3 Ways to Deal With Idiots Around You
Has it ever happened to you that you have found yourself trapped between the stupid idiots who think they are amazing but they actually don't understand anything? For me, it has been a constant "duck-them-and-leave-before-they-notice-you" situation. These people sometimes pretend they are the masters in their game and they are the ones everyone has been waiting for. They are toxic to everyone's mental and emotional health.
There are many ways to leave them on their own, but the best methods to deal with them are as under:
Be a little more savage than you are, when around them
These people only want attention. They have no brains to understand that there are others who wouldn't care even if they didn't exist. For such people, ignoring is not the key. They will take ignoring as a way to proceed with their way and they will not leave your back. So the best way to ask them to back off is to say something savage and ego-hurting. This will make them step off and they will themselves start maintaining distance from you. Trust me, if the person is of low IQ and high ego, you are going to save yourself every time without trying to take the moral high ground or a useless stupid excuse.
Point out their error with facts
People who like to listen well about themselves don't care if there is someone talking about anything else. So, giving them focus is the best way to avoid them. But just giving them your attention will make your brains explode. So, just point out something wrong in all they say. Keep finding faults in them. Initially, they might let it go, but slowly, rather than you avoiding them, they will avoid you. A tried and tested method to make these stubborn idiots understand that they are not needed and that you have a better IQ than them and therefore, all they will do will insult them only.
Casually slip into a topic that touches their silent nerve
It is very fascinating to say something and make the other person silent. But it is more interesting when the other person's silent nerve is touched. this way, they will not only be quiet with you, but with everyone around. And believe me, everyone enjoys the quietness of the storm than the blabber of a stupid.
There have been times when there are many more ways than the scenarios mentioned above. If you think there are some more points I have missed, let's talk about the same. Let us pledge to remove weird idiots from our groups or transform them into really knowledgeable people.