriate.
On the other side, gender expression refers to how an individual presents themselves within social norms. It might or might not be seen favorably by every single person in society.
For instance, a person may identify as non-binary but communicate with the outer world as a guy.
Following is the list of 35+ genders you may be surprised to hear:
1 Agender
one who does not identify as either gender and does not correspond to any given gender.
2 Adamas gender
a gender that cannot be determined. People who identify as this gender do not fit well into any one gender category.
3 Agenderflux
a person who mostly identifies as agender but occasionally transitions to another gender.
4 Amaregender
a person whose gender identity changes depending on their relationships.
5 Ambigender
a person who consistently identifies as each of two distinct genders.
6 Ambonec
a person who belongs to none of the genders but who identifies as both men and women.
7 Androgyne
a person whose physical attributes are neither considered feminine nor masculine.
8 Aromantic
a person who is sexually attracted to someone but has no romantic interest in them.
9 Bisexual
a person who is attracted to someone of the same sex or the opposite sex romantically and sexually.
10 Boyflux
a person who, while identifying as male, falls in between the male and the agender spectrum in terms of masculinity.
11 Butch
a person who possesses unusually masculine traits or characteristics.
12 Cavusgender
When depressed, a person who identifies as cavusgender feels more like one gender than the other.
13 Cisgender
a person who accepts the gender and sex assigned to them at birth.
14 Cloudgender
a person with depersonalization and derealization conditions whose gender cannot be determined.
15 Collgender
a person who simultaneously identifies with multiple genders.
16 Commogender
a person who, despite not being cisgender, long ago began to identify as one.
17 Condigender
a person who only feels the effects of their gender in specific situations.
18 Deliciagender
a person who is more than one gender but favours one over the others
19 Demifluid
a person who has both fluid and static gender identities.
20 Demigender
a person who exhibits both partial and full characteristics of another gender identity.
21 Domgender
Despite having many gender identities, a Domgender individual favours one above the others.
22 Duragender
a person with more than one gender identity, one of which is more persistent than the others.
23 Existigender
a person who only becomes aware of their gender after attempting to do so.
24 Femme
a lesbian who shows their identity through feminine behaviours and appearances.
25 Gay
a male who has feelings for another male.
26 Gemigender
a person with opposing gender identities who nevertheless cooperate.
27 Gender expansive
a person whose gender identity is a little more ambiguous than the standard gender binary.
28 Genderfluid
a person whose gender identity fluctuates over time and between locations.
29 Gender outlaw
a person whose biological sex does not correspond to the expectations of society.
30 Genderqueer or non-binary
a catch-all word for those who do not conform to the gender binary.
31 Intersex
a person who has hermaphroditism, a condition in which they are born with both male and female parts.
32 Lesbian
a female who is drawn to women both romantically and sexually.
33 Masculine of centre
a person who tends to lean more toward the male end of the gender spectrum. People who are born with feminine sex but are not limited to it typically use it.
34 Omnigender
An omnigender individual has all genders and experiences all of them.
35 Pansexual
A pangender individual may alternate between their identities over time or believe they have a single, consistent identity.
36 Transgender
a someone whose gender identity is different than the sex they were given at birth.
37 Two spirits
a word that includes cultural, spiritual, sexual, and gender identities that are utilised in some indigenous groups.
So many different gender identities in all
Gender identities are prevalent in varying numbers throughout history and today. There are many more identities outside of the spectrum than there are within it. Thus, it is impossible to estimate the number of gender identities that exist at any particular time.
In summary, gender is a broad spectrum with many subgroups and categories. In a society where only heterosexual relationships are socially acceptable, it might be difficult to accept one's sexuality. A new generation has emerged, bringing acceptance and love to it.
Perhaps this will be the international breakthrough that the community needs.