10 Food That Humans Can Share With Their Dog
It’s hard to resist those literal puppy dog eyes staring up at you, while you’re enjoying a slice of pizza dogs build up a large appetite after a day of playing exercising, and just running around at times, you might even feel like there’s no point in filling up Their stomachs. Still, as those eyes look up at you and make you temporarily want to give your puppy a slice you snap out of it and think that only dog food is meant for dogs and you’re being a responsible pet parent by not giving in.
While It’s true that dog food is meant for dogs, hence the name, That’s not all they can eat. Perhaps they can’t nibble on pizza, but they can have the occasional scoop of peanut butter, watermelon, or even eggs. Today we’re looking at 10 foods, you thought were meant only for humans, but are meant for you and your canine companion.
1. Coconut
Not only is coconut safe for your dog to eat. It’s also incredibly healthy, too. Coconut contains lauric acid, an acid that wards off bacteria and viruses. It is an easily digestible fatty acid. That’s taken up by cells as a single molecule, meaning they provide a sufficient source of energy for diseases commonly ward off by lauric acid including influenza, ringworms, and giardia. The island fruit is also known for reducing bad breath and clearing skin conditions such as flea, allergies, itchiness, and hot spots.
Coconut contains several antioxidants that are meant to detoxify your pet’s immune system and help it combat diseases. You can feed your dog raw, coconut shredded or you can give them coconut milk. The only important consideration to make here is that your dog shouldn’t get any piece of the shell in its bowl. Your pet can’t digest that and it might become a choking hazard.
2. Carrots,
Carrots aren’t just safe for canine consumption, they’re, actually incredible contributors to their nutrition and have several benefits for your pet’s health they’re. Also, the most effortless snack for a pet is warm up and soften a few babies.
Carrots and That’s it an overwhelming majority of people neglect to take care of their dog’s oral concerns. They rely on the mechanical plaque, removing features to self-cleanse the dog’s teeth. However, several foods aren’t designed with plaque removing features, especially not a dog, food carrots can act as mechanical and self-cleansing tools that prevent plaque from building up in your canine’s mouth.
An over-accumulation of plaque can result in said plaque, hardening and turning into calculus, which would, in turn, cause bleeding gums and mobile teeth. You can’t get down to brush your pet’s teeth every night, which you ideally should you can give them a carrot to nibble on. They are also a high source of vitamins and an essential vitamin for both humans and canines.
Carrots contain beta-carotene, which helps in building better eyesight vitamin a also has several dermatological and antioxidant benefits. Carrots are low effort yet the whole snack for pets.
3. Eggs
Eggs were long grouped with chocolate for being incredibly hazardous for a dog’s health. The reasoning came from the fact that eggs are high in cholesterol. Pet parents were worried, that they’d mess up their pet’s diet if they gave them a share of their breakfast. This myth has been busted in recent years with experts showing that the cholesterol in eggs is good for their health rather than otherwise, and It’s not just the yolk, the white, or both It’s the entire egg right down to the eggshell raw eggshells should be Boiled and sterilized before they’re crushed and placed in a doggy bowl, the eggshells constitute a rich source of calcium for your pet and help in building bone health and builds stronger enamel for teeth.
It is, however, advised that only give your pet cooked egg meals or a combination of cooked and uncooked eggs. Uncooked eggs may lead to dietary biotin insufficiency.
4. Green beans,
Fiber omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins a c and k folic, acid, magnesium, calcium iron, and potassium need. I go on well what you just heard were the nutritional components of green beans, a superfood for dogs laden with vitamins A, K, and C green beans are best served on their own with no salt, garlic, or any other seasoning. It might be prudent to mention here that garlic should never be added to dog food. It’s harmful to their intestines and no amount of flavoring is justified for making your dog sick.
Vitamin A in green beans serves several dermatological properties and improves eyesight vitamin K helps in blood clotting. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin needed to boost immunity. What works for you also works for them.
5. Salmon,
While some might argue that a salmon is a pricey option for a pet. It doesn’t hurt to spoil your dog every once in a while right, especially if you’re giving them something with nutritional properties such as salmon. All fish is suitable for dog consumption. Interestingly, not all dogs can digest chicken and other meat, but they can digest.
Fish salmon is a rich source of essential omega-3 acids, antioxidants, and macronutrients primarily proteins. However, it is prudent to check the ingredients on the back of canned tuna salmon can be infected with microorganisms if left canned for too long. This might lead to several serious diseases, ultimately resulting in death.
6. Yogurt
Yogurt is an all-year-round, treat for your pooch frozen yogurt in summers, helps cool them down and regular yogurt can be enjoyed in winter months with the same benefits as milk. If not, more, yogurt has several of the same nutritional components as milk, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin c calcium aids in bone and tooth health.
Magnesium keeps your dog up and about while vitamin c helps them in staying strong enough to ward off diseases. Speaking yogurt also contains several probiotics good bacteria that are essential to aid in digestion. Dogs with impaired natural flora in their intestines often have disrupted stool habits, probiotics and yogurt replenish the flora.
7. Pumpkin
Now your dog can’t sip your latte, but your dog can virtually enjoy any other part of the pumpkin raw or cooked, but without Any seasoning, pumpkin is an excellent fruit to give a dieting pooch because it has a lower amount of natural sugar than most fruits.
It also has a rich amount of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. On top of this, pumpkin seeds contain essential oils that are proven to aid in restoring urinary tract habits in your puppy. If your puppy is seemingly incontinent and has been having a hard time lately being regular feed them. A couple of pumpkin seeds for a while and you’ll see a noticeable change.
8. Peanut butter.
Peanut butter isn’t just safe for canine consumption. It’s also a treat that they enjoy the most a jar of healthy, organic peanut butter is a host of several vitamins needed to keep your dog healthy. The notion that peanut butter will pack on calories is a bit misguided too much of anything can be bad for anyone. Peanut butter is a lot lower in calories and fat than other spreads plus. Why deprive your puppy of a little snack now and then.
9. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a cereal with omega-6 linoleic acid and a handful of micronutrients that aid in improving your puppy’s health. It is also a safer option for canine consumption compared to other grains because of its low gluten content. The cereal should be prepared in the simplest way possible, boil some into a porridge and serve it without any seasoning trust me, your dog will love it even without any condiments.
10. Berries,
Blueberries, Strawberries, and Blackberries are three berries you probably love to munch on that. Your dog does, too, these berries are packed to the brim, with antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and maintain your puppy’s cell health. They also contain vitamin c and certain enzymes that not only boost your puppy’s immune system but also ward off several carcinogens. Let your dog nibble on a few strawberries. You might just be saving its life.
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